Truro School One Way Circuit Communique

  • Truro School will be introducing a One Way Circuit to ease traffic congestion on Trennick Lane. It will come into operation on Mon 22 August.

How will it work?

  • All traffic is to enter Truro School up Trennick Lane directly to the Sir Ben Ainslie car park where they can either park, drop off or collect passengers.
  • No vehicles are to pull into either the Old Sports Hall car park or the car park by the Tuck Shop to drop off or collect passengers.
  • All vehicles are to leave the Sir Ben Ainslie car park via the exit to the rear right of the Sports Centre.
  • The Sir Ben Ainslie car park is being remarked and new signs erected around the circuit to allow for a one way flow around the car parkand to allow parents to find a parking space and then leave safely via the rear exit.
  • Between 0900 – 1500 Monday to Friday school visitors may travel up to the front of the School via the ‘Snake’ and park in front of the chapel but will not be allowed to go beyond the chapel. No Entry signs will be in place at the bottom of the ‘Snake’ when it cannot be accessed.
  • From 1500 on a Friday until 0900 on a Monday there will be no access up the ‘Snake’ at any time. All traffic is to enter Truro School via Trennick Lane.
  • The One Way circuit as described above will operate throughout the year regardless of whether it is term time, half term, holidays or bank holidays.


  • Trennick Lane is a public highway so it cannot be turned into a one way street. As such some traffic such as School minibuses, delivery vans, waste collection and farm vehicles will still be travelling down Trennick Lane so drivers must exercise caution when driving up Trennick Lane.
  • When driving down the Snake between 0900 – 1500 drivers must exercise caution as school visitors may be driving up the Snake.
  • Emergency vehicles will take the quickest route to the nearest point to the incident which may involve driving up the ‘Snake’.


  • When you have entered either the Sir Ben Ainslie, astroturf or overflow car parks you will only be able to leave via the exit at the rear of the Sports Centre. This will be in force 24/7.
  • There will still be some traffic driving down Trennick Lane and up the Snake so drivers must take appropriate caution when entering or leaving the School.
  • It is imperative that all drivers comply with the traffic markings and road signs at all times to prevent accidents and congestion.


Q. Can I leave the SBA car park and go down Trennick Lane at any time?

A. No. There will be No Entry signs in place and all vehicles will be directed to exit via the rear of the Sports Centre.

Q. If I am parked by the astroturf pitch or on the overflow car park above the pitches when I leave can I turn right by the astroturf and go down Trennick Lane?

A. No. You must drive across into the SBA car park and leave via the exit at the rear of the Sports Centre. A mirror will be placed on the left of the junction to allow you to see cars coming up and downTrennick Lane.

Q. If my vehicle is too large for the exit at the rear of the SBA may I leave down Trennick Lane?

A. If you think this is the case you must contact the Duty Caretaker to arrange marshalling. This can be achieved through the Reception desk in the SBA Centre.

Q. If the SBA car park is full can I drive straight across to the astroturf or overflow parking?

A. No. You must leave the SBA car park via the exit at the rear of the Sports Centre. There are additional parking spaces at the rear of the swimming pool if these are full you will need to exit down the ‘Snake’ and drive up Trennick Lane again but then turn left tothe overflow car park.

Q. If I am a visitor to the School and the parking spaces at the front of the School are full can I drive past the chapel up to the rear of the swimming pool?

A. No. Visitors can drive up the ‘Snake’ between 0900 -1500 but there is no vehicular access beyond the chapel at any time.

Q. If I have an allocated parking space at the front of the School/Chapel can I drive up the ‘Snake’ to get to it?

A. Yes but only if you arrive between 0900 – 1500. Before 0900 and after 1500 you must drive up Trennick Lane, go through the SBA car park and arrive at your car park space from the top of the School.

Q. If I have an allocated car parking space on the far side of the chapel can I drive up the ‘Snake’?

A. No. Because it is the other side of the chapel you will need to access it via the SBA car park and following the one way circuit.

Q. If I am visiting the School Uniform Shop can I turn right into the ‘Snake’ and go straight to the car park by the shop?

A. Yes but only if you arrive between 0900 – 1530. Before 0900 and after 1500 you must drive up Trennick Lane, go through the SBA car park and arrive at the car park from the top of the School.

Q.I am attending an evening event at the chapel/swimming pool. Can I drive up the ‘Snake’?

A.No. Access up the ‘Snake’ is only permissible Monday – Friday between 0900 – 1500, at all other times there is no access up the ‘Snake’ for any reason.