Attendees: Marshall Klinefelter, Ed Caporin, Jim Klunk, Rob Leigh, Jack Covert & Teri Batchelor

1.) Meeting Called to Order: 7pm

2.) Minutes read, reviewed and approved as written. Motion Covert; 2nd Caporin.

3.) Treasurer absent but faxed budget. Reported current account balance:$2,347.46 of which $1,000 are sign dedicated monies leaving us with $1,347.46 working funds. Marshall needs to present a bill for the 2 signs he purchased.

4.) Ed Caporin of Blue Heron Christmas Tree Farm will donate 2 door wreaths

on behalf of the Forestry Bd. To QA’s Co. Comm. Teri will contact Paul Comfort for details in making this happen.

5.)Still waiting to hear about Smokey Calendars. Teri will ask Chris Robertson.

6.)Board reviewed new Forestry Signage. We will purchase posts and bolts to attach signs. Jack Covert offered to put signs up (digging holes, etc.) as long as a P & Z rep accompanies him to site. We have $1000 dedicated monies for this. If future monies needed we will revisit with co. comm.. & P/Z. We will request a newspaper photo opt when first sign goes up and provide news narrative to go with. Invite P/Z plus Co. Comm. to that sign erection.

7.) Liason contacts set up:

a.)Mc. Urban Community Forestry Comm. MUCFC – Jack Covert

b.)Natural Resources Careers Conference – NRCC- Ed Caporin

c.)4H Photo Program- Marshall Klinefelter

d.)Foundation- Rob Leigh

8.) Teri reported on Annapolis Fall mtg. Highlighted grants, 100th anniversary, web site info. Etc.

9.) Chairman Klinefleter shared mailings including (1) Board Brochure, (2) xmas tree growers list brochure & (3) Urban Ed. Packet from Feds. With CD rom along with (4) 100th anniversary brochure.

10.) Teri has the 5th Grade National Arbor Day packets. 2006 Theme is Trees are Terrific… All Shapes and Sizes! Probably won’t distribute until the 1st of the year. We won’t be competing Nationally (only county wide competition) due to lack of a Maryland Coordinator. The Board was fine with that. 3rd grade program will be handled same as in past.

11.) Seedlings will be given away as in past. We will order dogwoods again to go along with the white pine and loblolly pine. (Wanted Redbud but state nursery is sold out. Sold out of Serviceberry also.)

12.)Marshall Klinefelter will research our creation of our web site. State association web site is via the public libraries at

13.)Ches. College Grant – They planted their trees last year. We are suggesting they shoot for tree tags and an educational brochure for this year and hold off more tree planting until next year.

14.)Our County Tree picture was the Circuit Court Elm and was submitted to Pam Kelly. Will go for the State Wide “County Tree Poster” where all 23 counties and Balt. City is represented.

15.)Bd. Voted to split Adkins dues $37.50 each if Kent Co. is okay with that.

16.)We may consider making an Arbor Day Poster Bookmark like the one done in Texas.


17.)Teri still needs to order (1) Tree Biology CD Rom and (2) Native Trees to North America Book.

18.)LPF Klunk presented Hunter’s Oak/Pintail Pt. 220 THP. Selection cutting of large hardwoods. Maps need some road names, etc and a map indicating no RTE/FIDS must also be included. Klunk will provide in near future. Motion Covert, 2nd Caporin recommending approval pending these 2 additions. All members voted aye. Motion passed.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30 pm