Thursday 9 December 2010, Petersfield Community centre, Love Lane, off Tor Way, Petersfield, GU31 4BW (Exhibition room)

People who were there: Florence Garland (HCC), Anita Usai (parent/carer), Elizabeth Andrews (parent/carer), Kerry Whapshott (parent/carer), Andy Rooke (EHAS), Marilyn Kirk (HDS, Co-Chair) Jo Gush (Havant day service, HDS), Katie Brown (You), Kandy Redwood (HCC), Peter Sitton (parent/carer), Keith Goffe (parent/carer), Kerry Utting (HCC, Hants LD Team), Judith Leslie-Smith (parent/carer, Kingsley Organisation), Sam Tong (Kingsley centre), Dominique Rawlings (guest, HCC), Margaret White (parent/carer), Shelley Atkinson (parent/carer), Helen Dayson (Chair, Kingsley Organisation), Donna Williams (Co-Chair) and Joy Burrows (EHAS), Jo Olford (HCC)

Apologies: Dan Stoneman (HCC), Ted Woolener (parent/carer), Emma Dyer (HCC), Tim Mulcahy (HCC), Sally Lowe (HCC) and Sandra Ellis (HCC)

(HCC means Hampshire County Council and HPFT means Hampshire Partnership Foundation Trust)

Minutes approved

Matters arising

We will be changing the time of this meeting. It will be from 11 am to 1 pm starting from January 2011. Same room. Tim said he would not be able to make this time.

The leaflet design for the Green LIG is almost ready. The LIG decided that we needed a few amendments:

·  Instead of a semi circle, use straight line for title

·  Marilyn and Donna’s photos needed (Flo sorting)

·  We should add something like “the Green LIG includes Havant, Hayling Island, Petersfield, Waterlooville and surrounding areas”

·  We can have the leaflet in Braille/audio is needed. Request through Communications Team

Hopefully it will be live from 1st January 2011.

Partnership Board – topic “carers”

There were 3 presentations, Lucy Butler, Maria Milton and Caroline Farnes (all sent to LIG including minutes of the Partnership Board 21.12.2010).

We also had 4 workshops. Notes of the workshops including within the Partnership Board minutes.

Many parents/carers came. It was a useful day but it was rushed and too short.

Keith said that there was too much emphasis on funding respite for the service users when the funding should be for carers for them to have a break!

The carers’ assessment is currently limited and inflexible. All the notes from the meeting will be taken to the Carers subgroup on 5 January 2011 for action (note after meeting: Keith/Carole Patrick will attend).

Next Partnership Board will be about “equality and people’s rights” (to include hate crime and offenders). Marilyn as Co-Chair to attend (Jo Olford/Emma/Flo dealing)

Hate Crime (Dominique Rawlings)

Dominique said that people are victims of Hate Crime but the don’t know the meaning of it. Hate Crime can start with smaller things like spitting, calling name, pushing you etc. People get told to ignore it but this is not right. Even if small, you can report it to the police or your social worker but it can be very difficult for a service user to do it. Donna said she would find it difficult to report it.

We would like to have a big event about Hate Crime. This will involve the police (Phil Lamb). We would also like to involve some of the local schools (maybe have a few “school champions” who can then pass it on in assembly etc, Dominique could also follow up). It can be very rewarding for children too. To invite Rachel Maddocks school and Park Community school.

The Roadshow in Fareham (200 people came) was led by the police (other agencies get involved). There were workshops and some volunteered to tell a story.

We can use:

·  Connect DVD

·  Safeguarding DVD

We can have workshops and stories.

The “On Track” group can talk about this topic at their next meeting and can feed back to us on 13 January.

The police roadshows are funded through the Police. As a LIG we just need to fund the venue.

Note: the Waterlooville Community Centre, 10 Maurepas Way, Waterlooville (next to Asda) is now booked for us on Thursday 10th March for our roadshow - 9 am to 4 pm (includes set up/clearing).

Roadshow itself will be from 10 am to 3 pm. We will be using the main hall/side room and several other rooms too. There is plenty of space.

Other things and anything else we want to discuss:

Kandy Redwood said that HCC had developed a carers information pack which can be printed off from the internet (Flo has sent the link). For contact,

A carers DVD and brochure (Supporting your family) was passed on.

Proposed items for the next agenda and date for the next meeting

·  In house transformation update (Becci Eyles)

·  LIG brochure (hopefully some good news!)

·  LIG event 10th March (Dominique Rawlings and Phil Lamb to attend meeting on 13th January – TBC)

·  Partnership Board matters

·  NHS Hampshire – Michelle Stickland

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13 January 2011

11 am to 1 pm at Petersfield Community Centre, Love Lane, Petersfield, GU31 4BW (Exhibition Room). There is free parking.

2011 dates

10 February
10 March (at Waterlooville Community Centre for Hate Crime event)
14 April
12 May
9 June
14 July
None in August
8 September
13 October
10 November
8 December 2011