Space Planning Committee

DRAFT Meeting Minutes

TAS Conference Room

October 18, 2016

Present: Dorothy Echols Tobe, Eddie Saiff, George Tabback, Beth Foster, Michael Cunningham, Seamus Doran, Charles Rigoloso, David Nast, Rick Brown, Alaina Seyler (Intern)

Absent: Naseem Choudhury, Bruce Werman, Debbie Spina

1.  The Minutes from the October 4, 2016 meeting were reviewed highlighting action items.

2.  Actions from Last Meeting

a.  Committee members Additions—Rick Brown and Naseem Choudhury were added to the Committee.

b.  Space Request Form was updated

c.  Space Request Report was updated

3.  Space Database Update

a.  ITS—George Tabback indicated that the Access database created by Bruce Werman was quite comprehensive and Jeff Delos Santos would be working with him to migrate the information and put it in a format that would allow for it to be accessible and reportable. The importance and need for a database is essential for this Committee to do its work. M. Cunningham reaffirmed that he would contract with a vendor to update information in the database at a time and date to be determined.

4.  Review Space Requests –The Committee reviewed the following space requests. The Committee’s recommendation will be forwarded to the requestor.

a.  Enrollment Management and Student Affairs—(Health Promotions, Community Outreach Office, and Judicial Affairs Associate Director). Request sent to the Cabinet before the Space Committee was reconvened Requested C215 and C216 for Health Promotions, and C217 to house Community Outreach Office. Approval of resources is pending for Health Promotions. Decision made to table request until the full plan is available for Space Committee review. The Committee was informed that the search for the Associate Director has been completed, so we may need to put that person in a space temporarily. There will be a request for space for a student mailroom as the current space is too small to meet desired needs.

b.  AFT—The AFT requested the space that is currently being used by Faculty Resource Center (FRC). As no decision has been made about relocating the FRC, the Committee will let the AFT know that it will begin to look for new space.

c.  President’s Committee on Campus Sustainability (PCCS)—seeking space in an area with student traffic. Requested C215 or C216.

d.  Administration and Finance—Budget— request sent to the Cabinet before the Space Committee was reconvened; waiting to hear back about relocating another staff member to accommodate this request.

e.  Multicultural Center—request sent to the Cabinet before the Space Committee was reconvened. Requested C215 or C216. Cabinet requested an assessment from the requester.

f.  There was discussion about H201-H202 and what was happening with that space. The Cabinet approved that space for Affirmative Action. Design plans were completed, waiting for renovation. With the creation of the Equity and Diversity unit, the addition of a new Affirmation Action Director line, as well as the relocation of K. McGee from temporary space in the basement of ASB to one of these offices, the space is not available.

g.  There was discussion about the available space in ASB. The Committee wants to do a walk-through of ASB at its next meeting.

5.  Other Business--None

6.  Next Meeting: October 31, 2016 @ 11-12:30, TAS Conference Room ASB422

Indicates action items to be completed.