88Death Anniversary of Mother Pabla Bescos

20th of February of 2017

We are convoked in this thanksgiving Eucharist by the grateful memory of Mother Pabla Bescos. She lived the congregational charism, spirit and mission in a totalizing way, and today she shows us, how to be faithful to the charismatic legacy bequeathed by our Founders.

Superior General during 35years, she was a woman of a great humanity and of a great personality. A woman of God.

Her heart was deeply warm and approachable. She sensed the needs of her Sisters and those of the people whom she related with, whom she welcomed, encouraged and served. She preached little, accompanied much and lived with intensity.Her Charity and her Humility were exquisite, and her desire was that these virtues may be distinctive signs of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne.

We can truly say that, from the different services that she carried out in the Congregation, her concern was to form living Communities which may be joyful witness of fraternity, makers of peace and communion… generators of hope.

In this celebration, framed in this time of welcome and living of the conclusions and challenges of the V Congregational Assembly, we thank God for the life of Mother Pabla, and we pray to walk like her, fully trusting in Him, being joyful witness of fraternity, faithful to the legacy of our Founders, and serving our Sisters and Brethren “with the greatest care, with full detail, with all love”, with exquisite Charity and Humility.


88 Death Anniversary of Mother Pabla Bescos

20th of February of 2017

~We pray for the Pope Francis, the Bishop ______and all those who belong to the Church. May, as to Mother Pabla, the Lord grant us the gift of wisdom, showed in humility, simplicity and trust. LET US PRAY

~We pray for the leaders of the nations. May, as Mother Pabla, they may be persons who are makers of peace, committed with the dignity of the people and the development of the peoples. LET US PRAY

~We pray for those who suffer. May, through the intercession of Mother Pabla, they discover the Provident God who is revealed in those who accompany them in their pain and need. LET US PRAY

~We pray for each Sister of the Congregation and for the Laity of the Saint Anne’s Family. May, as Mother Pabla, we be people of exquisite humility and charity. We remember in a special way the Sisters, Laity, people whom we serve and those whom we work of the Province of Mother Pabla. LET US PRAY

~We pray for all the Sisters, benefactors, family members and friends who already deeply enjoy of God’s Presence and who accompanied in life our congregational journey. LET US PRAY

~We pray for those who are called to the Consecrated, Priestly and Missionary Life. May they answer with trust to God’s call and thus be Good News in our world. LET US PRAY

~We pray for each one of us. May, together with Mother Pabla, we never distrust the power of God, and we keep on believing and trusting in Him, whatever the situation of our life may be. LET US PRAY


88 Death Anniversary of Mother Pabla Bescos

20th of February of 2017

Mother Pabla passed away the 20th of February of 1929, after living her sickness trusting in God. Her mortal remains rest in the tribune of the General House, where she spent many hours immersed in prayer, placing herself and our Congregation on God’s Hands.

Her life, fully human and totally surrendered to God, which invited to be known, not by the noise or by looking for prominence, but rather by Charity and Humility, helped to continue strengthening the charismatic legacy of our Founders, fostering in every Sister of Charity of Saint Anne the living of a universal charity, chiefly to the poorest and the neediest, through the practice of Hospitality to the point of heroism.

Mother Pabla comes with us in our daily journey, especially in this time of welcoming and living the conclusions and challenges of the V Congregational Assembly. Like her, we want to be women of God, joyful witness of fraternity, makers of peace and communion, generators of hope…


We thank God for the life of Mother Pabla Bescos, and for the life of each Sister and each Laity of St. Anne’s Family who, like her, want to be expression of God’s Love and Mercy.

We remember in a special way the Sisters, Laity, people whom we serve and those whom we work of the Province of Mother Pabla, in India.

May Mother Pabla, Woman of exquisite Humility and Charity, accompany always our journey, loving God and serving our Sisters and brethren “with the greatest care, with full detail, with all love”. LET US PRAY