NOTE: Exceptions Listed Below


Permits a department to make purchases between $5,000 and $25,000 with limited competition (min. 3 bids).

Designed to be an intermediate step between “small purchase” procedures (under $5,000) and the formal Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal.

To increase efficiency by allowing department staff to process most of their own procurements.

Exceptions (Does not apply to):

Sole Source

Controlled items

Printing (all printing must be handled through Printing and Graphics)

All Contract Service Agreements / Maintenance Agreements / Software



House, Apartment, Office Space, rentals, etc.

Term Contracts

Used Vehicle and Trailer Acquisition

Department’s responsibility:

See ARM 2.5.603 and MCA 18-4-305 for detailed state law on Limited Solicitations.

Maintain complete limited solicitation documentation in the individual department files.

Must obtain and retain signed approved Limited Solicitation Summary Sheet from Business Services-Purchasing prior to purchase or ordering.

Sole Brand Justification Documentation must be provided to, and approval must be obtained from Purchasing prior to the Limited Solicitation purchase.

Department’s procedure requires:

A minimum of three written/fax/email quotations.

Departments must send the Limited Solicitation Form (PR006B) with any additional specifications along with the Standard Terms and Conditions to each vendor. The vendor will complete the Limited Solicitation Form and return with their bid/quote attached.

Bid Specifications provided to the vendors must be exactly the same to all vendors. The specifications must require that all purchases shipping requirements to be FOB: The University of Montana. (which means this cost must be included in their bid)

Bids obtained must be for the exact same item(s) in the exact same quantities to be ordered.

All bids must be recorded on the Limited Solicitation Summary Sheet (PR006A). All documents received from the vendor, the Limited Solicitation Formand Summary Sheet must be submitted to Business Services-Purchasing. This Limited Solicitation Summary Sheet is the tool Business Services-Purchasing will use to sign their approval; and email or fax back to the department a copy of the approval prior to the department ordering the product(s).

Wherever practical, use the State of Montana’s central vendor list. A password is required. Please contact Purchasing for the password.

Acquire a completed IRS W-9 form if the awarded bid is not set up in Banner’s Vendor file. This pertains to all purchases no matter if you plan to use the ProCard or wire transfer the payment. Website for W-9 form:

Checklist of forms that should be sent to Business Services-Purchasing (send all forms at the same time):

Limited Solicitation Form (one from each vendor with their bids/quotes attached). Minimum of three written/fax/email quotations.

Limited Solicitation Summary Sheet.

Copy of the bid specifications provided to the vendors (This could be all on the Limited Solicitation Form or additional sheets if required).

Sole Brand Justification Form(if this purchase applies)

IRS W-9 (if the awarded bidder is not set up in Banner’s Vendor file)

NOTE: Requester will be notified by FAX or Email when their request is approved or if more information is necessary.

PAYMENT NOTES: Business Services - Purchasing approval of Limited Solicitation Summary Sheet, only approves the ordering of the product. The Department must follow Direct Pay Invoice or UM ProCard payment procedure and dollar amount authority administered by Business Service – Accounts Payable. For Direct Pays of $5,000 and above submit a copy of the Limited Solicitation Summary Sheet approved by Purchasing along with the vendor’s invoice to Business Services Accounts Payable. For ProCard payments of $5,000 and above, submit a copy of the Limited Solicitation Summary Sheet approved by Purchasing and coordinate with Business Services Accounts Payable for a one-time card limit increase.

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IN006 – Revised 01/11