Parent - Student Handbook


901 16th Street West, Birmingham, Alabama 35224

(205) 231-6370


Principal – Ms. Judith M. Ross

Birmingham Board of Education

P.O. Box 10007 Birmingham, AL35202

(205) 231-4600


Registration Requirements…………………………3

Mission Statement & Beliefs………………………..4

Student Arrival……………………………………...5

Tardies / Student Absences /Early Checkouts…….6

Breakfast / Lunch / Dress Code……………………7

School Supplies / Textbooks / Lockers…………….8

Prohibited Items / Messages & Telephone Use…....9

Medicines / Elevator Use……………………………9

Discipline / Parties & Gifts…………………………10

Lost & Found Items / Reports to Parents…………11

Classroom Visits / Conferences…………………….12

Parent Education / PTA……………………………13

After School Care / Field Trips……………………13

Gifted Services……………………………………...13

Parent Responsibility……………………………….14


Required Documents

1. Proof of Residence (Lease or Deed and two current utility bills) –Documents must show parents’ name; an approved transfer for the current school year or a “Residence Verification Form” issued and notarized by the Birmingham City Schools Attendance Department.

2. Birth Certificate - Issued by Government Agency.

3. State of Alabama Immunization Certificates.

4. Social Security Card

5. Withdrawal Form if transferring from a Birmingham City School.

6. Report Card from former school (Report card must show the current grade assignment, the name and address of the former school)

7. Legal Guardianship papers issued by the court are required for students living in the custody of anyone other than the biological parent.

8. Evidence of payment of any outstanding debts owed to former school.

Completion of following forms:

·  Enrollment Form

·  Certificate of Residence for the current school year

·  Home Language Survey

·  Code of Conduct Form for the current school year

·  Health Data Form

·  Textbook Statement and (1) Textbook card

·  Birmingham City Schools Compact Home/School/Community

·  Birmingham City Schools Technology Resources Agreement

·  Application for Free or Reduced Meals (Optional)

·  After-School Care Registration Form (Optional)


Bush Hills Academy

Bush Hills Academy is dedicated to providing a safe, healthy learning environment to all students regardless of academic ability or socio-economic background. We are dedicated to assisting our students in becoming college and/or career ready. We will encourage them to set and achieve high personal goals as they relate to their daily living through efforts of dedicated and creative staff members, parents, and community.


1. Bush Hills Academy should be a safe, inviting and clean place of learning.

2. An inclusive school environment maximizes the likelihood of learning to accept diversity and value individual differences.

3. Positive self-concepts are fostered in a safe, clean, disciplined and nurturing environment.

4. A well-managed and organized classroom minimizes discipline problems and creates an atmosphere conducive to learning.

5. Technology use and training should be an integral part of the school’s curriculum.

6. Fine Arts appreciation and participation should be an integral part of the school’s curriculum.

7. Teachers should hold high expectations in achievement, respect and responsibility for all children.

8. All staff members should serve as positive role models.

9. All staff members should promote the school and perform responsibilities with pride and professionalism.

10. Teachers should prepare data-driven lessons that employ a variety of methods and materials to accommodate the different ways and rates that students learn.

11. Teachers share responsibility with and require the support of parents and the community in developing students into life long learners and responsible citizens.

12. Collaborative team planning and staff development experiences improve the school-wide and classroom instructional programs.

13. Effective teachers consistently deliver engaging lessons that challenge and motivate all students to participate appropriately in the learning process.

14. Students should receive recognition for exemplary academic achievement, attendance and responsible behavior.

15. All staff members and students should demonstrate respect for others, themselves, and for property


Students should be dropped off on the side of the school. Children’s safety is a primary concern to the staff at Bush Hills Academy. We are unable to provide adequate supervision before school; parents are requested to NOT LEAVE students at school before 7:15 AM. Students will not be allowed to enter the building before 7:15 a.m.

Please make sure your children understand and follow these guidelines:

·  Students are expected to wait in the designated waiting area until the doors open at 7:15 a.m.

·  Students participating in the breakfast program may enter the cafeteria until 7:45a.m. Students will not be allowed to enter the cafeteria to eat breakfast after the 7:50 am.

·  Students are not to run, play, eat or drink in the designated waiting area.

·  Students are not to be on the grass or to enter the drive or parking area.

·  Bush Hills Academy operates a "closed campus". Once a student is on campus, permission must be granted to leave.

·  Unless directed otherwise, all students arriving at school before 7:50AM will report to the gym.

·  Students are expected to sit in the gym with their class from 7:15 until 7:50 unless participating in the breakfast program. At 7:50 students will be escorted in a line to their classroom.

·  Students arriving to school after 7:50 may report directly to class until 8:15.

·  Students arriving after 8:05 am may use the main entrance and are considered tardy.

·  Students who report to school at 8:15 or later must report to the main office with a parent or guardian.

NOTICE: Surveillance cameras operate continuously at Bush Hills Academy.


Students arriving after 8:05 AM are considered tardy. From 8:05 AM until 8:15 AM students who are tardy should report to the classroom. Students and/or parents are to sign in on the homeroom teacher’s tardy check-in book. After 8:15 AM, students should report to the main office with a parent or guardian who can sign the student(s) in and explain the reason for being tardy. Excessive tardies are reported to the Birmingham City Schools Attendance Department.


When a student returns to school after being absent, the student must bring a written statement from his/her parent explaining the reason for the absence. The statement should also include the date(s) of the absence and the parent’s signature. A physician’s statement may also be required. If no written statement is received within three days of the student’s return, the absence will be considered unexcused. Excessive unexcused absences are reported to the Birmingham City Schools Attendance Department.


For the safety of each child, all dismissals must be checked through the office.

If a parent knows in advance that the child must leave early, a note stating the time and reason for early dismissal should be sent to the office. The note must have the parent’s signature and a telephone number for verification.

No early checkouts will be made based on a telephone conversation. The parent or designee must report to the office and sign the child out. Please know the name of your child (ren)’s teacher, this will expedite the release of your child (ren).


Breakfast is served daily beginning at 7:15 a.m. At 7:50 the breakfast program will close. Students wishing to eat breakfast must be in line to the cafeteria by 7:40. Parents should consult the C.N.P. Manager for costs. All students in the cafeteria by 7:40 a.m. may eat breakfast.


Meals served in the cafeteria are carefully planned to be well balanced, nutritious, and tasty. Food in the serving line is divided into five food groups: meat, vegetables, fruits, bread and milk. Each child participating in the Child Nutrition Program must choose a full portion from at least three of these five food groups.

It is the parents’ responsibility to make provisions for their child (ren)’s meal. Students who do not receive a free or reduced priced lunch need to bring money or a lunch from home. Payment for breakfast and lunch should be made to the C.N.P. manager in advance. Questions concerning methods of payment, costs, menus and substitute items for food allergies should be directed to the C.N.P. manager (Telephone # 231-6371).

Students may bring lunches from home; however; certain items will not be permitted in the cafeteria. Students MAY NOT bring soft drinks (cans or bottles), breakable thermos bottles, or food from "Fast Food Establishments" into the cafeteria.

Applications for free or reduced priced meals are available in the main office. Applications must be completed correctly for consideration. The Child Nutrition Program will determine eligibility and notify the parents and school of the decision.


All students must be in UNIFORM as described in the Birmingham City Schools Uniform Dress Policy. ALL students are expected to be neat and clean in appearance. Shirts and tops must cover the midriff completely. Shirts must be tucked in and belts worn with pants that have belt loops. Shorts and hemlines must be no more than 2 inches above the top of the knee.

Students may not wear jewelry. Exception - Watches may be worn. Earrings with loops or dangles may not be worn. Students may not wear make-up.

For questions regarding student dress, please refer to the Birmingham City Schools Uniform Dress Policy. Please read and familiarize your child (ren) with the "Guidelines for Enforcement of Student Uniform Regulations”.

Any question regarding student dress may be directed to the teacher, or principal.

Please make sure that your child has the appropriate supplies for school each day.


Textbooks are the property of the State of Alabama. State law does not permit the school to issue textbooks to any student who owes money for lost or damaged textbooks.

All textbooks issued to students have a number assigned to them. Textbooks where this number is missing or altered may be refused and payment required. Teachers maintain a record of the assigned number and the condition of each book issued to the student.

It is the student’s responsibility to take care of the books issued to him/her. Students may not write in any textbook without the teacher’s expressed permission. Books assigned to the student, which become lost, damaged or stolen, must be replaced. It is the PARENTS’ RESPONSIBILITY to pay the replacement cost immediately upon receiving notice. FAILURE TO PAY DEBTS for lost or damaged textbooks in a timely manner may result in the student being deprived of the use of any remaining textbooks.

TEXTBOOKS WILL NOT BE ISSUED TO ANY STUDENT WITH AN OUTSTANDING DEBT FOR LOST OR DAMAGED TEXTBOOKS. Cash, a cashier’s check or a money order payable to Bush Hills Academy for the full amount owed is required to satisfy this debt.


There are lockers available for students in grades 6-8. Teachers make locker assignments. Students may not place locks on any locker. Students in grades K - 5 will not receive locker assignments.

All lockers are the property of Birmingham City Schools. Lockers may be searched at any time by the school staff. The school assumes no responsibility for any personal property, textbooks, or other school property assigned to the student that is damaged or taken from the locker. Students who use lockers are expected to keep them neat and clean. Remember, students may not place locks on any locker.


Students are not permitted to bring items to school, which may disrupt the educational process or present potential danger. Such items include but are not limited to:

1. Electronic devices (beepers, pagers, radios, tape recorders, DVD, cellular

telephones, games, etc.

2. Fireworks, weapons of any type.

3. Sunglasses, necklaces, bracelets, rings, hair rollers.

4.  Pacifiers, whistles, balls, toys.

5.  Pets or animals of any kind.

6. Any other such item as identified by the teacher or principal as a violation.


Make any changes in after school plans with your child (ren) before they arrive at school. Messages to students disrupt instruction and will only be relayed in cases of emergency.

Students must have permission from their teacher to use the telephone. Such calls should be kept to a minimum. Parents should make sure their children (ren) know a telephone number where they may be reached during the school day.


No student will be allowed to take medicine of any kind while at school.

School personnel may only administer medication if parents have signed the Indemnity Agreement and a Physicians Statement signed by the doctor authorizing school personnel to administer medication is on file at school. The required forms are available from the school nurse.


Bush Hills Academy will maintain a safe and orderly environment. Students are expected to obey all staff members and treat them with respect. Students are expected to follow the rules of the school and the classroom. Students are expected to take care of school property. Students are expected to report to school on time with all necessary materials and a positive and cooperative attitude.

Any misbehavior by the student will be reported to the parent as soon as practicable. Parental cooperation is necessary to ensure that all children receive a meaningful and rewarding educational experience.

Parents should review the Birmingham City Schools Code of Student Conduct with their child (ren). All children at Bush Hills Academy are bound by the BCS Code of Student Conduct. Students who violate the BCS Code of Student Conduct at school, away from school at a school-related activity, or on the way to or from school are subject to disciplinary action as explained in the BCS Code of Student Conduct.

Students who are suspended or expelled may not be on school property, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for the purpose of reinstatement.


There is only one Board approved party during the school year. This party will be arranged by the teacher and room parent(s). No gifts may be exchanged between individual students. If a parent chooses he/she may present gifts to every child in the classroom.

The school day does not allow for birthday parties. Gifts delivered to children at school are discouraged. No effort will be made to deliver a gift to a child before the end of the school day.

Birthday treats in the primary grades (Kindergarten and 1st grade) may be allowed if recommended by the teacher and approved by the principal in advance of the celebration.