Stanford, KY Aug 9, 2012

The Lincoln County Board of Education met Thursday, August 9, 2012 at 6:30 PM at the Central Office with the following members present: Jim Kelley, Tom Blankenship, Tim Jackson, Theresa Long and Denny Hogue.

Mr. Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM.

Mr. Kelley welcomed Jim Ward as the new Instructional Supervisor and Jeffrey Craiger as the new principal at McKinney Elementary.

Board Order No. 42 Set Agenda

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board set the agenda as presented.

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes.

Board Order No. 43 Minutes

Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the minutes from the July 12, 2012 meeting.

Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Hogue and Mr. Jackson voted yes.


Tim Godbey, principal at LCHS, passed out the high school’s 30-60-90 day Plan for Progress. He stated they had three big rocks to overcome. They are culture, academic achievement and use of student data. He also gave the board the school goals. Mr. Godbey stated that he couldn’t do what he does without all the support from his Asst. Principals and staff. They have stood behind him all the way through this process. He is confident they will succeed.

Christy Denny gave a report on the graduation rates. Lincoln County High School is 31st. in the state of Kentucky. Their graduation rate is 88.8%. That is 26% better than last year. Way to go Lincoln County High School. The district is very proud of them.


Board Order No. 44 Salaries and Claims

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board approved the salaries and claims as presented.

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes.

Board Order No. 45 Purchases over $10,000

Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the following purchases:

·  Insulated Roofing – Lincoln Co. Bd. Of Ed. Roofing Project - $18,616.28

·  Insulated Roofing – Hustonville Roofing Project - $63,880.83

·  Insulated Roofing – Lincoln Co. High Roofing Project - $85,224.24

·  Insulated Roofing – McKinney Roofing Project - $30,687.75

·  KSBIT – 4th Qt. Unemployment Deficit Billing - $23,546.39

·  Sherman-Carter-Barnhart – Roofing Projects - $12,166.04

·  Copy Paper Purchase – Approx. $20,000 – P.D. Roller

Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Hogue and Mr. Jackson voted yes.

Board Order No. 46 Tax Rate Set

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board set the tax rate for Real Estate and Personal Property at 4%, Motor Vehicle at 5.42 and Utility Tax at 3%.

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes on everything, except Mr. Blankenship voted no on the 4% Real Estate and Personal Property tax of 4%.


The board reviewed the personnel report, SBDM Minutes and Policy Council Minutes.


Board Order No. 47 Consent Agenda

Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved the following items on the consent agenda:

a.  Leaves

·  Shane Sims - Medical leave beginning Aug. 6, 2012 until released by doctor

·  Brian Leach - Military leave beginning July 30 – Sept. 28, 2012

·  Arlene Gastineau - Medical leave beginning Aug. 6 for twelve weeks

b.  Fund Raisers

·  7/8 Grade – Little Caesar Pizza Kits, sell candy bars, Bumble Bee Pies, Longaberger Baskets, Yankee Candles and School dance – D. Sims

·  LCMS – Sell magazines, cookie dough, Kona Ice, Christmas Gala and Fall Market Place – D. Sims

·  McKinney Elem – sell magazines and Scholastic Book Fairs – J. Carrier

·  Hustonville Elem – sell school supplies – D. Leigh

c.  Student Trips

·  7/8 grade trip to Williamsburg, VA – Apr. 2-5, 2013 – D. Sims

·  LCHS FFA – KY State Fair - State Competition – Aug. 16 & 17, 2012 – D. Thomas

·  LCHS Boys and Girls Basketball Teams – Tournament – Orlando, FLA – Dec. 26-31, 2012 – J. Jackson

Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Hogue and Mr. Jackson voted yes.


Board Order No. 48 2nd Reading

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board approved the following revised policies:

·  Transfer – 03.1311/032311

·  Hours of Duty – 03.1332

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes.

Board Order No. 49 District Evaluation Plan

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved changes to the District Evaluation Plan.

Mr. Jackson, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Mr. Hogue voted yes.

Board Order No. 50 Create Gifted Coordinator

Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Tim Jackson, the board created a part time gifted service program coordinator for up to 130 days to be paid with Gifted Funds.

Mr. Blankenship, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Hogue and Ms. Long voted yes.

Board Order No. 51 After School Positions

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board gave permission to hire Lincoln County employees to work in the after school program, contract for guitar and karate instructors and hire a Zumba Instructor at $35.00 per hour.

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes.

Board Order No. 52 Part Time APC

Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Theresa Long, the board voted to create a part time Academic Program Consultant position at Crab Orchard for 129 days.

Mr. Hogue, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Mr. Jackson voted yes.

Board Order No. 53 School Improvement Network

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board gave permission to enter into a three year purchase and pricing agreement with the School Improvement Network to purchase PD360 and Observation 360 at a cost of $5,995, purchased with Title VI funds.

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes.

Board Order No. 54 ATC Contract for Subs

Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved a contract for Lincoln County ATC to use and pay for sub teachers for the 2012-2013 and 2013 – 2014 school years.

Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Hogue voted yes.

Board Order No. 55 Refinish LCHS Gym Floor

Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board gave permission to resurface and paint the LCHS gym floor at a cost of approximately $12,000.

Ms. Long, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Mr. Jackson voted yes.

Board Order No. 56 2nd Monthly Meeting

Upon a motion by Denny Hogue and seconded by Tim Jackson, the board made a resolution to have a working meeting the 4th Thursday of every month to hear district and school budget and progress reports. The first one will be next Thursday, Aug. 16th because Ann Burns will be in the district. All the rest will be the 4th Thursday at 6:30 PM.

Mr. Hogue, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes.


Board Order No. 57 Pay Application

Upon a motion by Tim Jackson and seconded by Denny Hogue, the board voted to pay Burnett Sons $132,840.00 on the LCMS roofing project. The board will hold 10% of the retainage due to the leaks not yet repaired at the school.

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Hogue, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Long voted yes.

Board Order No. 58 Volleyball Trip

Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board approved an overnight trip to Whitley County for the volleyball team to compete in a tournament Sept. 7-9, 2012.

Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Hogue and Mr. Jackson voted yes.

Board Order No. 59 Leaves

Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Tim Jackson, the board approved the following leaves:

·  Donita Brock - Medical leave beginning Aug. 6 – Aug. 29, 2012

·  Betty Brown - Medical leave beginning Aug. 7, 2012 for five weeks

·  Connie Hawley - Medical leave beginning Aug. 9, 2012 for eight weeks

Ms. Long, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Mr. Hogue voted yes.

Board Order No. 60 Shortened Day and Week

Upon a motion by Tom Blankenship and seconded by Theresa Long, the board gave permission for four special education students to attend school for a shortened day and three will also require a shortened week for the 2012-2013 school year.

Mr. Blankenship, Ms. Long, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Hogue and Mr. Jackson voted yes.

Board Order No. 61 Adjourn

Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Tim Jackson, the board voted to adjourn at 7:10 PM.

Ms. Long, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Blankenship and Mr. Hogue voted yes.

Jim Kelley, Chairman Gail Isaacs, Secretary