Application Profile

Personal Information:

Please PrintStudent Name: ______

Home Phone Number: ______

Student Cell Number: ______

Student E-mail Address: ______

On this Uxbridge Secondary School Remembrance Tour, we will be paying respect to the Canadians who lost their lives in the Great War and the Second World War, and paying tribute to those that were able to come home and share their stories with us. We will experience history as we connect with the stories of the World War l veterans; listen to the stories of World War ll veterans; and then we will trace their footsteps through the beaches and the battlefields of Europe. We will find out who the veterans are and were, what they went through, and learn why their time in uniform deserves our attention.


  1. Please list at least three reasons why you would like to participate on this tour.
  1. How did the First and/or Second World War affect your family or your community?
  1. Students selected for this trip will be expected to participate in pre and post trip activities that will enhance their entire trip experience. Some of the planned pre-trip activities include:
  • Veterans Afternoon at Uxbridge Legion where we will meet local veterans who will share their stories of service with us. (Spring 2018)
  • Sam Sharpe Breakfast – two students may be selected to attend the Sam Sharpe Breakfast at Parliament Hill, Ottawa, remembering Lt. Col. Sam Sharpe during Mental Health Week.
  • Sam Sharpe Statue Unveiling Ceremony and Reception – students will assist with the ceremony and reception in Uxbridge at the statue site and at the Uxbridge Historical Museum (May 25, 2018)
  • Sam Sharpe Statue Unveiling Follow up Student Visits and Tour –In partnership with the Uxbridge Historic Museum, USS students will host local elementary schools at the museum to visit the National Vimy to Juno Exhibit, and the USS and Sam Sharpe Exhibit and Video
  • Honour our Veterans Banner Walk –we will tour the local Uxbridge Honour our Veteran Banners to put a face on Remembrance
  • Second World War Gala Dinner Dance – we may be hosting a high end gala dinner dance in which the program will tell the story of Uxbridge during the time of the Second World War. (November 2018)
  • Guest Lecture Series – we will host a guest lecture series, where speakers will share their insights and stories on pertinent topics to our trip ie. Ted Barris (historian and author) who will speak on his book, Victory at Vimy; Erin O’Toole (Minister of Veterans Affairs) who will be asked to speak on Sam Sharpe; and others. (Fall 2018 – Winter 2019)
  • First World War Tour – students will take part in a tour exploring places of significance to the First World War around Uxbridge. Uxbridge has a very interesting history! (Date TBC)
  • Veteran Matching Project – students will be paired with a First and Second World War veteran who they will complete a tribute project for ( ongoing)
  • Sam Sharpe Club – students will be invited to attend Sam Sharpe Club at USS, a time where we can work on projects, watch historical movies, complete research etc. as needed
  • Vimy Celebration Evening – students will be share stories, video, reflections, and their tribute projects with parents and the community upon return from tour

If these activities seem of interest to you, and the itinerary of the trip, then we welcome your application for the next USS Remembrance Tour.

Please bring your completed Merit Application Form, Application Profile, and a deposit cheque for $300 made out to Uxbridge Secondary School to Mrs. MacDonald in Guidance.

Applications will be received beginning at 8 a.m. on ______

Mrs. MacDonald

USS Remembrance Tour Coordinator