Vocabulary Definitions 5-1 (Disillusion, Defiance, & Discontent) Name ______

1.  apparition (n) / Sheldon screamed like a girl and fainted at the unexpected apparition of a monster in front of him, but it was only Leonard wearing a mask.
2.  derivative (adj) / Sheldon did not have much respect for Leonard’s work; he found it derivative of work done by other physicists and not original.
3.  fortuitous (adj) / At first, Andrea thought that the discovery of the Governor’s little town was fortuitous, but found out later the situation wasn’t as good at it appeared.
4.  insatiable (adj) / Rick and the other survivors were constantly on the run from the Walkers and their insatiable appetites for flesh.
5.  palpable (adj) / When Rick was brought back to the group outside of Atlanta, Lori’s and Karl’s relief was so thick, it was almost palpable.
6.  poignant (adj) / Seeing Leonard so happy with Priya caused Penny a poignant tightness in her chest because she realized she still wanted him.
7.  pugilistic (adj) / Leonard had trouble with Penny’s ex-boyfriend Kurt because of Kurt’s pugilistic inclinations, whereas Leonard was not good in a fight.
8.  sinuous (adj) / Michonne moved about the herd of Walkers with her sword, as sinuous as a snake, taking off their heads quickly and smoothly.
9.  somnolent (adj) / Though frightened from the burglary of his home, Sheldon found himself somnolent in the early hours and had to relieve his vigil with sleep.
10.  voluminous (adj) / Rick was joyful when he found the prison; its large size gave voluminous space for the small group to inhabit.
1.  apparition (n) / Sheldon screamed like a girl and fainted at the unexpected apparition of a monster in front of him, but it was only Leonard wearing a mask. / The act of becoming visible
2.  derivative (adj) / Sheldon did not have much respect for Leonard’s work; he found it derivative of work done by other physicists and not original. / Not original; based on something else
3.  fortuitous (adj) / At first, Andrea thought that the discovery of the Governor’s little town was fortuitous, but found out later the situation wasn’t as good at it appeared. / Fortunate, lucky, or happening as a result of chance
4.  insatiable (adj) / Rick and the other survivors were constantly on the run from the Walkers and their insatiable appetites for flesh. / Constantly wanting more
5.  palpable (adj) / When Rick was brought back to the group outside of Atlanta, Lori’s and Karl’s relief was so thick, it was almost palpable. / Able to be touched, felt, or handled
6.  poignant (adj) / Seeing Leonard so happy with Priya caused Penny a poignant tightness in her chest because she realized she still wanted him. / Sharply painful in the feelings
7.  pugilistic (adj) / Leonard had trouble with Penny’s ex-boyfriend Kurt because of Kurt’s pugilistic inclinations, whereas Leonard was not good in a fight. / Looking for a fight; related to fighting
8.  sinuous (adj) / Michonne moved about the herd of Walkers with her sword, as sinuous as a snake, taking off their heads quickly and smoothly. / Moving in and out; wavy
9.  somnolent (adj) / Though frightened from the burglary of his home, Sheldon found himself somnolent in the early hours and had to relieve his vigil with sleep. / Sleepy or drowsy
10.  voluminous (adj) / Rick was joyful when he found the prison; its large size gave voluminous space for the small group to inhabit. / Of large size, extent, or fullness