Performance improvement indicator examples

Source: Steven MacArthur of The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc. © 2009 HCPro.

Environment of Care Function / Improvement opportunity/objective / Indicator/measure
Safety Management / Continue reduction of lost work incidents / <100 incidents per year
Reduction of Blood & Body Fluid Exposure / <10 incidents per year
Reduction of Worker Compensation Expenses (total)
Reduction of Worker Compensation Expenses (per case)
Patient falls resulting from environmental conditions / hazards / 0 fall incidents
Security Management / Reduce theft events (staff/patient/visitor/facility) / <X theft incidents
Increase ID badge policy compliance / 100% compliance as demonstrated during hazard surveillance rounds and fire drills
Abduction events / 0 abduction incidents – attempted or successful
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management / Monitor RMW stream, adjusted for patient activity; establish goal/benchmark for future improvements / Reduction in RMW poundage
Continue implementation of mercury reduction program / 0 mercury spill incidents
Monitor staff competencies relative to spill management / 0 releases resulting in exposures
Emergency Management / Evaluation of Incident Command structure as component of community-wide emergency exercise. / Specific critique of Incident Command structure post-drill.
Evaluation of staff competency re: PPE during decontamination drill / > 98% competency as evidenced during drill
Life/Fire Safety Management / Life safety systems equipment PM’s done on time / 100% of life safety systems equipment PM’s completed within 30 days of due date.
Assure staff competency relative to fire response plan; / Continue to improve competency as determined during fire drills (100%)
Reduce the number of unnecessary alarm activations by improving protection during construction and other activities. / Goal is 0 events of this type
Environment of Care Function / Improvement opportunity/objective / Indicator/measure
Medical Equipment Management / Ensure competency of end users relative to medical equipment; track user error/abuse errors / 0 User error / abuse incidents resulting in negative patient outcomes
Preventative maintenance activities for medical equipment completed on time / >95% medical equipment PM activities completed on time (within 30 days of scheduled due date)
Reduction of devices that could not be located for inspection / < 5% of inventory
Reduction of operator error service calls / < 3% of service calls
Reduction of no problem found service calls / < 10% of service calls
Utility Systems Management / Utilities disruptions resulting in negative patient outcomes / 0 disruptions resulting in negative patient outcomes
Critical Utilities system equipment PM’s completed on schedule / 100% of critical utilities systems equipment serviced within 30 days of scheduled due date
Reduction of unscheduled utilities disruptions / 0 unscheduled utilities disruptions

Source: Steven MacArthur, Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc. © 2009 HCPro.