“The Baker’s Neighbor” Reading Assignments

The first 6 assignments are required for everyone to complete. You will choose 3 of the remaining 9 to complete for the week.

Write the definitions for each vocabulary word in this week’s reading. Be sure to include the word, the part of speech, the definition, and a sentence for each word.
/ Vocabulary Power
Read pgs 150-151 in the anthology. Complete the Vocabulary-Writing Connection.
/ Spelling Worksheets
Complete the 4 spelling worksheets, and study for the spelling test on Friday. / Activity Sheets
Complete the 4 activity sheets. / Grammar
Complete the 3 grammar worksheets.
Informative Paragraph (Part 1)
Think of an activity that involves several people. Then write a paragraph of information that tells the responsibilities of each person for the activity. Present the responsibilities in logical order. Create a Sequence Chart and write a rough draft.
/ A Batch of Causes & Effects
Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete this assignment.

Optional / Paint a Portrait
Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete this assignment.

Optional / Homophones
Create a list of at least 10 words. Then find homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently) for each word.
Optional / Cause Effect Story Map
Using the book The Story of Wheat, create a story map to show cause & effect relationships.

Write a Conversation
between two people. Use vocabulary words in the dialogue.
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Optional / Compare & Contrast
Manuel & Pablo. Record your ideas in a Venn diagram.

Optional / Build The Set
Use the stage directions to help you draw a picture of what you think the set for the story “The Baker’s Neighbor” looks like.
Optional / Rewrite One Scene
from the play as a story. Then use what you learned about complete and simple subjects to help you proofread your work for correct grammar and usage.

Optional / Cut Out Letters
From junk mail or old magazines to spell five spelling words. Then glue your letters to a sheet of paper to create a colorful word poster.

This symbol means this lesson will need to be completed in class.