Nightingale Nursing Fund – Minutes AGM

7th September 2016 – held at Cleobury Mortimer Sports and Social Club

Present: Rosemary Abbis (RA) (Chair), Debbie Brown (DB) (Secretary), Gill Shorter (GS) (Treasurer), Derek Pearce (DP), Madge Shineton (MS), Dr. Paul Thompson (PT), Sarah Price (SP), Ian Yeomans(IY)

Apologies: None

  1. Rosemary Abbiss welcomed everyone to the meeting. No apologiesreceived.
  1. The minutes from the 2015 AGM were reviewed and agreed by all as a true record of the meeting.

Matters Arising: None

  1. Election Of Officers

Chair: Rosemary Abbiss – Proposed (GS), Seconded (DB). All in favour

Secretary: Debbie Brown – Proposed (RA), Seconded (GS). All in favour

Treasurer: Gill Shorter – Proposed (RA), Seconded (MS). All in favour

  1. Treasurers Report

A report was presented by Gill Shorter, and is attached to these minutes. DB proposed and MS seconded that the accounts were accepted. All present agreed these were a true record. Gill reported that there has been no funding activity since October 2015. There was a general discussion about referrals to the Fund. Dr. Thompson commented that other providers are often used and that it is also common for Katya (CoCo) and Jo Booton to be involved. Another issue may be the use of ‘bank’ Community Nurses who may not know about the Fund.

It was discussed that there is often some difficulty in getting a care provider when the funding is present.

Hospice at Home has also become more used.

It was also felt that the threshold for wanting help has possibly dropped.

Dr. Thompson invited us to have a stand at the forthcoming Flu Clinic in October at CM Medical Centre in October to raise awareness of the Fund locally.

  1. Fundraising:
  • Christmas Bingo and Raffle–this will go ahead again this year at the Sports and Social Club. The date agreed was November 10th 2016.
  • Street Collection–All agreed that we should repeat in 2017 to coincide with market days Action – RA to enquire with Shropshire Council about permits.
  • Collection Box to be available at the Flu Clinic in October 2016
  • Charity evening at the Sports and Social Club in February 2017 based on ‘Deal or No Deal’. Action – DB and RA to meet with Andy Goold early October 2016 to arrange
  • The Fighting Cocks at Stottesdon may hold a Quiz Night in the New Year
  • Possible Coffee Mornings at the Market Hall in Cleobury. Action - DB to arrange
  1. Future Plans:
  • RA to arrange a meeting with Katya (CoCo) and Wendy Duley (Carers Group) to forge new links
  • RA to review Fund Constitution to see if the referral criteria can be extended
  • RA to link with the Care Co-ordinators at Ditton Priors Surgery (Amy Wall) and Highley Surgery (Elaine)
  • Link in with local Charitable Trusts for health needs funding
  • Revise leaflet and posters to include ‘case scenarios’ to raise awareness of the work of the Fund.
  • Maintain the website and use social media to better effect.
  1. AOB: None

There being no further business the meeting closed.