Tonto Basin School District #33

Board of Trustees

November 4, 2014 Minutes

Regular Session

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 4:05 P.M. Board members present: Mrs. France, Mrs. Speer, and Mr. Ewing. Meeting held in Tonto Basin School Cafeteria.

Also attending: Mr. Greer. Meeting minutes taken by Patty Ahlman.

I.  Approval of Agenda. Mrs. Speer mentioned that we may need to move things around on the agenda because of another meeting that was going on at the same time and we may need to wait on a few people. Mrs. Speer made a motion to approve the November 4, 2014 agenda. Mrs. France seconded. Passed.

II.  Approval of Minutes: Mrs. Speer made a motion to approve the October 5, 2014

minutes. Mr. Ewing seconded. Passed


A.  Superintendents Report: N/A

B.  Governing Board Member Report: N/A

IV Action Items:

A.  Consent Agenda: Mrs. Speer asked about the Voucher amount. Mrs. Steel stated that we had a tuition payment and that we had spent some money from SFB that we had received. Mrs. Speer made a motion to except the Consent Agenda items. Mrs. France seconded. Passed.

B.  Call to the Public: We had a call to the public from Mrs. Barnhart. She addressed the Board about her resignation letter and explained to the Board her reason for wanting to get out of her contract.

C.  New Business:

1.  Discussion/Action item: Acceptance of a resignation letter from Marsha Barnhart. Mrs. Speer made a motion to except Mrs. Barnhart’s resignation. Mrs. France seconded. Passed.

2.  Discussion/Action item: Approval of the purchase of a bus through Auto Safety House. The Board asked Beverly about the finances we had to purchase the bus as well as other things we needed to purchase at this time. Mrs. Steel went over the security items that the school is purchasing at this time (cameras, new locks, new push bars on the doors, the security door). Mrs. Steel mentioned the painting of the building as well as the finishing of the RTI room with additional wiring and new desks for the room. Mrs. Steel did mention that we could still do a 3 year lease on a bus, but we would be in a binding contract and if the funds were not available for a payment for some reason we would lose the bus. Mrs. France made a motion to go ahead and purchase the bus on a three year lease. There was not a second. Mrs. Speer made a motion not to purchase a bus at this time and address the purchase again in a few months. A vote was taken Mrs. Speer was an I, Mr. Ewing was and I. Mrs. France was a Ney. The vote passed that we would not purchase a bus at this time.

3.  Discussion/Action Item: Approval to change policy G-3100 GCCG Professional Stall Voluntary Transfer of Accrued Sick Leave to include classified staff and go retroactive back to the beginning of the 2014-2015 year. Mrs. Speer asked Mrs. Ahlman to explain the policy as it stands and explain what the change would be. Mrs. Ahlman explained the policy to the Board along with the proposed changes. Mrs. Speer wanted to table this until another meeting. Mrs. Speer would like to have ASBA write a new policy with the proposed changes so the Board can look at what a new policy would be like and then make a decision.

4.  V. Information Items: N/A

1.  Call to the Public: N/A

2.  Student of the Month. Mrs. Laurias presented two students of the month awards to Talon Sopeland and Arena Haught. Mrs. Laurias also presented Chenoa Marks with the Employee of the Month award. An award was also given to Thor Nudson for the outstanding work he had done for the past few weeks to keep our school a safe place.

3.  Budget Report: Mrs. Steel gave the Board a budget summary and went over the Budget with them. There were no questions.

4.  Student Council Report: Mrs. Marks gave the Board an update on what the Student Council was doing and the fund raisers at this time.

5.  Update on the Emergency Plan Committee and Training. Mr. Greer told the Board that the Emergency Plan Committee had been picked and that they were currently working on getting the plan current and would be doing training and that he would have the plan back on the December 9, 2014 for them to view the updates.

6.  Update on Well. Mr. Greer mentioned to the Board that the Well is currently being worked on, but it was being done in phases. He mentioned that it should be complete by the Winter Break.

7.  Update on Security System. Mr. Greer mentioned that the cameras are installed and that the Security Door is currently being approved at Mohave and it should be 2 to 3 weeks before that is installed. He also mentioned that we have had a Vendor here to look at the locks for the building.

8.  Update on the 5 member Board: Mr. Greer mentioned that it is on the ballot and we will know by tomorrow if it passed. It was mentioned that on Dec. 10th ASBA will be holding New Member Board training, the only thing is if we do get a 5 member Board we do not know who the other 2 members will be and they will miss the training.

9.  Update on A/C units. Mr. Greer mentioned that some of the units were getting rather old and we may need to look into replacing them, but wanted to get more information and get back to the Board on this matter.

10.  Future Agenda Items: PTO report, Student Council report, Student of the Month, Emergency Plan, Update on Well, Update on Security, Discipline Training for staff, and Revised Budget

Mrs. Speer made a motion to adjourn at 4:42.M. Mrs. France seconded. Passed

Next Regular Board Meeting will be December, 2014.

Minutes submitted by Patty Ahlman, secretary.

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