Polyol preparation by liquefaction of technical lignins in crude glycerol

Louis C. Muller1, Sanette Marx1, Hermanus C.M. Vosloo2

1Energy systems, School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering, North-West University, Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa

2Research Focus Area for Chemical Resource Beneficiation: Catalysis and Synthesis Research Group, North-West University, Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa


TABLE S1 Signal assignment of the 1H NMR lignin spectra

δ (ppm) / Assignment / Reference
Organosolv lignin:
7.3-7.6 / Aromatic protons in positions 2 and 6 of p-hydroxyphenyl structures / Seca et al. [1]
6.6-6.8 / Aromatic protons in syringyl and guaiacyl structures / Xu et al. [2]
4.8-5.0 / Hβ in β-O-4 structures / Xu et al. [2]
4.2 / HƔ in β-O-4 structures / Sun et al. [3]
1.9-2.1 / Methyl or methylene protons adjacent to double bonds or carbonyl groups / Marchessault et al. [4]
lignin acetoxy groups / Ralph et al. [5]
0.8-1.5 / Aliphatic protons in lignin or xylans / Xu et al. [2]
Kraft lignin:
8.5 / Phenolic protons / Fernandez-Costas et al. [6]
6.6-6.9 / Aromatic protons in syringyl and guaiacyl structures / Sun et al. [3]
4.0-4.8 / Hβ,HƔ in β-O-4 structure / Sun et al. [3]
0.8-1.7 / Aliphatic protons / Sun et al. [3]
6.6-6.7 / Aromatic protons in syringyl and guaiacyl structures / Sun et al. [3]
4.0-5.0 / Hα, Hβ, HƔ in β-O-4 structure / Zhou et al. [7]
0.8-1.8 / Aliphatic protons in lignin or contaminants / Fernandez-Costas et al. [6]
3.7 / Methoxy / Xu et al. [2],
Hu et al. [8]
3.4 / Water / Gottlieb et al. [9]
3.2 / Methanol (impurity)
2.5 / DMSO
2.1 / Acetone (impurity)

TABLE S2 Quantitative 31P NMR OH analysis: Approximate integration ranges [10-12]

Functional group / RII (ppm) / RI (ppm)
Aliphatic OH / 145.30-150.80 / Primary: 132.0-133.6
Secondary: 133.7-138.0
Internal standard (Cyclohexanol) / 145.00-145.30 / 133.6-133.7
Condensed phenolic / 143.30-145.00 & 140.30-142.00
Syringyl / 142.00-143.30
Guaiacyl / 138.55-140.30
p-Hydroxyphenyl / 137.30-138.55
Carboxylic acids / 133.70-135.60

TABLE S3 Signal assignment of the crude glycerol and polyol 1H NMR spectra

δ (ppm) / Assignment / Reference
5.3 / Olefinic protons
1,3-DAG OH / Miyake et al. [13]
Nebel et al. [14]
Sustere et al. [15]
4.5 / Ethanol OH
Glycerol primary and secondary OH / SDBSWeb [16]
Nebel et al. [14]
4.0 / -CH2O- in FAEE and TAG / Rosset et al. [17]
3.95, 3.88 / Glycerol CH and CH2 in MAG and DAGa / Sustere et al. [15]
3.43 / Water
Ethanol CH2
Glycerol CH / Fernandez-Costas et al. [6]
SDBSWeb [16]
Sustere et al. [15]
3.23-3.38 / Glycerol CH and CH2 / Nebel et al. [14]
2.7 / Divinyl methylene / Miyake et al. [13]
2.5 / DMSO / Fernandez-Costas et al. [6]
2.25 / α-Carbonyl methylene / Monteiro et al. [18]
2.07 / Acetone (impurity) / Gottlieb et al. [9]
2.0 / Allyl methylene / Miyake et al. [13]
1.85 / Acetic acid CH3
Methylene adjacent to triple bond in fatty acids / Gottlieb et al. [9]
AOCS [19]
1.5 / β-Carbonyl methylene / Monteiro et al. [18]
1.2-1.3 / Methylene protons on saturated carbon / Miyake et al. [13]
1.15 / FAEE ethoxy CH3 / Guzatto et al. [20]
1.04 / Ethanol CH3 / SDBSWeb [16]
0.8 / Terminal methyl / Monteiro et al. [18]
aMAG and DAG additionally have numerous signals in the range 3.2 – 5.0 ppm which overlaps with the other signals listed above.

TABLE S4 Signal assignment of the crude glycerol and polyol 31P NMR RII spectra

δ (ppm) / Assignment / Reference
148.20 / 1,2-Diacylglycerol / Spyros and Dais [21]
148.02 / 2-Monoacylglycerol / Nagy et al. [22]
147.65 / 1-Monoacylglycerol (CH2) / Christophoridou and Dais [23]; Nagy et al. [24]
147.36-147.39 / Primary OH in glycerol / Nagy et al. [22]
146.70 / 1,3-Diacylglycerol / Spyros and Dais [21]
146.65 / Ethanol / Nagy et al. [22]
146.43-146.45 / 1-Monoacylglycerol (CH) / Nagy et al. [22]
146.32 / Secondary OH in glycerol / Christophoridou and Dais [23]
134.72-134.74 / Fatty acids / Lucas-Torres et al. [25]


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