Duration : 3-4 hours Recommended Level : Form 2-5

Assessment on 4 Core Areas:
  1. Mathematical Content:
-Plan & designa garden
- Scale drawing
- Calculate price
-Geometrical construction
- Loci / Assessment on 4 Core Areas:
3. Skills:
- Interpersonal skills
- Practice listening skills
- Creative skills
- ICT skills
- Presentation skills
- Accuracy in Geometrical drawing
2.MentalProcesses / Thinking:
- Real life problem of planning and designing a garden
- Recognizing skills in specific jobs / tasks
- Tasks priority
- Transferring real area region onto paper
-The design plan must be impression.
-The budget have to be kept as low as possible
-Creative thinking
- Problem solving skills
-Thoroughness in accounting
-Appreciation of local culture / 4.Values:
- Leadership
- Patience
- Cooperative spirit
- Acceptance ofopposing views
- Responsibility & accountability
- Reasonable profit

Teachers’ Notes

1. The team will be made up of maximium 5 members.Your will fix the number of groups and assign the students in the group according to their academic performance and ICT skills. The ability of the students in each must be evenly distributed.

2. You can introduce the spirit of team work so that the students can carry out their duties which assigned to them. Example of the different duties which the members of the group will be carrying out are as following :( The names are not important, but the duties are important )

Team leader who acts a coordinator, an implementer and a completer which will conduct meetings, discussions and turn big ideas into manageable tasks and plans that can be achieved as well as drive the deadlines and make sure they are achieved.

Specialist who will provide specialist skills and knowledge in design and ICT and has a dedicated and single-minded approach.

Plant who will come out with original ideas and challenge the traditional way of thinking about things.

Resource investigator who has the strongest contacts and networks, and is excellent at

bringing in information and support from the outside.

  1. The students can present their work in the form of working paper, ICT- PowerPoint or

other mean of presentation.

4. You can ask your students to look for the price of the items used in the garden themselves

or you can given them the price list.

Students’ Note

The Regulation and Specification For The Design of The SchoolGarden.

1. The school garden should be built in the rectangular compound with the length and width

20 metres and 15 metres respectively.

2. The school garden should have the following features :

(i) A fountain in the centre of a circular pond with radius 3 metres. There is a concrete

foot path surrounding the circular pond.

(ii)Two main sculptures with a distance of 6 metres away from each other.

(iii)A foot path is built in such a way that when you stand at the footpath you are always the same distance from the two sculptures (ii).

(iv)Two rows of flower bed which are always 1.5 metres from the foot path in (iii).

(v)You can add in extra features and design with as stated in the item list.

3. Your need to work out the price for each items and the total budget. Remember that you have to keep the budget as low as possible.

4. You should form a team ofmaximium 5 members.

5. Your should submit the design plan and the budget within 7 days after the launching of

the ‘School Garden Design’ Competition.

6. You can refer the price of the items from the price list below:

Fountain – Rm 500

Sculpture type 1 – Rm 250

Sculpture type 2 – Rm 200

Sculpture type 3 – Rm 180

Concrete slabs ‘ 2 ft × 2 ft ‘ – Rm 2.50

Concrete slabs ‘ 1 ft × 1 ft ‘ – Rm 1.80

Flower type1 - Rm2.30

Flower type 2 – Rm 2.80

Flower type 3 – Rm 3.50

Tree type 1 – Rm 25

Tree type 2 – Rm 18

Facts / Need to know
(thinking & discussing) / Possible Solution
(thinking & discussing) / Decide on the best & what need to be done ? / Resources
1.Join the school
garden design
  1. Form a team of maximun of 5 students.
  1. Design a school garden.
  1. Draw a plan
  1. Check the price of the items needed to build the garden
  1. make a budget for the design of the school garden.
. /
  1. The general set up of the garden.
  1. Design according to the specification given by the school.
  1. The various ways of constructing the different features in the garden according the specification given by the school.
  1. Knowledge of geometrical constructions and draw loci
  1. The best way to check the price of the items .
  1. The best way of making budget.
  1. The best way of presenting the working paper.
  1. The design need to be submitted within 7 days.
  1. Drawing the plan by applying the knowlwdge of geometrical constructions and drawing loci.
  1. Checking the price of items through internet or by going the shops/ factories.
  1. Divide the work so that each member of the group has a task or tasks to be carried out.
  1. Team work .
  1. each member is given a task or tasks to complete.
  1. Design the garden by draw the plan with a suitable scale.
  1. Check the price of items through internet.
  1. make the budget by using excel program.
  1. Website for ‘ Team work ‘ and ‘PBL’ learning
2. Form 2 syllabus
3. Mathematics Form
2 Textbook.
4. BPK Notes