Court Case / Importance / Summary
Marbury v. Madison
McCulloch v. Maryland
Gibbons v. Ogden
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Plessy v. Ferguson
Brown v. Board of Education
Court Case / Importance / Summary
Miranda v. Arizona
Tinker v. Des Moines
Roe v. Wade
United States v. Nixon
Hazlewood v. Kuhlmeier


1.  What case established judicial review?

2.  What case is the current precedent for abortion laws?

3.  What case mandated that police must inform people in custody of their constitutional rights against self-incrimination?

4.  What case supported ‘separate but equal?’

5.  What case overruled ‘separate but equal?’

6.  What case investigated Congress and the ‘necessary and proper’ clause?

7.  What case ruled that African Americans were not citizens as defined by the Constitution?

8.  What case broadened the meaning of ‘commerce’ in the Commerce Clause to include ‘commercial intercourse?’

9.  What case ruled that students retain the right to free speech while in public school?

10.  What case ruled that presidents enjoy executive privilege, but that privilege is not absolute?

11.  What case ruled that school officials can exercise authority over content of school-sponsored publications?

12.  Which of these 11 cases do you think set the most important precedent at the time?

13.  Which of these 11 cases do you think set the most important precedent for the future of the United States?

Extension Activities

A.  Create flashcards for 15 landmark Supreme Court cases with the names on the front and the major decision or importance on the back.

B.  Research 1 additional landmark Supreme Court case. Write a 2 page paper explaining the background to the case, the decision that was reached, and why the case is so important.

C.  Write a current events report for 2 current cases on the Supreme Court docket. Each report should be 1 page long, with ½ a page dedicated to a summary of the case and ½ a page explaining the decision you hope the Court reaches and why.

Additional Resources

·  Oyez Scholars – IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law – Database of current and past Supreme Court Cases.

·  Supreme Court Cases – Marshfield School District – List of cases that have appeared on AP test.

·  Essential Court Cases for AP Government – Mr. Farshtey – Table of cases & main decisions that have appeared on AP test