Notes to the December16, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting

Present:Salaried: Katie Kopp, Sabrina Sowles

Non-Salaried: Kari Flanagan,LaNore Severtson, Paula Thielbar, Laura Richters, Shelly Nattress


Others in

Attendance:Courtney DeBoer, Sarah Nuffer, Mary Thompson

The meeting was called to order at 7:35.

It was motioned by Sowles and seconded by Thielbar to approve the agenda as amended to move Mary Thompson comments to public comment portion of meeting and out of Old Business.

Public Comments:

Mary Thompson was in attendance at the meeting to comment on the policy in place for fees due for alumni that skate and/or attend competitions with the club. Due to the confusion during registration regarding the policy and the fees due for the skaters, there was discussion regarding how to reword the skating fact sheet/registration in order to make it clear the fees that are due for the alumni skaters and the ice time that is available to anyone after graduation.

Secretary’s Report:

The secretary’s report from the 11/18/15 meeting was read by Secretary Flanagan. It was motioned byKoppand seconded by Severtson to approve the minutes as presented.

Treasurers Report:

The treasurer’s report was read and reviewed by bookkeeper/treasurer Kopp. The balance in the club account as of 12/16/2015 was $21,500.48. A few skating dues for the fall session are still owing. Families have been notified that skaters should not be on the ice until after fees are paid in full. Kopp will send out revised financial statements due to issues with entry posting on the reports presented at the meeting. It was motioned by Flanagan and seconded by Nattress to approve the report as presented.

Old Business:

Ice Crystal Classic :

Nuffer presented options for skater’s gifts. It was motioned by Sowles and seconded by Thielbar to approve the order/purchase of the gifts. There has been an offer to cater the hospitality room for the competition, however due to the potential additional cost to the competition and the fact that parents are good at offering food for the room, this offer was passed up. Conversation regarding potential vendors included postponing the rummage sale to a future date, other potential vendors may include hair, massage, photo booth and others as in past years.

2016 Show Picture Schedule update:

Due to a conflict on the original date of father/daughter and hockey player pictures, the Monday night picture session has been moved to the evening of February 15th.

Annual Banquet:

It was approved at a previous meeting to set the date for the annual banquet on Monday, March 28th. The banquet center is already booked for that date, so Richters will check on the possible use of the school commons for that date.

New Business:

Worlds Meeting:

Coach Koop reported on the attendance at and information given out during the recent Worlds meeting. Information was given regarding fundraising and the need for a volunteer to head up the project, however no volunteers came forward. A few parents had suggestions for potential fundraisers, however. Some parents asked for more information on cost before committing, however many costs are determined after know how many skaters/teams will be competing at the competition and what the need for coaching/ice time may be. Communication on this event will be an ongoing effort.

It was motioned by Nattress, seconded by Sowlestoadjourn the meeting at9:04pm.

The next meeting will take place on 1/27/16 at 7:30 at BMIA. Anyone that would like to be added to the agenda for a future meeting can contact president Laura Richters prior to the meeting.