The Meeting commenced at 7:00pm and concluded at 9:30pm


Councillor Howell (Chairman)

Councillors Ms Parkinson, White, Chandler, Wilkins, Evans, Howell, Mrs C Wilson

Also in attendance:

Councillor Mrs Butt – Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Public Engagement and Participation

Victoria Mainstone – Team Leader (Overview and Scrutiny)

Jan Hill – Recreation Team Leader

Anthony Rogers, Recreation & Community Manager

Mark Parsons – Waste and Fleet Team Manager

Steve Dean, The Principal Engineer, Traffic and Parking,

Richard Nicholson, Greenspace Development Team Leader

Members of the public in attendance: 50 approximately


There were no apologies for absence.


There were no declarations of interest.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Hamworthy East and West and Poole Town Area Committee, held on 9th May 2012, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


It was explained that a Petition was received by Council on 17 July 2012, which had been signed by a total of 141 local residents living in various blocks of flats in and around Mount Pleasant Road.

Members and residents of the Area Committee were asked for their views on introducing a crossing facility at Mount Pleasant Road.

A number of Members supported the Scheme as they felt that traffic moved fast along this road and it was difficult for disabled, elderly and infirm pedestrians to cross.

It was noted that the Transportation Advisory Group would be considering the request at their meeting, on 20th September 2012.

RECOMMENDED that the Area Committee supports the provision of a pedestrian crossing in Mount Pleasant Road.

Voting: For – 5 Against – 0 Abstention 1


The Senior Engineer, Traffic and Parking, asked Members to consider an improvement scheme at Poole Railway Station/Vanguard Road as part of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) Programme.

It was noted that the promotion of the sustainable travel in supporting bus services, cycling and walking is a key feature of Poole’s Transportation Strategy, encouraging alternative modes of travel rather than the car. Members’ attention was drawn to 3.4 of the Report, which outlined the main features of the scheme.

Members made the following comments:

·  that the extra CCTV and lighting was a good initiative.

·  concerns about the safety of cyclists as they pass behind the disabled parking bays.

RESOLVED that the views of the Area Committee on options shown on diagram JC0921/06 (Appendix B) be forwarded to the Transportation Advisory Group in considering the Scheme at their meeting on 20 September 2012.

Voting: For – Unanimous


The Senior Engineer informed the Members that the Traffic Panel’s recommendations had now been approved under delegated Powers for the following items:

·  Factory Road/Ventura Place – Yellow lines will be advertised using developer funding

·  Turlin Road – Parking controls are not supported in the lay-by outside the school

·  Sterte Avenue West – The panel approved the revocation of some of the yellow lines in this area.

The Committee noted the Panel’s Recommendations


The Officer outlined the Committee’s Programme of Minor Traffic Items for the coming year.

A resident informed Members that he felt the yellow box at Blandford Road/Ashmore Avenue was confusing for motorists and suggested this needed some improvement. A Member confirmed that discussions had taken place with the Police regarding the improvement of this yellow box. It was noted that the Ashmore Avenue detail would come back to the Area Committee.

Another resident welcomed the proposed height warning signs in Blandford Road as she witnessed HGV lorries having difficulties at the Lake Road Railway Bridge

Particular attention was drawn to the proposal to install a cast iron bollard at Ball Lane and the estimated cost was £500.

RESOLVED that approval be given to implement the Schemes in paragraph 3.4 as part of the programme for 2012/13.

Voting: For – Unanimous


The Officer gave a verbal update on the Blandford Road Wessex Waterworks and explained that a much larger scheme still needed working on and details would be presented to the Area Committee when known.

Residents requested that the Bridge should be fully operational when these works had been undertaken.

Residents suggested that the Bus Company should provide bus users with a leaflet informing them of any changes in service during this period.

RESOLVED that the verbal report be noted.

Voting: For – Unanimous


Discussions ensued with regard to the location of the oak trees in the Hamworthy East and West and Poole Town Area. Members reported that all the trees in Hamworthy Park had been vandalised at some point and a single tree would need to be caged. Concerns were raised regarding leaves falling into the paddling pool and play area, making it slippery. Officers said they would look at this issue. It was noted that local residents had suggested planting an Oak tree in the play area during the consultation.

Members felt that planting an oak tree at Sterte would be welcomed by Sterte residents.

Members noted that the trees would be between 10 and 12 feet tall when planted.


that Members agree the locations of the English Oak tree as stated within the Report with the following amendments:

(i)  Poole Town – that the tree is planted at Sterte

(ii)  That the Hamworthy Park location of the play area would be examined more closely.

Voting: For – Unanimous


The members of the Poole Harbour Canoe Club outlined to the Committee the proposals to build a new boat house at Lake Pier.

They explained that there was a need for new premises as the old facilities had:

·  no changing rooms

·  no internal training space

·  not enough storage space

·  wooden hut beyond repair.

The proposals for the new boat house were detailed as follows:

·  need to be near the water

·  section of land at the rear of the car park was away from the SSSI

·  land overgrown and used for fly tipping

The members of the canoe club outlined how the proposals affected residents and the Nature Reserve.

·  It was stated that the building would be further away from the car park.

·  The boat wash area moved away from the car park

·  Traffic volume unchanged (other users of car park sometimes mistaken with the club closed)

·  public access to the beach unchanged

·  Old premises removed and land restored to heathland

·  Position demands drainage repairs.

It was noted that consultation had taken place with stakeholders and the proposal for a new boat house included the building with a number of options being considered including a steel clad building. It was noted that club funds were supported by Sport England Award of £50,000 and the next step would be a lease agreement and planning application.

In conclusion, the Club Members felt that a new premises was needed and there was no other location identified. They had a proven track record as the responsible club user of Lake Pier and the Harbour and they asked Committee Members for their support.

The Recreation and Community Manager explained that the proposed area for the new building was within a Local Nature Reserve (LNR). It was noted that LNRs could be used for recreational purposes which included development such as sports facilities. The Club proposals had been consulted upon with stakeholders and comments highlighted some general areas of concern, which included

·  the environmental impact of the proposed development of the site

·  the conflict and pressures of the shared areas

·  the obstruction of views of the surrounding scenery

It was noted that other stakeholders supported the improved facilities for the promotion of sports.

The Recreation and Community Manager informed the Committee that it was the Council’s responsibility to consider applications from sports clubs and that the Local Nature Reserve was not in the SSSI. It was for the Council to decide on the scheme within its Local Planning Authority remit. A Member felt the Scheme should incorporate new toilets. A resident supported this application but felt that decisions could not be made without more details of the proposals.

Questions were raised about the Council allowing the Club members to clear the site. Animals would have burrowed into the ground and would be hibernating in September and October. It was explained that the Ecology Service by Dorset Ecology Group had stated that the clearing of the land had left the land in a better state. This had cost the Club £2,000.

It was noted that the Council had not yet received a planning application for this site.

The site had been cleared in accordance with the Council Officers and National England who inspected the site after the works and had not raised any concerns.

A Member felt that redevelopment of the site would be a positive move for local residents and particularly for young people and may help in regard to any anti-social behaviour in the area. The site was cleared in February 2012 and advice was taken with regard to wild life implications.

It was noted that the Club had 500 people on its membership. Concerns were voiced with regard to 500 people using the area. A Club member stated that the boats would be launched from Lake Pier and moving away to other parts of the Harbour. It was also stated that the new facility would reduce the need for trailers and free up more parking spaces.

A Member stated that in 1990 planning permission for a hotel on the site had been denied as this area was a Nature Reserve. 500 families objected to development in this area at that time.


the Committee note and support the Poole Harbour Canoe Club proposals.

Voting: For – Unanimous


A report of the Green Space Development Team Leader informed the Committee on the proposals to carry out some enhancements at Hamworthy Park.

The Committee noted the results of the public consultation held on Friday, 27 July 2012 and noted the various options for enhancement of the recreational facilities available within Hamworthy Park.

Members were informed that the monies were allocated from the Shapwick Road Housing Development 106 Agreement and included in the Management Plan for Hamworthy Park.

The following comments on the enhancements were made:

·  Car Parking, including seasonal parking had not been included in the consultation document and should be considered further. It was explained that Carter School and Middle School had been approached with a view to using the Schools Car parks for Hamworthy Park visitors. A resident stated that School Car parks had been considered in previous years and the initiative was never agreed.

Members felt Car parking for the park should be re-visited and a report should be presented to Committee with options. It was noted that the Portfolio Holder would work with Green Space Development Team Leader on car parking initiatives.

·  Residents explained that at the Hamworthy Park - Annual General Meeting (AGM) many residents did not like all of the proposals outlined in the consultation document therefore they felt the consultation outcome was not a fair reflection.

·  The report did not include details of the number of people responding to the consultation. It was noted that Officers would e-mail the consultation figures to residents.

·  Had the dragon teeth been assessed for Health and Safety implications and who is liable if any cars are damaged? It was explained that dragon teeth was used elsewhere in Poole with no adverse effect.

·  Why was the Petanque located at the wettest part of the park?

·  Boat Compound maintenance is poor and needed addressing.

·  The Paddling pool was biggest feature in the park and should be improved. It was explained the Council was looking for external funding as part of a wider project.

·  In response to Members questions about the Hamworthy Outdoor Education Centre it was explained that it was essential that the centre had a secure compound to remain operational and financially viable. The Council was supportive of outdoor Sports and Education and the slip way was perfect for access to the water for a wide variety of groups including local special schools. It was explained that Leisure Services would apply for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use or operation (CLEUD) for the boat compound and that on determination would submit the planning application for the new fence, gates and beach hut bases.

It was noted that work on the enhancements would commence in the Spring and residents were invited to e-mail further comments to Officers for consideration.


(i)  Comments from residents and Members as above be noted.

(ii)  a report on Car Parking arrangements for Hamworthy Park be presented to the Committee at a future Meeting.

Voting: For – Unanimous


Mark Parsons explained to Members about the litter picking initiative and strategy for the skateboard area which included:

·  Flexible working with the landscape contractor Continental

·  Work with the youth

·  Painting ramps to stop Graffiti

·  Empty bins daily

It was noted that the youth in the area was happy to work with the Council to keep the area litter free.

Dual recycling bins were recommended and it was noted that these bins were in stock.

Discussions ensued with regard to Enforcement Action, it was felt that this would be unpopular but was worth considering.

A resident said he would support an enforcement campaign because Poole had become a dirty place.