Revised 22/04/2015▪ Page 1 of 1


Voluntary Action Barnsley (VAB) exists to strengthen and champion the Voluntary and Community Sector across the Barnsley borough. We do this by promoting volunteering, helping groups with advice and practical support and representing the interest of the sector with decision makers.

Equal Opportunities

VAB celebrates the diverse cultures, communities and environments that make up our society and will not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination on any grounds, including race, disability, sexuality, gender, age, religion and other beliefs.

VAB will strive to:

• Prevent discrimination in the workforce;

• Ensure all activities and programmes are fully accessible and promote awareness

of the rights and needs of different groups of people;

• Develop and maintain a positive and inclusive workplace culture and environment with a workforce that broadly reflects the area in which its operates;

• Share its experiences and promote good practice in the area of equality and diversity with its members and other stakeholders;

• Identify and find ways of tackling new and emerging problems affecting groups facing disadvantage and discrimination

• Increase its involvement and collaboration with other organisations that promote

equality and diversity

Code of Ethics

Ethical behaviour underpins the way we behave, do business and treat one other. Our values determine our behaviour and we must support and uphold them so they are an integral part of day to day life in VAB. This code aims to guide our actions and those of people both with whom we work closely, encouraging a way of working which is honest, responsible and respectful and which generates trust.

This code applies to all employees and volunteers of VAB and all those working alongside, in partnership and on behalf of VAB.

Every employee and volunteer of VAB must:

• Treat everyone with dignity and respect and;

• Treat VAB assets and equipment with respect

• Operate within the letter and the spirit of law, exercising power and influence responsibly;

• Respect the laws and regulations in the areas in which we operate.

/ Voluntary Action Barnsley is committed to workforce
development and achieving excellence through the use of
quality standards