Corbeau is a Black Ski Club in Cincinnati,which was organized by four African Americans that wanted to ski. Beverly Clark, Harvey Pickrum, Daryl Carter and Robert Jacksoncame together and founded Corbeau in 1985. Corbeau wasgranted its charter with TheNational Brotherhood of Skiers(NBS) in 1986. By 1992 Corbeau had become one of the most progressive ski clubs in the NBS. The NBS is a non-profit organization that unites predominantly black ski clubs under a national banner, and consists of 58 ski clubs around the world, 16 of them are in the Midwest Region. NBS’s mission is (1) to identify, select and help fund African American youth who have the desire and talent to become a member of the United States Winter Olympic Ski and Snowboard Team and (2) to expose people of color to the sport of snow skiing, boarding & tubing. Corbeau actively supports the NBS mission through programming in the Greater Cincinnati Area.


Membership in Corbeau Ski Club allows you to participate in national, regional & localeventsat discounted rates, receive our monthly newsletter and receive email notifications regarding upcoming events. The NBS is active year round sponsoring ski events throughout the U.S. and Canada each year. The NBS has sponsored summer events that reach as far as the warm beaches of Brazil. Corbeau summer events include rafting, canoeing, camping, scuba diving, horseback & bike riding.


Perfect North Slopes (PNS) in Lawrenceburg,Indiana serves as our home base. Our goal is to be safe and have fun on the snow.

Our Learn-To-Ski program is open to all,from ages 5 to 99, on Monday evenings in January. The program offers certified ski instructorsfor the beginner as well as the advanced skier/boarder.

Ski Exposure Dayhappens each year in February and is a full day at PNS where people of color gather for a day of mingling, food, and fun on the snow. Skiing, boarding and tubing can all be done for one discounted fee.

Racing Programsare available that offer opportunities for racingfrom beginner to elite.


We offer a variety of annual ski trips from a three-day weekend, local bus trip, to a seven-day trip in the U.S. or in Canada. These are perfect opportunities to make new friendships here in Cincinnati and wherever the NBS skis.

Corbeau members have input on deciding where and when the National and Regional ski trips will be held each year. We make every effort to provide a quality, local,family ski trip each year based on the members’ desires.

Corbeauhas been a member of the Ohio Valley Ski Council since 2000. The OVSC offer a series of trips each year that are open to all OVSC clubs. With OVSC, you can skinationally, internationally andsouth of the equator summer skiing. OVSC also offersatwo-month racing program.


2014 -2015 Ski Season

December 6 – 13, 2014

Early Season Out

Winterpark, Colorado

January 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2015

Learn to Ski – Monday Club Night

Perfect North Slopes, Lawrenceburg, IN

January 30 –Feb 1, 2015

Midwest Winterfest –Boyne Highlands, MI

February 7

Ski Exposure

Perfect North Slopes, Lawrenceburg, IN

February 21 – 28

NBS Summit –Snowmass, Co

Don’t delay...Save Money!!

Sign up early for our trips

and programs.


General meetings are held at 7:00 P.M.,
the first Wednesday of each month from October-April at:

Avondale Community Center

617 Clinton Springs

Cincinnati, OH 45229

Corbeau Ski Club

PO Box 17140

Cincinnati, Ohio 45217

Ohio Valley Ski Council


Bev Clark, President

(513) 703-9929

Bea Lewis, Vice President

(513) 305-3569

Jim Walker, Secretary

(513) 304-2661

Phil Smith, Treasurer

(513) 780-0825

Gerlon Smith, Membership

513 751 1801

Don Hudson, OVSC Rep

(513) 681 7802

African Americans in Cincinnati, Ohio down hill snow skiing together since 1985.