Parent Newsletter Autumn 2 2017

Topic: Ancient Greece

This is a wonderful topic that gives the children the opportunities to explore Ancient Greece including Greek gods, The Olympics, What we learnt from the Greeks and also some Greek pottery artwork.


This half term our literacy is focused around a brilliant children’s book called ‘The Tin Forest’, we will be looking at this book in depth investigating language choice, character descriptions, imagery etc.

Our writing target this half term is;

To use fronted adverbials and inverted commas correctly for speech.

Guided reading:

Guided reading will take place on Tuesday for all groups. All home reading books will be changed on Tuesday or Wednesday and library books changed on Fridays. It is very important that children read their books as often as possible at home as this will help them in every aspect of their work.

Each week I will check that children’s homework diaries have been signed by an adult. This is an extremely useful form of communication.

Our reading targets is;

I understand what I read independently by checking that the text makes sense to me, discussing my understanding and explaining the meaning of words in context.


In maths, we will be studyingmental and written methods for multiplication and division. Knowledge of times tables are a massive part of understanding this and so practicing times tables regularly at home would be very beneficial. We will also be looking at reasoning and problem solving skills.

Our targets this half term will be:

Revise times-tables learned and derive division facts; perform division with remainders.


We will be learning about Mary the Mother of God. We will be discussing why Mary was chosen to be the mother of God and reflect on the role of Mary our mother, how she shows her love for us and how we show love for her.



We will explore magnets, we will be investigating which materials are magnetic, how a magnet works and the forces involved.


Homework will be given on a Friday and handed in by the following Wednesday. Occasionally additional topic/science homework may also be given.

It is very important that all homework is completed on time and to the same standard that we expect in school, in order to make it worthwhile. We value your support with this. I will check if homework is completed and if your child misses their homework they will be reminded to complete it for the next day. If it is still not handed in they will lose their rainbow badge until it is completed.


Spellings will be given on a Fridayto be learnt for thefollowing Friday.The spelling test result will be recorded in the homework diary and any mistakes on the test will be highlighted.


PE is on a Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the correct kit (yellow top, black shorts and pumps) Could you also pack an outdoor PE kit for this term (hoody/tracksuit/ trainers). Lessons will be both indoor and outdoor.

We will be going swimming on a Friday morning so remembering your swimming bag is essential.

Please see website for diary dates and events and more information on the curriculum and what the children have been up to:

Here are the ‘Golden Rules’ that we will remind and expect all of our children to follow every day.

We will do as our teachers tell us.

We will not hurt anyone by anything we say or do.

We will take care of other people’s things.

Thank you for your help and support.

Miss Comer, Mrs Hall and Ms Hanna