Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday 8th. August, 2017

Present: Lindsey Chave (Chair), Carry Smyth, Richard Norman, Bill Payne, Ewen Kellas, Chris Reed, Dennis Keenlyside, Ann-Marie Coyne, Heidi Chadwick

Apologies: Paul Fleury, Nick Belton, Billie Edmunds-Bell, Richard Edmed


Read and agreed.

ACTIONPOINTS not fulfilled and not on the Agenda

LC: cash box to be purchased

A-MC: signatories

NB: quote awaited; crisps

BP: to confirm cost of phone and broadband

CS: paving. £50.00 to cement existing blocks. LC to talk to NB re smoothing edge.


Donation: LC has been asked by the Kindergarten for a donation toward four Kindles, a subscription for Tapestry and four tabards. After discussion it was agreed to give a cheque for £550.00. A-MC.

Opening hours: when the Gun closes for four to six weeks at the end of August we will extend opening hours. BE-B will open 5 to 7.00 p.m. on Friday evening and LC will open 4 to 6.00 p.m. Saturday, JR will be on the bar 6 to 8.00 p.m. We will review after two weeks.

Beer Festival: the profit of £700.00 will be put toward Christmas lights for the Green. LC and RE will arrange to speak to Ralph Stevens.

Display boards: in the cupboard are some display boards. EK will mention this in a Newsletter, asking the owner to collect them.


Trust deed: the deed is ready for signing. LC will sign and pass to A-MC who will pass it to NB. An independent witness it required.

Lease: this is with the KCC solicitors and will be ready for signing soon.

Bookings: A booking for 17/02/18 was approved.

Website: continues to flourish. CR reports that queries re booking from Facebook are now directed to website.


Account balance at the end of the month was £47,980.46 with all accounts paid and takings from the Beer Festival included.

EDF: the direct debit has increased by £30.00 per month.

World Pay: the machine was replaced, but the signal continues to be unreliable. BP will get back to BT to confirm that the quote of £140 for setting up a phone line and £49.00 per month includes Broadband. If, we go ahead and get a phone line and broadband installed by BT the signal will improve.


Front door: see in Action Points.

Dishwasher: the current washer is not fit for purpose. After discussion it was decide to look into the cost of leasing a dishwasher. DK and LC will pursue investigations.

CCTV: this is installed. LC will write a notice to inform bar volunteers how to switch it on at the beginning of a shift.

Ceiling tiles: we have not heard back from the Council about fire safety checks.


Applications were received and approved from the following: Pauline Wilson, Michael Miles, Greg Chapman.


A recent stock-take by EK showed a bar profit margin of 44.2%. The cellar is well stocked at present.

Volunteer training: PF and LC will arrange training within the first two weeks of September. There may be five new volunteers. Some regular volunteers may wish to come along for a refresher.

Fridge: there was discussion about providing more cold drinks. The committee will look into installing another fridge.


Elvis Night: 7th. October. Tickets for non members will be £5.00. CR and LC will design and print tickets.

Quiz Night: 21st. October. DK and CS to organise.

Starks Band: this will play on Friday, November 10th. Non-members will pay £5.00 for tickets. Proceeds will go to the Poppy Appeal.

Christmas Festival: December 9th.

Carols on the Green: 14th. December.

Christmas Draw: 23rd.

Christmas Eve: band booked

New Year: the Heartbeats have been booked.

Burns Night: January

Race Night: March 3rd.

There was discussion about a possible trip to Lingfield Races. The prices quoted by BP are quite high so we need to assess member interest. Another trip to the Greyhound Races will be organised.


Snooker: RN reported that there are hopes for a snooker team next season. The teams will need to inform the committee in good time to arrange extra Monday cover. A league fee will be required.


Rubbish: People using the kitchen are leaving rubbish outside the back door. In addition, the bin, owned by the Business Centre is regularly over-filled. CR will make a note on the Booking Form that people need to take their own rubbish home after a private party.


LC: cash box; Christmas lights; deed for signing; CCTV notice; volunteer training; tickets for music evenings; dishwasher; paving

CR: tickets; booking form re rubbish

DK: dishwasher; quiz

A-MC: donation cheque; sign deed; signatories

RE: Christmas lights

EK: Newsletter re display boards

PF: bar training

NB: door quotes; sign deed

CS: quiz

BP: BT re phone and broadband.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, September 7th. 7.45 p.m.