Bell Ringer Questions for the Weeks of January 19 – January 30

Monday, January 19

No Bell Ringer

Tuesday, January 20

Most of the top oil producers in the world are located in which region?

What is the reason why gas is a better deal in 2015 at $1.90/gallon than in 1950 at 27 cents/gallon? What is the name for this?

Wednesday, January 21

Look at your Gas Prices Line Graph. Why do you think there was a spike in gas prices from 1975-1980?

Do you think we are currently getting a good deal on gas prices? Why or why not?

Thursday, January 22

What are the 4 different types of economic systems?

What is human capital? How can a person increase their human capital?

Friday, January 23

No Bell Ringer – Quiz

Monday, January 26

Interdependence in economics can be defined as countries that rely on other countries around the world. How do you think this is accomplished?

What is helpful spillover? What is harmful spillover? (Hint: the answer is somewhere in the room) Please give an example of both.

Tuesday, January 27

What are two rivers and a mountain range that are important to the geography of the Indian Subcontinent?

What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of monsoons?

Wednesday, January 28

What physical features form the border between the Indian Subcontinent and the rest of Asia?

How does the physical geography of the Indian Subcontinent (South Asia) affect its climate patterns?

Thursday, January 29

Looking at your political map of South Asia, why do you think the cities are located in the areas they are?

Which country on a map of South Asia would you most like to visit? Why do you say this?

Friday, January 30

What is archaeology?

In which modern country can we find the ancient Indus River Valley civilization?

What are 3 pieces of evidence to support an advanced civilization within the Indus River Valley?