Research Rubric—Elementary

A rubric in student language used by elementary students to reflect on their research skills and processes.

Evaluate, analyze, organize, resources

Compare your work to this rubric as you do research.

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Generating a Question / I pose a thoughtful, creative question that interests and challenges me. / I pose a focused question that interests and challenges me. / I pose a question that is easy to answer. / I rely on the teacher to pose my question.
Selecting, Sorting, and Evaluating Information / I collect, sort, and evaluate relevant, balanced, reliable information on my own. / I collect and sort relevant information on my own. / I collect and sort some information, but I am not sure if it is accurate or useful. / I go from source to source and have trouble determining what will be the most helpful.
Organizing Information / I organize my ideas and important supporting information related to my question. / I organize information related to my question and look for missing information. / I try to organize the information I find, but I make some mistakes. I have difficulty staying focused on information that will answer my question. / I lose track of the most important information.
Analyzing Information / I carefully analyze the information and draw logical, well-reasoned conclusions supported by the evidence I collected. / I analyze the information and draw logical conclusions supported by the evidence I collected. / My analysis could be deeper. My conclusion could be supported by stronger evidence. / I restate the information in my conclusion. My conclusion is not supported by evidence.
Synthesizing Information / My information is logically and creatively organized with smooth transitions. / My information is logically organized, and I make good connections among the ideas. / My information could be better organized. / My information is not logically or effectively organized.
Creating a Product / I create an original product that clearly answers my question with accuracy, detail, and understanding. / I create a product that answers my question with detail and accuracy. / I create a product that offers some insight but only partially answers my question. / I create a product that is missing details and is not completely accurate