July 15, 1968

Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, July 15, 1968 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Winston Crawford, Chairman; Councilmen Donald Shaw, John Jones, Paul Washburn, and Stanley Leavitt. Robert Dove, absent, excused. Also present were City Manager Earl Wengreen, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Engineer Russell Brown, and Recorder Anne Cooper.

Others were present as listed:

Burton Taylor, State Road Commission 1300 South Access Road

Ronald H. Nelson Intersection 500 North 700 East

Thomas Carlile Intersection 500 North 700 East

Elaine Carlile Intersection 500 North 700 East

Shirley B. Ewell Intersection 500 North 700 East

Carol F. Radichel Intersection 500 North 700 East

Betty Lou Evans Intersection 500 North 700 East

Jennis W. Salisbury Intersection 500 North 700 East

Donald H. Evans Intersection 500 North 700 East

LaVoyle Sargent Intersection 500 North 700 East

Jay B. Sargent Intersection 500 North 700 East

Conroy B. Clayton Intersection 500 North 700 East

Norma E. Brown Intersection 500 North 700 East

Carlene Brown Intersection 500 North 700 East

Mrs. Lawrence Jackson Foster Group Home

K. LeRoi Nelson Foster Group Home

Arnold Long, Fire Chief Foster Group Home

Val McAlister, Fire Prevention Foster Group Home

Jeremiah Hatch Foster Group Home

Paul Christopherson Foster Group Home

James Simmons, Police Chief Ambulance Fund

Scott Wilkins Ambulance Fund

Meeting opened with prayer by Earl Wengreen.

Obtaining rights of way for the frontage road from the Carterville area was discussed. Also motion was made by John Jones to use all the power we have as a municipality and authorize the using of budgeted funds to purchase the right of way property for the frontage road from Carterville, and if not able to purchase the property to authorize the City Manager to proceed to condemn the property as quickly as possible, and authorize the City Manager to offer to install water and sewer lines on 1200 South from 800 East to 1000 East thence south to 1300 South on 1000 East in exchange for the property. Motion was seconded by Stanley Leavitt, and passed unanimously.

Citizens met to discuss a drainage problem on 500 North 650 East to 700 east. Tom Carlisle, spokesman, reported that the group represented 14 homes in the area. When LeGrand Park takes irrigation water to his orchard, the water actually goes over the sidewalk on to Mr. Evans lawn as there is no other place for it to go.

Mr. Evans stated that the east side of the street is 12 to 16 inches lower than the west side.

City Engineer Russell Brown reported that his crew had shot the grades, and the area can be drained from east to west if we dig a deep enough ditch. It would take a 15" pipe.

The City Engineer was requested to make a recommendation on drainage problem in Lucky Acres Subdivision, 600 East to 700 East, 500 North to 600 North. Property owners to be notified of decision.

Public Hearing convened at 8:00 p.m. to consider amending the zoning ordinance to provide for off-street parking.

No objections having been received, or noted, motion was made by Donald Shaw, to accept ordinance No. 132, an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance of Orem City, Utah, pertaining to required off-street parking, and declaring an emergency; and authorizes the Mayor and Council to sign. The motion was seconded by Paul Washburn, and passed unanimously.

Bids were opened on water and sewer lines frontage road as follows:

Dunn Construction $ 13,130.50

Tyler Sand & Gravel 13,614.50

Brown P & H 16,993.33

Cox Brothers 12,459.55

Engineers Estimate 15,297.50

Motion was made by Donald Shaw that, based on the action taken by the City Manager and City Engineer upon procurement of the right of way for the 1300 South frontage road, Bids to be reviewed and brought back to the Council for further action. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.

A petition to vacate 1200 south east of U.S. 91 was received as follows:

1. Comes now ZIONS COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION, a Utah corporation: BUYERS SYNDICATE, a Utah partnership; and WOODBURY CORPORATION, a Utah corporation and respectfully petition Orem City, a municipal corporation, through the City Council of Orem City for the vacation of that portion of 1200 South Street in Orem City, Utah, which is bounded on the West by U.S. Highway 91 in Orem City, and is bounded on the East 25 feet West of the SOUTHWEST corner of property in the ownership of Emma E. Chittock, and said portion of 1200 South Street is more particularly described as follows:

Commencing 993.0 feet North 89° 18' West along the section line and North 0º 13' West 25 feet from the Southeast corner of Section 23, T6S, R2E, SLBM, thence North 89° 18' West 1515 feet, thence South 18° 34' East 52.96 feet, thence South 89° 18' East 1499.85 feet thence North 50 feet to beginning.

Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt that good cause having been determined for vacating 1200 South Street that lies inside the property described in the ZCMI and Woodbury petition, and such vacating of said street will not be detrimental to the general interest, to accept the petition from ZCMI and Woodbury Corporation, and order the City Manager and City Attorney to prepare an ordinance vacating 1200 South as described in the petition. The motion was seconded by John Jones, and passed unanimously.

Mrs. Lawrence Jackson and others met with the Council regarding classification of her Foster Group Home as a nursing home by the Fire Department.

Mrs. Jackson stated that she has the plans for a new home for mentally retarded children that are going to school. It will be built according to building codes but does not have to have an automatic sprinkling system.

Mr. Hatch stated that one home is basically medical, or rest home, while the other is educational.

Mr. Christopherson stated that he has worked with nurseries for a long time. Usually the fire department inspects a building and makes recommendations, and may stipulate a period of time to put in improvements. This sprinkling system would cost Mrs. Jackson $4,000 to $5,000 to start.

Attorney Wentz was requested to give his opinion on the status of Mrs. Jackson's home for retarded children, and report to the Council July 29, 1968.

Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt, seconded by Donald Shaw, to approve the agreements and easements with Fergusons and Strattons, as amended, provided descriptions are added, and limit the agreement with Elizabeth Ferguson to 10 years, and authorize the Mayor to sign. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt, seconded by Paul Washburn, to authorize the Mayor to sign a land purchase agreement for a fire substation on 800 North with Victor H. Christensen, and authorize payment in full. Motion passed unanimously.

Scott Wilkins and James Simmons met to report on the ambulance fund drive. Scott Wilkins reported that the new ambulance cost is $14,376, of which $7,500 has been paid. A portion of the balance has been raised or promised. The Committee is requesting that an authorized person sign a note in the amount of $6,876.50 so that they may bring the ambulance to Orem and put it into use before all donations are collected.

Motion was made by John Jones, seconded by Paul Washburn, to authorize the Mayor to sign a note in the amount of $6,876.50 payable to Franz Ridgway Distributors for the balance due on the new ambulance with no due date set and no interest charged. The ambulance Committee to turn the money in so the City will not pay more than the $4,000 budgeted. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt, seconded by John Jones, to authorize payment of $1,224.98 to Ashworth Architects for the Fire Station plans, and $5,346.80 for the City Center plans. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Donald Shaw, seconded by Paul Washburn, to pay American Fork City $738.65 for yard service for July. Motion passed unanimously.

City Manager Wengreen reported that the City had received a summons and claim on the Vida Lystrup law suit. Mrs. Lystrup is claiming loss for injuries received when she fell in the City Hall.

Motion was made by Paul Washburn, seconded by Stanley Leavitt, to refer the Vida Lystrup claim to Safeco Insurance Company. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt, seconded by Paul Washburn, to accept the recommendation of Dean Larsen and authorize the Mayor to contact Paul Gordon and Allen W. Nielsen about serving on the Library Board, 3 years, 1968-1971. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Paul Washburn, seconded by Donald Shaw to authorize the City Engineer to call for bids on the Class C Road program July 29th, and storm sewer August 5th. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Donald Shaw, seconded by Paul Washburn, to continue the meeting to July 16th. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made by Donald Shaw and seconded by Paul Washburn. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.