The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA) 2002-3 [W.4900] declares “marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. Marriage is a civil contract between a woman and a man. For Christians marriage is a covenant through which a man and a woman are called to live out together before God their lives of discipleship. In a service of Christian marriage a lifelong commitment is made by a woman and a man to each other, publicly witnessed and acknowledged by the community of faith.”
I. The Minister and Session are responsible for all wedding services and rehearsals conducted at Roanoke Island Presbyterian Church.
A. Dates of the wedding rehearsal and service must be set through personal consultation with the minister. This step should be taken at least two (2) months prior to the wedding date.
B. The Book of Order [W-4.9002] requires that prior to marriage, the minister must provide for a discussion with the man and woman concerning:
1. The nature of their Christian commitment, assuring that at least one is a professing Christian.
2. The legal requirements of the state.
3. The privileges and responsibilities of Christian marriage.
4. The nature and form of the marriage service.
5. The vows and commitments they will be asked to make.
6. The relationship of those commitments to their lives of discipleship.
7. The resources of the faith and the Christian community to assist them in fulfilling their marriage commitments.
“If the minister is convinced after discussion with the couple that commitment, responsibility, maturity, or Christian understanding are so lacking that the marriage is unwise, the minister shall assure the couple of the Church’s continuing concern for them and not conduct the ceremony. In making this decision the minister may seek the counsel of the session.” [Book of Order W-4.9002]
II. Outside Minister
If another ordained minister(s) is (are) desired by the bridal couple to perform the service (or assist in one performed by the resident minister) timely request to that effect must be made to the minister of Roanoke Island Presbyterian Church who, after consulting with the Session may issue an invitation to the guest minister(s).
III Music.
“Music suitable for the marriage service directs attention to God and expresses the faith of the church. The congregation may join in hymns and other forms of praise and prayer.” [Book of Order]
A. All musical selections must be made in consultation with the Church staff participating in the wedding service.
B. If you wish some other instrumentalist, or vocalist at your wedding, you may seek one yourself, or ask the minister, or choir director to help you find someone. Please consult with the minister regarding this before making final plans.
C. All music should be in keeping with the Christian faith. A meeting with our staff will suggest music to you that you may not have considered, and can add a great deal to your wedding service. / IV. Decorations.
Decorating the church is the responsibility of the wedding parties.
A. Considering the size of the sanctuary, it is suggested that flowers not be too ostentatious.
B. The church does not own candelabras, kneeling benches, or an aisle cloth. These items may be rented from a florist.
C. Ordinarily, no candles, flowers, or other decorations may be placed on the communion table.
D. To protect the carpeting from wax, please use only dripless candles.
E. The paraments may be the liturgical colors or white
V. Reception
Due to the limited space in the fellowship hall, if a large reception is planned, please seek another location.
Currently, the church facility is not available as a "rain plan" location.
VI. Conduct
A. Rehearsals in the sanctuary begin on time and proceed in a dignified and reverent manner. Members of the wedding party should be punctual for the rehearsal which should not last more than one hour.
B. Photographers of the wedding must be approved by the Pastor. Photographs may be made in areas outside the sanctuary (i.e. bride’s dressing room, minister’s study, library) and in the narthex prior to the wedding. Only photographs and video recordings using existing light shall be made during the wedding ceremony and only in a quiet and unobtrusive manner. No flash photography is allowed during the ceremony. The wedding party may reassemble for photographs at the conclusion of the postlude.
C. The throwing of rice or confetti is not permitted on church premises.
D. Smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the church building.
E. No member of the wedding party may be under the influence of alcohol at the rehearsal or during the wedding service.
VII. Custodial
The furniture may be rearranged but the worship space must be returned to its original arrangement. The facilities must be left in as good or better condition as they were prior to the services. The custodial fee is $100.00
VIII. Fees
Clergy and musicians are providing professional services. Please negotiate compensation on an individual basis. The minister may accept an honorarium in any amount at the discretion of the bridal couple; however, a suggested amount of $250 is recommended. A minimum fee of $100 per musician is suggested.
The Service of Marriage