In Loving Memory of

Chutinan (Pear) Liewphairatana

Pear was a giver. She was one of the most humble, kind people I have ever met. You would never know it but she has accomplished so many great things in her life. She is from Bangkok, Thailand and came to the United States for college and had never been here before. Since being here she never let the language barrier be a barrier to her. She has received academic honors all semesters she has been here at Purdue. She has given so much of her time and effort while here at Purdue. Pear had a great appreciation for the value of time and was rarely wasting it.

Pear did so much for others before she came to the United States. She was a member of many humanitarian organizations. She was treasurer of TeddyHero, a project for Hope, to help less fortunate kids around hospitals in Thailand and poor villages in Thailand. Pear was also the vice president of the YMCA, Light Up the World Youth club. In this capacity, she raised money and gathered goods for less fortunate people in Thailand. This group was especially active after the tsunami that struck the country. She did so much for others. Another thing that Pear did in Thailand was work for Habitat for Humanity, building houses for less fortunate people in Thailand.

Pear did whatever she could to help friends or people she didn’t know. Pear is so humble; many of you may not know she was part of four varsity sports while in Thailand. She was a member of varsity tennis, varsity badminton, varsity soccer and varsity touch rugby. She also played the piano and violin since the age of four. What a talented person. Pear touched so many people’s lives in a very special, giving manner. If more people could be like Pear, the world would truly be a better place.