Systems Administration & Web Team Annual Report, 2004-2005

Susan Ryan, Associate Director

June 2005

Major Systems & Web Events 2004-2005

In June 2004, the Library replaced its HP server with a SUN server using a combination of library gift funds and funds designated by Vice President Jim Beasley. Data migration was done by the vendor with the assistance of Information Technology staff member Arthur Byrnes.

A wireless network was installed in the Library in the summer of 2004. After a few initial bugs were worked out, it appears to be working well and many students have been seen using it with their own laptops. Reception appears good throughout the building.

At the start of the new fiscal year, the Music Library staff took over the supervision of the music laboratory computers. (IT staff had previously had responsibility for the machines.)

In August 2004, the IT Department mandated that all PCs be switched over to Microsoft’s Active Directory and upgraded to the XP operating system. The change came right before the start of the fall semester and caused numerous problems throughout the year. Major problems included many faculty members and students not being able to login to their network drives, the lack of automated logins for patrons, lost printer connections, system failures, and error messages. While most of the problems have been resolved, the changes and the resulting network issues have contributed to long delays in getting new PCs imaged and into service.

Also in August 2004, the Library upgraded its SIRSI integrated system from Unicorn 2002 to Unicorn 2003. Minor changes in the interface and functionality resulted, but most problems relating to the upgrade were resolved fairly quickly.

In the fall of 2004, the Library purchased two printer fusers ($120 each) to extend the life of HP printers that had crashed. To date, each of the printers with the new fusers has produced more than 3,000 additional copies and both are still running smoothly. The number of extra copies produced will be monitored to determine if new fusers are more cost effective than buying new printers.

The Library purchased three new workstations and printers for the public area with donor funding in October. These were the only new workstations to be added to the public area during the fiscal year.

In December, the Library received 12 GX 150 workstations (vintage 2001) as roll-downs from Celebration. Of the 12, nine were found to be in working condition. One was used to replace a staff machine that was not working properly and the other eight were scheduled to replace some of the oldest machines in the public area. Imaging issues have plagued the effort to get these PCs deployed and they have not been put into service this fiscal year.

The SIRSI renewal screen was edited and updated so that it could be added to the Library’s home page. The resulting link makes it much easier for patrons to renew their library material from any computer without having to come into the Library.

During the spring 2005 semester, Adware and Spybot software was put on all circulation PCs in both the duPont-Ball and Jenkins Music libraries. The last of the Novell network connections were removed from Library PCs.

The Library developed a web page for alumni in spring 2005 that offers access to Internet resources and information about Library services. The Library stands ready to add some subscription databases to the alumni resources page as soon as email authentication issues can be resolved. The Library Director and the Chair of the Council of Deans met with staff from IT and Alumni Relations to discuss alumni email issues and the implications for database licensing, but the technical issues are still pending at the close of the fiscal year.

The Head of Technical Services attended the annual SIRSI Users Conference in March and learned of the latest upgrades needed for our system and of the changes that will occur with the installation of a java client. The next SIRSI upgrade is scheduled for August 2005.

An upgrade version of the CleanSlate software was purchased and installed in April. While the new CleanSlate solved some of the problems we had been experiencing on the public computers, it may have caused some new problems that must be solved.

Also in April, the Library created web pages for a new digital archive of Stetson senior projects. Initiated by the Student Government Association, and approved by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the project got off to a slow start this year due to the late implementation and the lack of communication in the College of Arts and Sciences. The first student project, however, was mounted on the website, and it is hoped that next year’s seniors will be encouraged to add their projects to the archive.

A series of web pages for the new duPont-Ball Library Evans C. Johnson Research Prize was put up on the website in spring 2005 and the first annual award winners were announced on those pages.

Late in the spring semester, 10 new GX 280s were received from the IT Department. All of these will be deployed to the public area as soon as the image is ready and loaded. Some will replace older machines and some will be net new additions.

In May, the last Library email accounts on Eudora (ILL and Reference) were converted to Outlook.

At the end of the fiscal year, Instructional Media staff provided the Library with raw data on Library web page hits. The Library Director compiled the data in an Excel spreadsheet and the data are attached.

New Hardware Added in 2004-2005


·  New PC and monitor – Rob Lenholt (purchased in 2003-04, installed 2004-05)

·  New PC and monitor – Debbi Dinkins (purchased in 2003-04, installed 2004-05)


·  New barcode scanner – Susan Derryberry

·  New printer – Pat Lopez


·  New printer – Sims Kline


·  New PC and monitor – Cathy Ervin

·  New printer – Public Area


·  Three new PCs – Public Area

·  Three new PCs – Barbara Costello, Jean Finks, Ann Molohon

·  Five new printers – Public Area


·  New PC and monitor – Linda Grooms

·  Eight roll-down PCs and monitors (2001 from Celebration) – Public Area (not yet installed)

·  New Printer – Karen Blekicki

·  Three new barcode scanners – Circulation, Ann Molohon, Music Library Circulation


·  New printer – Jane Bradford


·  New printer – Reference Desk


·  Roll-down printer installed -- Reference Desk (from Grooms)

·  Roll-down PC installed – Sims Kline (from Celebration)


·  New PC and monitor – Susan Derryberry (purchased but not yet installed)

TOTAL ADDED IN 2004-2005:

·  Nine new workstations for staff (Ervin, Costello, Molohon, Finks, Grooms, Derryberry, three Public)

·  Two roll-down workstation from Celebration (Kline) and Grooms (Reference Desk)

·  Eleven printers (Six Public, Kline, Lopez, Bradford, Blekicki, Reference Desk)


·  Eight workstations (2001) from Celebration (Three more deemed unusable.)

·  Ten workstations (2005) from IT

Library Web Statistics FY 2004-05

Page / Hits
/library/ (91074) and /library/library.html (2809) TOTAL ALL / 93,883
/library/alljrls0.htm (7509) and subpages (27719) TOTAL ALL / 35,228
/library/database.html / 33,008
/library/frankenstein/ (1795) and subpages (8391) TOTAL ALL / 10,186
/library/ref.html / 5,913
/library/offcampus.html / 4,880
/library/dbinfo.html (3772) and dbinfo.doc (984) / 4,756
/library/handbook.html (handbook.doc - 714) TOTAL ALL / 4,475
/library/libmap.html (2,066) and /library/maps.html (1947) TOTAL / 4,013
/library/calendar.html / 3,957
/library/sheetmusic.html / 3,323
/library/music/JenkinsMLib.php (1890) and musiclib.html (1257) / 3,147
/library/ill.html / 2,970
/library/staff.html / 2,941
/library/aboutlib.html / 2,628
/library/reporterarchives.html / 2,306
/library/email.html / 2,254
/library/suggestions.html / 2,218
/library/jobs.html / 2,144
/library/emailref.html / 2,017
/library/libdepts.html / 1,960
/library/maps.html / 1,947
/library/search.html / 1,892
/library/refguides.html / 1,864
/library/docshome.html / 1,790
/library/directions.html / 1,788
/library/topten.html / 1,760
/library/biol.html / 1,733
/library/libpubs.html / 1,729
/library/recent.html / 1,723
/library/psych.html / 1,718
/library/educ.html / 1,675
/library/libpolicies.html / 1,607
/library/market.html / 1,486
/library/sport.html / 1,454
/library/ra3.html / 1,444
/library/lit.html / 1,441
/library/trials.html / 1,381
/library/polisci.html / 1,373
/library/webcatgde.html / 1,350
/library/history.html / 1,328
/library/ILLAnswer.html / 1,328
/library/docsXXXXX.html - TOTALS ALL DOCS / 1,320
/library/LA.html (1293) and /associates.html (182) TOTAL ALL / 1,293
/library/govdocs.html / 1,192
/library/books.html / 1,174
/library/soc.html / 1,168
/library/musicref.html / 1,167
/library/geog.html / 1,149
/library/celebration.html / 1,115
/library/ECJPrize TOTALS ALL SUBPAGES / 1,105
/library/business.html / 1,096
/library/religion.html / 1,086
/library/ILL-Jrl.html / 1,074
/library/password.html / 1,061
/library/perlist.html / 1,053
/library/facreview2002.doc / 1,047
/library/elections.html / 1,039
/library/ILL-Book.html / 1,030
/library/account.html / 1,029
/library/dbinfo.html# TOTALS ALL # BOOKMARK HITS / 984
/library/theater.html / 970
/library/Educause2002.html / 953
/library/readyref.html / 947
/library/refhome.html / 945
/library/comm.html / 940
/library/econ.html / 939
/library/law.html / 933
/library/art.html / 931
/library/cdXXXXX.html TOTALS ALL CDs / 907
/library/esl.html / 906
/library/current.html / 865
/library/ALA2004LA.html (OLD ALA PAGE) / 850
/library/rg19.html / 850
/library/managemt.html / 845
/library/videoXXXXX.html TOTALS ALL VIDEOS / 838
/library/newsletter.html / 833
/library/gender.html / 825
/library/Student_Awards.html / 819
/library/facreview2003.doc / 805
/library/NewsletterFall2003.doc / 803
/library/archives.html / 802
/library/deptbooks.html / 800
/library/science.html / 795
/library/access.html / 792
/library/amerstud.html / 791
/library/facreview2001.doc / 778
/library/scoresXXXXX.html TOTAL ALL SCORES / 777
/library/state.html / 773
/library/compsci.html / 772
/library/foraff.html / 768
/library/finance.html / 760
/library/phil.html / 753
/library/Acq_Book.html / 752
/library/hours.html / 741
/library/chem.html / 734
/library/colldev.html / 733
/library/forlang.html / 733
/library/circ.html / 726
/library/econla.html / 726
/library/rg28.html / 705
/library/rg10.html / 692
/library/instruction.html / 676
/library/libinfo.html / 675
/library/ALA2003fall02.xls / 668
/library/docsXXXXX.html TOTAL OF ALL MONTHS / 666
/library/ra11.html / 659
/library/rg30.html / 659
/library/docspaperXXXXX.html TOTAL OF ALL MONTHS / 650
/library/techserv.html / 650
/library/catalogs.html / 649
/library/math.html / 629
/library/physics.html / 621
/library/rg03.html / 621
/library/rg18.html / 620
/library/ALA2003spr03.xls / 617
/library/rg05.html / 611
/library/libdeptpubs.html / 598
/library/periods.html / 598
/library/reserves.html / 589
/library/WSmap.html / 589
/library/rg31.html / 585
/library/rg48.html / 580
/library/LIevalty.html / 578
/library/50states.html / 576
/library/rg43.html / 574
/library/internet.html / 566
/library/rg46.html / 562
/library/colldevref.html / 560
/library/annualreports.html / 554
/library/rg24.html / 546
/library/rg26.html / 546
/library/rg45.html / 546
/library/rg25.html / 541
/library/mission.html / 540
/library/rg40.html / 540
/library/consumer.html / 539
/library/bulletin/symbols.html (1999 BULLETIN SUBPAGE) / 532
/library/conduct.html / 529
/library/rg07.html / 529
/library/rg47.html / 527
/library/ra25.html / 526
/library/rg11.html / 522
/library/rg15.html / 522
/library/rg17.html / 514
/library/rg20.html / 514
/library/rg04.html / 512
/library/ILLlending.html / 511
/library/ra10.html / 506
/library/rg42.html / 505
/library/rg16.html / 502
/library/rg32.html / 500
/library/illfaq.html / 499
/library/EmergFireMap.htm / 498
/library/libfacpubs.html / 498
/library/rg14.html / 493
/library/webpolicy.html / 486
/library/rg01.html / 482
/library/welcome.html / 481
/library/rg49.html / 478
/library/LAapplic.html / 471
/library/russian.html / 469
/library/rg34.html / 464
/library/facultyreview.html / 461
/library/rg12.html / 459
/library/libeval.html / 458
/library/rg39.html / 457
/library/general.html / 455
/library/seniorprojects/ TOTAL ALL SENIOR PROJECTS SUBPAGES / 453
/library/mfmap.html / 446
/library/ria.html / 438
/library/LAauction.html (OLD ALA PAGE) / 435
/library/rg29.html / 433
/library/rg27.html / 431
/library/rg02.html / 430
/library/alumni/homecoming2005/pages/Homecoming2005-20.html / 427
/library/colldevpolicy.doc / 426
/library/cat.html / 418
/library/rg21.html / 408
/library/NewsletterFall2003.html / 405
/library/rg08.html / 399
/library/rg06.html / 398
/library/LAbooth.html (OLD ALA PAGE) / 393
/library/NewsletterSpring2004.html / 392
/library/patronconf.doc / 388
/library/rg50.html / 377
/library/ES424.html / 369
/library/rg23.html / 364
/library/rg22.html / 363
/library/refproc.html / 357
/library/LIclassforATG520.doc / 352
/library/infoliteracy.doc / 342
/library/sundocs.html / 342
/library/instructmission.html / 332
/library/reservesform.doc / 331
/library/FDLPInternetUse.html / 328
/library/articles.html / 324
/library/vision.doc / 323
/library/africana.html / 320
/library/solicitation.doc / 315
/library/dbinfo.doc / 310
/library/networkrequestform.doc / 302
/library/music/histlit.php / 299
/library/TSMission.html / 296
/library/handout1.html / 291
/library/refmission.html / 291
/library/conference.html / 290
/library/ibphotos.html / 289
/library/sundocsv4n4.html / 289
/library/music/perfteach.php / 287
/library/poster.html / 284
/library/NewsletterSpring2003.html / 283
/library/searchdb.html / 283
/library/LAfunrun.html (OLD ALA PAGE) / 281
/library/musichist2002.html / 280
/library/musfreshman.html / 278
/library/baskets/pages/Basket94.html (all photos) / 275
/library/music/musbiz.php / 270
/library/directoreval.doc / 264
/library/libdatabase.html / 264
/library/alumni/ / 261
/library/ARPS0001.doc and ARPS001.html (99) / 257
/library/yahoo.html / 257
/library/overdues.doc / 250
/library/chemlib.html / 249
/library/Table3.xls TOTALS TABLES 1,2, 3 / 246
/library/music/vocalped.php / 238
/library/circrepts.html / 236
/library/music/musculture.php / 236
/library/openaccess.html / 232
/library/refstandards.html / 232
/library/LAbash.html (OLD ALA PAGE) / 230
/library/monographs.html / 230
/library/LAgolf.html (OLD ALA PAGE) / 229
/library/dedicate.html / 226
/library/handout2.html / 225
/library/ARPS0304.doc / 224
/library/booksale.html / 224
/library/refobj.html / 222
/library/chapters.html / 218
/library/ARTS0001.html and ARTS0001.doc (99) / 216
/library/journals.html / 216
/library/promotion.doc / 216
/library/ARDR0304.doc / 214
/library/tophat.html / 213
/library/strategicplans.html / 211
/library/ARPS9900.html and ARPS9900.doc (104) / 210
/library/reviews.html / 207
/library/faculty.html / 205
/library/ARTS0102.doc / 191
/library/chronicleA8.html / 191
/library/ALA2003.html / 190
/library/NewsletterSpring2004.doc / 188
/library/ARPS0102.doc and ARPS0102.html (107) / 184
/library/handout3.html / 184
/library/music/management.php / 179
/library/ARTS0304.doc / 178
/library/bi.html / 178
/library/music/musichistory.php / 177
/library/ARPS0203.doc / 170
/library/Newspapers.html / 162
/library/undoproxy.html / 162
/library/ARTS9900.html / 161
/library/cookies.html / 161
/library/LIsurvey.html / 161
/library/ARML0304.doc / 159
/library/rg5.html / 159
/library/ARTS0203.doc / 158
/library/contacts.doc / 158
/library/ARML0203.doc / 157
/library/ATG301handout.doc / 155
/library/NewsletterSpring2003.doc / 152
/library/promotion2.doc / 152
/library/rg51.html / 152
/library/ATG508.doc / 150
/library/LIblackboard.html / 146
/library/music/career.php / 143
/library/music/pianolit.php / 143
/library/music/pianoped.php / 141
/library/ARDR0203.doc / 140
/library/music/arts.php / 140
/library/Requisition.doc / 140
/library/ResultsSummary.doc / 132
/library/ALA2003-bib.doc / 130
/library/ALA2003all.xls / 126
/library/music/world.php / 125
/library/music/opera.php / 121
/library/music/jazz.php / 118
/library/strategicplan0405.xls / 118
/library/ARPS0304SUMMARY.doc / 117
/library/LIinstructor.html / 116
/library/ALA2003-web.doc / 115
/library/ARSWAT0304.doc / 113
/library/music/early.php / 113
/library/emailrefty.html / 108
/library/ra24.html (OLD RESEARCH GUIDE) / 108
/library/rg8.html (OLD RESEARCH GUIDE) / 103
/library/music/copyright.php / 101
/library/S_O_1.html (OLD STANDING ORDER PAGE) / 99
/library/alumni/homecoming2005/ / 98
/library/strategicplan0304.xls / 96
/library/onlinereference.html / 93
/library/proxycheckout.doc / 93
/library/evaluating.html (OLD HANDBOOK PAGE) / 89
/library/strategicplan0102.xls / 89
/library/ARDR0102.doc / 88
/library/kirklandposter.doc / 88
/library/findarticles.html (OLD HANDBOOK PAGE) / 81