Joint School District No. 2 World Languages Curriculum

Chinese Curriculum

Idaho State World Language Content Standard I: Acquisition and Use of Language

I.  Enduring Understanding: Expanded communication skills involve more complex vocabulary,

structure and spiraling patterns.

I.  Enduring Understanding: Foreign language skills enhance and can contribute to future job opportunities.

II.  Enduring Understanding: Purpose driven topics, structures and delivery in written and oral communication.

III.  Enduring Understanding: Variations in language grammar and structure are necessary to convey precise meaning.

IV.  Enduring Understanding; The use of foreign language for personal enjoyment, travel, work and enrichment encourages life-long language learning.

First Year Skills / Second Year Skills / Advanced
Hear and differentiate the four different tones in Mandarin Chinese
Hear and differentiate the pronunciation of some difficult consonants (s, z, c, sh, zh, ch, x, j, q)
Recognize and understand the most important classroom expressions (7-12.WL1.1.1.2)
Be able to understand simple dialogs and answer questions in Mandarian Chinese.
Pronounce the four different tones of Mandarin Chinese correctly.
Correct pronunciation of the vowels and consonants with a special emphasize on the differences (a, e, i, o, u, ü; s, z, c, sh, zh, ch, x, j, q)
Ask and answer “yes-no-questions” and questions with question words (7-12.WL1.1.1.4,
Use question words correctly
(7-12.WL1.1.2.1, 7-12.WL
Learn negation with “bu” and the exception with “mei”
(7-12.WL1.1.1.3, 7-12.WL1.2.2.2))
Indicate passage of time by using time words correctly
Try to use the particle “le” to indicate past tense
Try to use “guo” to indicate the completion of an action as an experience. (7-12WL1.1.2.1)
Count from 0 – 1000
Learn days of the week, week, month, year (7-12WL1.1.1.1)
Learn to tell the date
Ask and tell the time
(7-12WL1.1.2.1, 7-12WL1.1.2.3)
Learn important classroom expressions. (7-12WL1.1.1.2)
Perform greetings
(7-12.WL1.1.2.3, 7-12.WL.
Talk about self and others, e.g. age, family, school, job, hobbies, where are you from, where do you live. (7-12WL1.1.2.1,
Introduce people (7-12WL1.1.2.3, 7-12.WL.
Make plans with friends.
Order food (7-12WL1.1.2.2,
Be able to read Pinyin. (standard Romanization system for Chinese characters) (7-12.WL1.1.3.2,
Be able to read about 300 + characters with context clues.
(7-12.WL1.1.3.1, 7-12.WL1.1.3.2, 7-12.WL1.1.3.3)
Use an English-Chinese/Chinese-English dictionary.
Be able to write Pinyin including the different tone marks.
Learn the different strokes which make up a character.
Learn stroke order of individual characters.
Be able to write about 200 characters. (7-12.WL1.1.4.1)
Rewrite sentences using substitution.
Write short paragraphs about one’s self and/or a friend in Pinyin and characters (7-12.WL1.1.4.1,
7-12.WL1.1.4.2, 7-12WL1.1.4.3)
Write short dialogues in Pinyin and characters (7-12.WL1.1.4.4)
Create a scrap book, topics may include: (7-12.WL1.1.4.4)
o  About me (zhe shi wo)
o  About my family (wo de
o  My house or where I live
(wo zhu zai…)
o  My school (wo de xuexiao)
o  My good friend (wo de
hao pengyou)” / Listening:
Be able to understand more complicated dialogues and answer questions
(7-12.WL2.1.1.3, 7-12WL2.1.1.1)
Recognize the “Degree of Compliment Sentence”
Recognize the “Directional Compliment Sentence”
Recognize the duplication of verbs (7-12WL2.1.1.2)
Recognize the “ba-Construction” (7-12.WL2.1.1.2)
Learn and use more measure words (7-12.WL2.1.1.1)
Know how to use the particle
“le” in all three different functions (7-12.WL2.2.1.1,
Express near future (“kuai yao … le”) (7-12.WL2.2.1.2)
Express that you have or haven’t done something by using “yijing” and “hai mei” (7-12.WL2.2.1.2, 7-12.WL2.1.2.2)
Make comparisons by using “bi ” and “yiyang” (7-12.WL2.2.2.1)
Learn to use the “Degree of Compliment Sentence”
Learn to use the “Directional Compliment Sentence”
Learn to use duplicate verbs
Use the “ba-Construction”
Count to 100 Million
Go shopping, learn to express money terms, prices, and learn to bargain. (7-12.WL2.1.1.,
Learn colors (7-12.WL2.1.1.1)
Learn body parts
Talk about health/illness
Talk about sports, hobbies,
four seasons, and weather.
Talk about and make plans.
(7-12.WL2.1.1.1, 7-12.WL2.2.2.3)
Be able to read about 300 more characters with context clues.
(7-12.WL2.1.3.2, 7-12.WL., 7-12.WL.
Be able to read short authentic texts. (7-12.WL2.1.3.3)
Introduce graded readers, e.g. Chinese Breeze Graded Readers. (Peking University Press) (7-12.WL2.1.3.4)
Be able to write about 250 more characters.
Be able to write a simple letter and story (7-12.WL2.1.4.1,
Be able to use word processing programs to compose short paragraphs at the computer.
(7-12.WL2.1.4.2) / Listening:
Comprehend extended passages in peer conversations in the target language (7-12.WL3.1.1.2)
Capture essential information from everyday conversation
(7-12.WL3.1.1.3, 7-12WL3.1.1.5)
Recognize the “Resultative Compliment Sentence”
Recognize “ba-Sentences” with “Resultative Compliment”
Recognize “Potential Compliment Sentences” (7-12.WL3.1.1.4)
Recognize verbs + two times “le” pattern (7-12.WL3.1.1.4)
Recognize different ways of comparisons (7-12.WL3.1.1.4)
Ask and give directions
Describe the result of an action
Describe an event
Use appropriate manners and hospitality
Talk about eating (7-12.WL3.1.1.1)
Make a report and recall memories (7-12.WL3.1.1.1)
Express your personal opinion
(7-12.WL3.1.1.1; 7-12.WL3.3.3.1)
Recognize 600 characters
Learn 300 additional characters with context clues (7-12.WL3.1.3.1)
Be able to read longer passages
Be able to read a short short-story (7-12.WL3.1.3.4)
Expand skills learned in the 2nd year.
Learn 260 more characters
Write a logical response to a question or comment.

Joint School District No. 2 World Languages Curriculum

Chinese Curriculum

Idaho State World Language Content Standard II: Critical Thinking

V.  Enduring Understanding: Foreign language learning extends beyond the classroom to real-life situations.

VI.  Enduring Understanding: Languages are distinguished by their grammar and structure.

VII.  Enduring Understanding: The study of foreign languages reinforces and integrates content from other disciplines.

VIII.  Enduring Understanding: The study of culture promotes an awareness of cultural similarities and differences.

IX.  Enduring Understanding: Social and economic issues at local, state and international levels can create arenas requiring discussion in foreign languages.

First Year Skills / Second Year Skills / Advanced
Analysis of Language Elements and Products:
Try to use the particle “le” to indicate past tense
(7-12.WL., 7-12.WL.
Use the possessive “de“
(7-12.WL .; 7-12.WL1.2.1.2)
Try to use “guo” to indicate the completion of an action as an experience (7-12.WL.; 7-12.WL.
Learn the stroke order of individual characters (7-12.WL.
Modification and Manipulation of Language Elements and Products:
Use selected measure/ counting words correctly (7-12.WL.
Learn negation with “bu” and the exception with “mei”
(7-12.WL.; 7-12.WL.
Use question words correctly.
(7-12.WL., 7-12.WL. / Analysis of Language Elements and Products:
Know how to use the particle “le” in all three different functions
(7-12.WL., 7-12.WL.
Express near future (“kuai yao … le ”) (7-12.WL.
Express that you have or haven’t done something by using “yijing” and “hai mei” (7-12.WL.
Learn to use the “Degree of Compliment Sentence”
Learn to use the “Directional Compliment Sentence”
Duplicate verbs
Use the “ba-Construction”
Modification and Manipulation of Language Elements and Products:
Express wishes, invitations, obligations, and locations
Use position words
Make comparisons by using “bi” and “yiyang” (7-12.WL.
Make requests (7-12.WL2.2.2.2, 7-12.WL2.2.2.3) / Analysis of Language Elements and Products:
Be able to use verbs + two times “le” to indicate an ongoing action (7-12.WL.
Talk about an event in the past
Be able to use degree of length, distance, size, weight, speed (you duo+ adjective) (7-12.WL.
Be able to form different degrees of comparison (7-12.WL.
Be able to use comparative and superlative (7-12.WL.
Be able to use “Resultative Compliment Sentences”
Be able to use “ba-sentences” with “Resultative Compliment”
Be able to use “Potential Compliment Sentences”
Review “le” (7-12.WL.
Recall “guo” (7-12.WL.
Modification and Manipulation of Language Elements and Products:
Express your own opinion

Joint School District No. 2 World Languages Curriculum

Chinese Curriculum

Idaho State World Language Content Standard I: History, Geography, and Culture

X.  Enduring Understanding: Different cultures have different social etiquettes.

XI.  Enduring Understanding: Culture influences the art, literature and music of a society, which mirror and illuminate historical events.

XII.  Enduring Understanding: Cultural traditions influence family structure, rites of passage, dining etiquette, clothing styles and living accommodations.

XIII.  Enduring Understanding: Beliefs and languages of diverse cultures deserve equal consideration.

XIV.  Enduring Understanding: Language and culture are interdependent.

XV.  Enduring Understanding: Geography directly influences the culture and history of a people.

XVI.  Enduring Understanding; Information, concepts and ideas require verbal and non-verbal communication to an audience of listeners in different world languages.

XVII.  Enduring Understanding; Countries with a common language share cultural and geographical connections.

XVIII.  Enduring Understanding; Countries with a common language share historical, geographical, economic, political and literacy connections.

First Year Skills / Second Year Skills / Advanced
Recognize major 20th Century Chinese historical events.
Read “Wild Swans” (English) as a semester reading. To get an exemplary overview about China in the 20th Century (7-12.WL1.3.1.1)
Geography I (political): Know the different provinces, autonomous regions, direct controlled municipalities, and special administrative regions of China and Taiwan
Geography II (physical):
Know major geographical regions, rivers, mountains, islands, and cities (7-12.WL1.3.2.2)
Discuss different parts of Chinese culture and daily life; topics may include: (7-12.WL1.3.1.1)
- Holidays and
- Different social and
economic situations
- Life in the Chinese
countryside and in big
- Politics and economy
- School
- Work / History:
Examine selected historical figures and events.
Topics may include:
o  Chinese dynastic history
o  Prominent persons in history
o  Political system
o  Economic system
o  Social system
o  Environment
Expand on topics discussed during the first year.
(7-12.WL2.3.1.1, 7-12WL2.3.2.1)
Discuss Chinese Festivals, compare to your own country’s festivals (7-12.WL2.3.3.1)
Learn about Chinese legends, e.g. Mulan and fairytales.
(7-12.WL2.3.3.1) / History:
Examine selected historical figures and events in depth.
Topics may include:
o  Chinese dynastic history
o  Prominent persons in history
o  Political system
o  Economic system
o  Social system
o  Environment
Discuss geography in context of class themes. (7-12.WL.
Use Internet resources in the target language to explore a variety of topics (7-12.WL. (
Topics may include:
o  Social customs
o  Celebrations and taboos
o  China as a multi-ethnic country
o  Movies

Standards Revised December 2011