[•]Your ref: $[<type JFSC ref here>]FSB [<type JFSC ref here>]

Manager,[Appropriate Supervisory Unit]

Jersey Financial Services Commission Our ref: [<type ref here>]

PO Box 267

14-18 Castle Street

St. Helier


JE4 8TP[<type date here>]

Dear [•]

[<type name of the fund here>] (Fund)

[[<type name of the sub-fund(s) here>] (Sub-Fund(s))]

Collective Investment Funds (Jersey) Law, 1988, as amended (CIF Law)

[<type name of the fund services business here>] (FSB)

Financial Services (Jersey) Law, 1998, as amended (FS(J)L)

We,the FSB, refer to our fund services business registration as a Class [<type name(s) of the FSB Class(es) here i.e. Class V Administrator>] under Article 2(10) of the FS(J)L (FSB Registration)and, specifically,to our appointment as [<type name(s) of the FSB Class(es) here i.e. Class V Administrator>]of the Fund [and the Sub-Fund(s)].

Please be advised that with effect from [<type date here>], we ceased to carry on any business of the Fund [and of the Sub-Fund(s)]. The reason for our ceasing to act being that: [<type reason here: e.g. the Fund [and the Sub-Fund(s)] has/have ceased to operate or the [administration] business of the Fund [and the Sub-Fund(s)] has transferred to another service provider etc.>].

We confirm that the [<type name(s) of the FSB Class(es) here i.e. Class V Administrator>]business of the Fund [and the Sub-Fund(s)]has been transferred to a new service provider known as [<type the name and address of the new service provider here>]and that all necessary unitholder notices and/or consents have been provided in connection with the same.

We, the FSB confirm as the outgoing [<type name(s) of the FSB Class(es) here i.e. Class V Administrator>]of the Fund [and the Sub-Fund(s)]that:-

  1. we are not in breach of any condition of our FSB Registration;
  2. we are not in breach of any requirement of the Code of Practice for Fund Services Business;
  3. [we are not in breach of any requirement of the Code of Practice for Alternative Investment Funds and AIF Services Business];
  4. we are not in breach of any material contract entered into by ourselves in our capacity as [<type name of the FSB Class(es) here i.e. administrator>]of the Fund[and/or the Sub-Fund(s)];
  5. any complaints in connection with ourselves in our capacity as [<type name of the FSB Class(es) here i.e. administrator>]of the Fund [and/or the Sub-Fund(s)]have been resolved;
  6. there are no outstanding issues in relation to the carrying on by ourselves of any business of the Fund[or the Sub-Fund(s)] and we are not aware of any issues with the Fund [or the Sub-Fund(s)] generally; and
  7. all reports and accounts that are obliged to be filed in respect of ourselves pursuant to the Financial Services (Fund Services Business (Accounts, Audits and Reports)) (Jersey) Order 2007 have been submitted to the Commission.

Yours sincerely

[<type name of director here>]

Director of the FSB