Town of Greenville Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2009
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM
Roll Call: Peter O’Hara/Chair, Ken Elsbree/Vice Chair, Arnie Cavallaro, Kathleen Whitley-Harm, Reginald Ratcliff, Tal Rappleyea, Esq./Town Attorney, Marlin Henry/Secretary
Guests: Larry Cooke/Code Enforcement Officer
A quorum was duly noted.
Review of May 26, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve May Minutes
Motion: Ken Elsbree
Second: Kathleen Whitley-Harm
In Favor: 4; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Old Business
Case 2009-06 Greenville Lands, LLC d/b/a Camp Kochavim
150 Ingalside Road, Greenville, NY
Tax Map #12.00-1-0; Rural Residential
Application for Site Plan Review: Construction of 4 Dormitories
Aline Galgay, Esq., submitted the adjoining landowner letter and Certified Return Receipts. Architect Elliot Fishman presented the revised site plan reflecting the changes the Board had requested:
· identified parking areas: 21 spaces next to pond; 12 paved spaces west of road;
· two “no parking signs” will be placed on existing driveway;
· waste receptacle moved behind storage building;
· dry hydrant added leading to ponds;
· additional driveway added for ingress/egress;
· sewer disposal system w/sports field on top;
· screening/planting areas and lighting design schedule.
Motion to Open Public Hearing
Motion: Ken Elsbree
Second: Kathleen Whitley-Harm
In Favor: 4; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Questions from the public were addressed:
· a new leachfield will be added for the new construction;
· the existing leach fields will have less demand;
· the engineers will investigate the covered pipe leading to the east side of the road;
· rain accumulation will stay on west side;
· no increase in number of campers (225 total);
· one counselor to every 10 campers;
· possibly move crosswalk to other side of tennis courts;
· Town Board will be asked to have Highway Dept make application to DOT to lower speed limit from 40 mph to 25 mph and/or add “Slow” signs;
· maintain facility, remove old equipment, trash pick-up 3x week;
· no dumping; clean up trash near Basic Creek;
· resort remains on tax rolls;
· modifications made to existing buildings: addition built to house 35 campers, changed windows in Dorm 2 (escape hatches); raised roof in barn for religious services, renovated dining room, enclosed porch and basketball court; central air will be added as able;
· move speakers on dining hall and redirect away from neighbors/road; conduct sound checks;
· mature plantings will reduce noise;
· go-cart use only during daylight hours; restrict to one at a time;
· down lighting to be installed;
· water usage under DOH regulations measured by gals per person;
· well flow tested last year for each of the 2 wells:15 gal. per minute and 7 gal. per minute; sufficient for sprinklers;
· designated laundry area requested.
The Code Enforcement Officer, Larry Cooke, advised that the Camp has complied with all requests. Both he and DOH check the site regularly during the season (July-August).
The new bunkhouses will accommodate 7 bunks per room; fire code mandates 50 sq. ft. per person. The turning radius on the cul-de-sac is within the new Town Code.
Motion to Close Public Hearing
Motion: Kathleen Whitley-Harm
Second: Ken Elsbree
In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Comments from the Board:
The following issues have been addressed to the Board’s satisfaction:
· lighting, plantings, no parking on cul-de-sac or street, go carts limited to daytime hours (one at a time).
The Board will send a letter request to the Town Board to pursue the traffic issues with the Highway Department.
*The following issues must be resolved for full compliance with the Site Plan Approval: storm water management plan to CEO before breaking ground, sound mitigation (speakers), investigate buried drainage pipe, trash removal contract for pick-up 3x per week; clean up dump by Basic Creek (within a reasonable period of time).
The Board then reviewed the Subdivision Checklist and EAF; the Chair completed Part II of the EAF form; Part III is not applicable.
Motion for Negative Declaration for SEQRA Review
Motion: Ken Elbree
Second: Kathleen Whitley-Harm
In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Motion to Approve Site Plan Review with conditions*
Motion: Ken Elsbree
Second: Reginald Ratcliff
In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
The Chairman signed the survey maps and advised that they need to be filed with the County within 30 days. The Town Attorney will provide Attorney Galgay a Notice of Action (Resolution).
New Business
by applicant: Mark Overbaugh
Route 81, Greenville, NY
Tax Map #23.02-1-18; Historic Hamlet
Application for Building Permit
The Church is renovating the old Norton Hill general store for use as their thrift shop. They have gutted the inside, replaced the roof and lattice, spent $5,000 on mold control, and removed the back portion of the building. Mr. Stanley Ingalls presented GNH’s rendering of the proposed replacement structure on the existing footprint which measures 24’ x 28’. The roof, windows and siding will match the existing structure.
The applicant also requested that the CEO visit the neighboring properties which are in disrepair.
Motion to Waive Public Hearing
Motion: Kathleen Whitley-Harm
Second: Ken Elsbree
In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Motion for Negative Declaration for SEQRA Review
Motion: Ken Elbree
Second: Kathleen Whitley-Harm
In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Motion to Approve Application for Building Permit
Motion: Arnie Cavallaro
Second: Ken Elsbree
In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Mr. Ingalls will provide the elevation drawings to be stamped.
Application for Subdivision
No appearance; continued.
Report from County Planning Board
· New Land Use Code update - please email any comments to the Chair. The new code be reviewed at the July 23rd meeting and then forwarded to the Town Board.
· Grandfather clause (commercial only) - the Board Members were asked to review Tal and Margaret’s emails and to email any recommendations to Margaret. The (language specific) intent is to eventually eliminate pre-existing, non-conforming uses within a specified time frame. Need to further consider losses from fire: rebuild within new code, increase in size up to 1/3 larger; lots of record are deemed to meet code; no new lots.
· Pickett used car lot is still operating despite the Stop Work Order. The Board will draft a letter to the CEO requesting compliance with the permit application.
Motion to Adjourn Meeting
Motion: Kathleen Whitley-Harm
Second: Ken Elbree
In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.