Senior Management Team Teleconference

June 2, 2014; 1 – 3 pm. ET


Present: Chair & National CEO: Peter Coleridge; Nicole Chammartin, MB; Dave Nelson, SK; George Skinner, NL; Christa Baldwin, NB; Camille Quenneville, ON; Bev Gutray, BC

Minutes: Emily Goodacre – National;

Fund Development: Sarah Smith – National; Programs: Sarika Gundu – National;

Policy: Mark Ferdinand – National

Regrets:Renée Ouimet, QC; Gail Gardiner, NS; Reid Burke, PEI

Guests:Anne Échasseriau, QC, Rita Thomas (CAMH)

  1. Welcome, Minutes, Agenda

P. Coleridgewelcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if there were any additional agenda items.

  1. Business/Updates arising fromApril 22 2014 Meeting

P. Coleridge asked if there were any omissions or errors in the April 22, 2014 minutes. There were none.

  1. Mental Health Week Results

C. Lovas reported that the 2014 Mental Health Week produced strong results, with a greater profile than 2013. P. Coleridge added that $100-120,000 in corporate sponsorships was raised this year and thanked S. Smith for her fundraising work.

C. Quenneville commented that the “Fine or Phine” theme had positive resonance in Ontario, and attracted good media coverage. G. Skinner added that the week went well in Newfoundland and Labrador as well, and received good publicity.

  1. Draft SMT Terms of Reference

P. Coleridge introduced the draft Terms of Reference, clarifying that this is a first draft presented for feedback, as the SMT has not had a Terms of Reference before.

C. Quenneville expressed approval of the notion of sharing support, resources and expertise.

G. Skinner asked if reporting to the CEO is consistent with the structure of CMHA. P. Coleridge clarified that this reporting is only in terms of SMT discussions, follow-up on action items, and bringing items before the Board, and does not imply a role within the divisional boards. N. Chammartin suggested language more indicative of working collaboratively, and distributive leadership, as a national entity.

ACTION: P. Coleridge will change the wording of the draft Terms of Reference to address these concerns.

  1. National Board meeting update

P. Coleridge updated the team on several items from the National Board face-to-face meeting, which took place May 31 – June 1, 2014.

a)Draft 2014/2015 National CEO Workplan

P. Coleridge informed the team that some items in the workplan may be put on hold pending more work on the Governance Structure Review. C. Quenneville suggested putting the potential items that may be on hold/delayed on a future SMT agenda to maintain these items as key activities for implementation when capacity permits.

b)Social Media Working Group Report and Recommendations

The Board approved the proposed SM policy with some small revisions.

ACTION: C. Lovas, C. Quenneville and R. Burke to communicate the Working Group report including next steps and approved policy to all CMHAs.

c)Public Policy Limitations Policy

The Board approved the policy. C. Quenneville commented that she finds the policy helpful and will adapt it for Ontario Division’s use.

ACTION: M. Ferdinand to communicate the policy to all CMHAs and host a webinar.

d)Fund Development Case for Support

The Board approved the updated Case for Support.

ACTION: S. Smith to communicate the Case/Case template to all CMHAs and host a webinar.

e)Child and Youth Mental Health Position

The Board approved the Position. B. Gutray asked if C. Quenneville had been involved in its development. C. Quenneville answered that she had not been involved, but that Ontario Division is doing work on the issue of Children and Youth mental health. B. Gutray asked if Ontario would share their policy work, and C. Quenneville answered that they will, but the work won’t be ready for some months.

ACTION: M. Ferdinand to communicate the position to all CMHAs and proceed with next steps outlined in the briefing note.

f)Nation Wide Organizational Structure Consultation Results and Next Steps

The Board reviewed the results and decided to engage in further consultation to find solutions to a number of concerns with the model, and to build on positive elements. A small steering committee will be established to guide the finalization of the consultation process. Early summer 2015 is the new deadline for a Board decision on the model. A special SMT meeting will be scheduled to discuss the steering committee.

  1. Remedial Measures program Presentation

Rita Thomas (CAMH) joined the call, and provided a presentation on the Remedial Measures program.

  1. Other Business

There was no other business.

  1. Summary/Future Meeting/Adjourn

P. Coleridge thanked everyone for their time and adjourned the meeting. The next SMT meeting will take place July 14th 2014.

SMT Teleconference Minutes, June 2, 2014Page 1