Build-Your-Own Principal Evaluation

Instructions: After spending time exploring principal evaluation, particularly looking at the three differentscenarios for principal evaluation, it’s your turn to build the ideal policy from scratch. In the following chart, review the possible components that could be part of the ideal principal evaluation. Rate eachcomponent as essential to have, important but not essential, not important, or bad idea. At the end of this chart, indicate the weight percentages for student test-score data or other important considerations for the principal’s evaluation. Is anything missing? If so, add components as needed.

Component / Essential to Have / Important but Not Essential / Not Important / Bad Idea
Evaluation Areas of Focus
Improved school culture and safety
Improved teacher working conditions
Use of student data to make decisions
Graduation rates
Teacher retention and attrition
Teacher placement in subject area of training
Average teacher evaluation scores above baseline
Student absences
Number of discipline referrals
Ability to communicate with teachers, staff, parents, and students
Involvement of staff in decision making
Involvement of parents or community in decision making
Time spent on instructional leadership
Establishment of a strong school mission and vision
Ability to set and meet goals to support school objectives and initiatives
Distribution or sharing of leadership
Quality of financial management
Ability to access and secure targeted support from district as needed
Solid instructional coaching
Who Conducts the Principal’s Evaluation
Other district-assigned evaluator
Assigned mentor or coach
Outside or consultant evaluator
Other (please specify):
Training of Evaluators
Evaluation of Evaluators
Who Participates in the Principal’s Evaluation (e.g., Stakeholder Groups)
Other district personnel
Assistant principals
Certified nonteaching staff (e.g., counselors and department chairs)
Noncertified teaching staff (e.g., secretary)
Community members
Assigned mentor or coach
Other (please specify):
Evaluation Format
School walk-throughs
Data presentation and question-and-answer format from principal
Other (please specify):
Type of Evaluation
Combination of formative and summative
Evaluation Frequency
Other (please specify):
Miscellaneous Evaluation Components
Four-point evaluation scale or rubric (e.g., distinguished, proficient, needs improvement, unsatisfactory
Binary evaluation scale or rubric (e.g., satisfactory versus unsatisfactory)
Public praise or acknowledgment of successes
Performance bonuses
Targeted professional development
Revisions to professional goals or growth plans
Termination of contract
Inclusion of school context as part of evaluation
Evaluation Measures
School climate survey
Student surveys and interviews
Teacher surveys and interviews
Parent surveys
Self-assessment results
Review of professional development plan
Principal portfolio
Review of other artifacts
or school documents
(e.g., newsletters)
Review of staffing data
360-degree evaluation
Review of student achievement data or
growth-based test data
Meeting notes from faculty, leadership team, or whole-group professional development meetings
Other (please specify):
Percentage of
Weight in Evaluation / 70% / 50% / 30% / Other %
Student test-score data
Other (please specify):
Other (please specify):
Other (please specify):