Internship DescriptionFall 2015

Title:Antislavery Program Intern

Supervisor:Mariah Long

Department:Strategic Initiatives

Description:Antislavery Program Interns will supportthe Strategic Initiatives department at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, specifically working to support the antislavery program. The antislavery program within the department focuses on modern day slavery and human trafficking in the United States and throughout the world. The antislavery programs the Freedom Center supports focus on many types of slavery, including forced labor, child labor, domestic servitude, bonded labor and sex trafficking. The internship is designed to provide critical resources to the antislavery program and will allow program staff to meet milestones related to specific projects.

Interns are expected to work 10-15 hours per week for at least twelve weeks.

Although specific tasks vary depending on the nature of the work in progress during the internship, fall interns can expect their tasks to include:

  • Assisting in preparation and execution of Freedom Center events related to human trafficking;
  • Researching and preparing materials to support antislavery mapping projects currently underway;
  • Maintaining an archive and tracking system for antislavery media coverage and reference documents, resulting in daily headlines available on End Slavery Now;
  • Providing support for End Slavery Now and the TIP Global Heroes Network;
  • Participating in departmental and general Freedom Center administrative support;
  • Preparing materials needed for antislavery program staff; and
  • Other projects as assigned.


  • The internship is unpaid.
  • Applications due by August 15, 2015, though internships are given on a first-come, competitive basis.
  • Work Hours: Interns normally work 10-15 hours per week;these hours can be completed in office or remotely. If done remotely weekly Skype meetings with be required.
  • Other activities: Interns participate in Freedom Center-sponsored events, social events (depending on availability), and have lunch sessions with Freedom Center staff to discuss a variety of subjects regarding both personal and professional growth.


  • Interest in combating contemporary slavery as evidenced by coursework and/or experience;
  • Excellent recommendation from one professor and/or relevant supervisor;
  • Available 12-15 continuous weeks;
  • Available some nights and weekends as needed;
  • Flexible and able to adapt to shifting priorities;
  • Highly organized and strong time management skills;
  • Strong written communication and research skills;
  • Willingness to work some evenings and weekends;
  • Independent and ability to take initiative on projects; and
  • Optimistic attitude and desire to make a difference.

Contact: Mariah Long at (513) 333 – 7815 or to request additional information; or go to to apply.