Westford, MA 01886

School Committee Meeting

Date: February 25, 2008

Central Office – Conf. Room A

7:30 PM


The Westford School Committee welcomes and encourages input from the public and staff. The procedures for the participation are:

Open Format: The first ten minutes of every meeting will be set aside to seek public and staff input.

Agenda Items: A speaker may address an agenda item at this time or request to be recognized, at the discretion of the Chair, at the time the item is discussed by the Committee.

Non-Agenda Items: A speaker may address non-agenda items only during the Open Forum portion of the meeting. The Committee WILL NOT take action on these items until at least the next regularly scheduled meeting except by unanimous vote of those members present.

Reports Section: Public input is welcome following the report's presentation and prior to the Committee's discussion. Reasonable time limits for discussion will be set.


7:30 PM Public Session

1. Call to Order

7:35 2. Public Forum

3. Recognitions

7:40 4. Informational Update

a.  Superintendent’s Informational Update

b.  Student Representative’s Informational Update

5.  New Business

7:50 a. Millennium Building Use – Update B. Olsen

8:00 b. Westford Academy Guidance Secretary – Job Description

8:10 c. Literacy Specialist – Job Description

6.  Reports

8:20 a. 2008/2009 School Calendar B. Olsen

9:10 b. Space Capacity Report (refer to 2-4-08 SC packet for report) B. Olsen

7.  Old Business

9:20 a. FY09 Budget – Update M. O’Neal

8. Other

9:25 a. Policy Update Policy Subcommittee

9:30 b. Policy P5101 Enrollment Age – 1st Reading Policy Subcommittee

9:40 c. Town Manager Committee – Status M. Murray

9:45 d. Joint Chairs meeting – Update M. O’Neal

9:50 e. Approve Payroll Warrant #0834 SP dated February 21, 2008.

f. Approve Payables Warrant #0834 SE dated February 21, 2008.

9. Approval of Minutes

10. Personnel: Resignations, Per Policy, Appointments, And Related

9:55 11. Meeting Summary M. O’Neal

10:00 12. Adjournment (Time = )