Social: (Gender roles and relations, family and kinship, racial and ethnic constructions, social and economic classes)

  1. Nomadic:
  2. Pastoral:
  3. Indigenous:
  4. AmerIndian:
  5. Aborigine:
  6. Egalitarian:
  7. Barbarians:
  8. Savages:
  9. Homogeneous:
  10. Hierarchy:
  11. Social stratification:
  12. Elite:
  13. Patriarchal:
  14. Matriarchal:
  15. Caste:
  16. Sati:
  17. Infanticide:
  18. Oppress:
  19. Subjugate:
  20. Marital fidelity:
  21. Spouse:
  22. Offspring:
  23. Chastity:
  24. Filial piety:
  25. Frugal
  26. Venerate:
  27. Reverence:
  28. Ancestor worship:
  29. Social harmony:
  30. Benevolence:
  31. Corporal punishment:
  32. Multi ethnic:
  33. Cosmopolitan:
  34. Diverse:
  35. Aristocracy:
  36. Nobles:
  37. Peasant:
  38. Serf:
  39. Estate
  40. Bourgeoisie:
  41. Proletariat:
  42. Labor systems:
  43. Coerced labor:
  44. Indentured servitude:
  45. Exploitation:
  46. Compulsory:
  47. Conscription:
  48. Military draft:
  49. Abolition:
  50. Social Darwinism:
  51. Influx:
  52. Cross cultural interaction:
  53. Displaced:
  54. Creole:
  55. Peninsulare:
  56. Mestizo:
  57. Mulatto:
  58. Acculturation:
  59. Assimilation:
  60. Ethnic cleansing:
  61. Genocide:
  62. Human Rights:
  63. Xenophobia:

Political(forms of governance, empires, nations and nationalism, revolts and revolutions, regional, trans-regional, and global structures and organizations)

  1. Tyrant:
  2. Oligarchy:
  3. Democracy:
  4. City-state:
  5. Empire:
  6. Fortifications:
  7. Imperial:
  8. Dynasty:
  9. Monarchy:
  10. Divine rights of kings:
  11. Mandate of Heaven:
  12. Caliphate:
  13. Shah:
  14. Khanate:
  15. Shogunate:
  16. Tribute system:
  17. Omnipotent:
  18. Merit system:
  19. Civil service:
  20. Unification:
  21. Fragmentation:
  22. Feudalism:
  23. Centralized government:
  24. Decentralized government:
  25. Administration:
  26. Bureaucracy:
  27. Absolutism:
  28. Revolution:
  29. Upheaval:
  30. Revolts:
  31. Resistance:
  32. Opposition:
  33. Diplomacy:
  34. Autonomy:
  35. Hegemony:
  36. Colonialism:
  37. Imperialism:
  38. Acquire:
  39. Annex:
  40. Anarchism:
  41. Authoritarian:
  42. Totalitarian:
  43. Dictator:
  44. Autocratic:
  45. Fascism:
  46. Communism:
  47. Militaristic:
  48. Cult of personality:
  49. Nation-state:
  50. Nationalism:
  51. Constitution:
  52. Parliament:
  53. Congress:
  54. Legislative:
  55. Liberalism:
  56. Conservatism:
  57. Progressive:
  58. Suffrage:
  59. Feminism:
  60. Advocacy:
  61. Integration:
  62. Aligned:
  63. Non-aligned:

Populations (demographics, disease, migration,)

  1. Migrations:
  2. Plague:
  3. Epidemic:
  4. Pandemic:
  5. Demographics:
  6. Immigration:
  7. Emigration:
  8. Fertility rate:
  9. Life expectancy:
  10. Demographic transition:

Religious (ways of worship and belief systems)

  1. Diety:
  2. Divination:
  3. Polytheism:
  4. Pagan:
  5. Piety:
  6. Monotheism:
  7. Monk:
  8. Monasticism:
  9. Missionaries:
  10. Pilgrimage:
  11. Diffusion:
  12. Monastery:
  13. Ascetism:
  14. Clergy:
  15. Vedic :
  16. Karma:
  17. Dharma:
  18. Reincarnation:
  19. Nirvana:
  20. Moksha:
  21. Stupa:
  22. Divine:
  23. Schism:
  24. Ethical code:
  25. Eternal salvation:
  26. Theocracy:
  27. Sharia:
  28. Jihad:
  29. Koran:
  30. Mosque:
  31. Temple:
  32. Scriptures:
  33. Ulama:
  34. Crusade:
  35. Scholasticism:
  36. Radical:
  37. Fanatic:
  38. Fundamentalist:
  39. Syncretism:
  40. Vodun:
  41. Sikhism:
  42. Sacred:

Intellectual(arts and architecture, science, philosophies, literature)

  1. Intellectual:
  2. Philosopher:
  3. Humanism:
  4. Daoism:
  5. Legalism:
  6. Confucianism:
  7. FengShui:
  8. Proverb:
  9. Oral history:
  10. Griot:
  11. Scribe:
  12. Hieroglyphics:
  13. Texts:
  14. Literate:
  15. Illiterate:
  16. Quipu (khipu):
  17. Vernacular:
  18. Renaissance:
  19. Secular:
  20. Secularization:
  21. Enlightenment:
  22. Rationalism:
  23. Dadaism:
  24. Universal education:
  25. Ideals:
  26. Ideology:

Technological (tools used to adapt to the environment, means of production, informational technologies)

  1. Innovation:
  2. Metallurgy:
  3. Irrigation:
  4. Infrastructure:
  5. Canal:
  6. Lateen sail:
  7. Dhow:
  8. Caravel:
  9. Cross bow:
  10. Stirrup:
  11. Astrolabe:
  12. Ceramics:
  13. Textiles:
  14. Mechanization:
  15. Manufactured goods:
  16. Factory:
  17. Mass produced:
  18. Assembly line:
  19. Industrialized:
  20. Developing:
  21. Non-developed:
  22. Third World:
  23. Modernized:
  24. Westernized:
  25. Digital:
  26. Globalization:

Economics:(agricultural and pastoral production, trade and commerce, labor systems, industrialization, capitalism and socialism)

  1. Agriculture:
  2. Cultivation:
  3. Fertile:
  4. Agrarian:
  5. Hunter-forager:
  6. Pre-agricultural:
  7. Prehistoric:
  8. Neolithic Revolution:
  9. Domesticated:
  10. Caravans:
  11. Self-contained:
  12. Interregional:
  13. Maritime:
  14. Manorialism:
  15. Monetization:
  16. Commercial:
  17. Guild:
  18. Currency:
  19. Tax farming:
  20. Tariff:
  21. Bullion:
  22. Mercantilism:
  23. Joint stock company:
  24. Monopoly:
  25. Atlantic system:
  26. Import:
  27. Export:
  28. Raw material:
  29. Manufacture goods:
  30. Port:
  31. Hub:
  32. Free-trade:
  33. Commodity:
  34. Facilitate:
  35. Laissez-faire:
  36. Capitalism:
  37. Socialism:
  38. Communism:
  39. Marxism:
  40. Gulag:
  41. Global network:
  42. Labor Unions:

Environment (Geography,interaction between humans and the environment)

  1. Arable:
  2. Rural:
  3. Urban:
  4. Monsoon:
  5. Polynesia:
  6. Oceania:
  7. Afro-Eurasia:
  8. Sub-Saharan Africa:
  9. Straits of Malacca:
  10. Latin America:
  11. The Middle East:
  12. East Asia:
  13. Southeast Asia:
  14. The Green Revolution:
  15. Global warming:
  16. Deforestation: