Teacher: Lindsay Weir ()

School: Schoharie Jr/Sr High School

LESSON TOPIC/SUBTOPIC Las frutas de Costa Rica y la conversión de dinero

LESSON TITLE Un viaje al supermercado tico



1.1 Interpersonal Communication
2.1 Practices and Perspectives of Culture
2.2 Products and Perspectives of Culture
3.1 Making Connections
4.2Culture Comparisons
5.1 School and Community


1.  SWBAT discuss their favorite fruits and meats in Spanish with others in the classroom (1.1)

2.  SWBAT interact with other students in the class to find out the price of certain fruits and meats in a supermarket advertisement from Costa Rica (1.1)

3.  SWBAT understand the similiarities in practice between Costa Rica and the United States for shopping in supermarkets for food (2.1).

4.  SWBAT discuss the differences between the fruits of Costa Rica and those of the USA in Spanish as a group after viewing photos of the fruits and trying some of the fruits (2.2)

5.  SWBAT complete conversions of money between dollars and colones as well as weight between kilograms and pounds employing their knowledge of mathematics (3.1)

6.  SWBAT demonstrate understanding of the difference between dollars and colones by completing a chart of prices (4.2)

7.  SWBAT demonstrate understanding of the differences and similarities between the prices of fruits eaten in Costa Rica and in the USA by comparing and discussing the advertisement from Costa Rica with a local advertisement (4.2)

8.  SWBAT compare the prices and types of fruits and meats offered in a local supermarket in their community with those in the Costa Rican advertisement (5.1)


1.  Colones in different denominations (real or in photos from the internet)

2.  Calculators

3.  Photos of exotic fruits eaten in Costa Rica

4.  Exotic fruits for students to try

5.  Worksheet A (interview)

6.  Supermarket advertisement from Costa Rica

7.  Copies of the Frescos page with blanks (Different blanks for group A and group B)

8.  Worksheet B (conversion chart)

9.  Computer and Projector


·  Introduction

o  Teacher will show students examples of colones by passing them around the classroom or using images from the internet.

o  Teacher will pass around advertisement for Costa Rican products with the prices written in colones for students to familiarize themselves with how the prices are written.

o  Teacher will ask students what type of advertisement it is and where it is from. The class will discuss that in Costa Rica people also shop in supermarkets and why.

·  Presentation

o  Teacher will project on LCD projector a conversion website (http://www.xe.com/ucc/) and demonstrate how to use it.

o  Teacher will show students the current conversion rate between dollars and colones.

o  Teacher will write different dollar amounts and amounts in colones on the board for students to convert using a calculator on scrap paper.

o  Teacher and students will review the answers.

·  Communication Activities/Culture Presentation

o  Teacher will pass out worksheet A to each student.

o  Each student will interview the other students in the class in Spanish asking “What is your favorite fruit/meat” and answering “My favorite fruit/meat is …” and complete the worksheet as they interview.

o  At the end of the interview, the teacher will create a chart on the board of the most popular fruits and meats in the class.

o  The teacher will show photos of typical exotic fruits eaten in Costa Rica on the LCD projector asking students if they have ever tried the fruits or would try them.

o  The teacher will provide students with a few examples of typical fruits eaten in Costa Rica for students to try if they can be found in a local market.

o  The class will discuss as a group what fruits they like/do not like and why in Spanish based on the photos and the real fruits they try.

o  The class will also discuss why the fruits in Costa Rica might be different from those in the USA in Spanish and the teacher will write their ideas on the board in a list.

o  The teacher will pair students and pass out copy A or copy B to each partner of the supermarket advertisement Frescos.

o  The students will ask each other questions in Spanish to find out the cost of fruits or meats they do not have prices for on their copy of Frescos in order to fill in their worksheets.

o  At the end, students will compare their copy of Frescos to check their answers with their partners.

·  Extension

o  Pairs of students will work together to complete worksheet B in which they will complete conversions of colones to dollars for the food items found on the Frescos page of the supermarket advertisement.

o  The class will look at a supermarket advertisement from a local market and compare the prices between the fruits and meats of Costa Rica and the USA. The teacher will provide them with a website for converting kilograms to pounds (http://www.metric-conversions.org/weight/kilograms-to-pounds.htm) and a few examples of how to do this so they can compare the prices properly.


·  The products of Costa Rica shared in this lesson include colones and tropical fruits. Students will see what colones look like and learn how to convert dollars and colones. Students will also compare the fruits of Costa Rica with the fruits of their own country and discuss why they might be different. Students will also have the opportunity to compare the price differences between fruits and meats in Costa Rica and the USA.


·  Calculators

·  LCD projector

·  Internet

·  Powerpoint

Worksheet A

Nombre ______Fecha ______

Entrevista de frutas y carnes

Pregunta cada estudiante en la clase sobre sus frutas y carnes favoritas. Después, escribe una lista de las frutas y las carnes favoritas de cada persona en la clase.

Nombre / Fruta Favorita / Carne Favorita

Ahora, vamos a escribir una lista en la pizarra…

Worksheet B

Nombre ______Fecha ______

La conversión de dinero

Ahora, necesitas cambiar los precios de cada fruta, vegetal, y carne en el anuncio de colones a dolares. Escribe el precio de cada fruta, vegetal, o carne en colones a lado del nombre de la comida. Despues, cambia el precio a dolares y escribe en la columna Dolares.

Comida / Colones / Dolares
Chuleta adobada
Chuzos mixtos
Filet de pechuga
Bistec de hidalgo
Filet de cazon
Pollo entero
Guayaba premium
Banano criollo
Manzana gala
Papaya corriente
Ajos empacados