2016 NAFSA Annual Conference–Current Topics Workshop Proposal Form

Tip–Upload this document to Google documents, and invite your copresenters to make changes and additions prior to submitting the proposal to NAFSA by the August 3 deadline.

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2016 Current Topics Workshop Proposal Form
Thank you for preparing a proposal for the 2016 Annual Conference in Denver. On this page you will be asked to provide a detailed outline of your proposed workshop, as well as information about the audience the proposal would attract. After the August 3 deadline, review teams will review the proposals based on a set of criteria. After the review period, the Annual Conference Committee (ACC) will study the reviews and select highly rated proposals that contribute to a balanced and comprehensive conference program. The ACC may also decide to ask some submitters to refine their proposals in order to create the best possible content for the conference. Notifications regarding your proposal status will be sent by late November. The ACC thanks you for contributing your time and knowledge to craft this proposal.
Proposed Workshop Title and Abstract
1. * Workshop Title (100 character maximum-no more than 10 words)
Titles should briefly identify the content and audience and should give a clear idea of the workshop's content.
2. * Please enter your workshop abstract, which will appear in the promotional material if your proposal is selected. (400 character maximum, about 55 words)
Abstracts should clearly and concisely identify what will be presented, who the audience is, and what the participants will learn. Please write your abstract in the present tense.
Proposal Content
This section of the proposal is where you will provide the content and outline, or training plan, for your workshop.
3. * Using bullet points, please list your learning objectives for the workshop. This should be no more than four-five things participants will know and be able to do after the workshop. View tips on creating learning objectives.
Please note that if your proposal is accepted, participants will be asked to evaluate the workshop on how well the workshop delivery achieved the stated learning objectives.
Workshop Outline
Use the boxes below to create an outline of your workshop plan. For each main topic/section, list the main points, explain how the content will be delivered, how much time will be allotted for that topic, and which trainer(s) will lead the section.
Only fill in as many topics as needed to deliver your content. Generally a four hour workshop will include 4-5 topics/sections. An eight hour workshop will include 5-6 topics/sections. You do not have to fill in every topic box below.
4. * Topic/Section 1
Main points
Delivery Method for Topic/Section 1-
Describe how the content will be delivered. You can choose from delivery method types listed in the Call for Proposals or articulate your proposed method.
Trainer(s) for Topic/Section 1
Approximate amount of time dedicated to Topic/Section 1
5. * Topic/Section 2
Main points
Delivery Method for Topic/Section 2
Trainer(s) for Topic/Section 2
Approximate amount of time dedicated to Topic/Section 2
6. * Topic/Section 3
Main points
Delivery Method for Topic/Section 3
Trainer(s) for Topic/Section 3
Approximate amount of time dedicated to Topic/Section 3
7. Topic/Section 4
Main points
Delivery Method for Topic/Section 4
Trainer(s) for Topic/Section 4
Approximate amount of time dedicated to Topic/Section 4
8. Topic/Section 5
Main points
Delivery method for Topic/Section 5
Trainer(s) for Topic/Section 5
Approximate amount of time dedicated to Topic/Section 5
9. Topic/Section 6
Main points
Delivery Method for Topic/Section 6
Trainer(s) for Topic/Section 6
Approximate amount of time dedicated to Topic/Section 6
10. Topic/Section 7
Main points
Delivery Method for Topic/Section 7
Trainer(s) for Topic/Section 7
Approximate amount of time dedicated to Topic/Section 7
11. Optional: Please provide any additional information you feel may be necessary to describe your workshop outline.
Note: After your outline is complete, be sure to reread your response to question 3, and make sure the stated objectives align with your content and delivery plans.
After you have saved your proposal, it is still necessary to enter each of your trainers into the system in order for the reviewers to have access to biographical information.
12. Preconference workshops require additional investment of time and money from participants and their institutions. Please articulate the value this workshop will provide the target audience and why individuals and institutions would wish to invest additional funds to participate.
Optional: Short Video of Presentation
In order to demonstrate your training abilities, you may submit a video no longer than two minutes in length of yourself and/or your training team giving a presentation or leading a training. The content of your video need not pertain to the proposal you are submitting, but should demonstrate your ability to speak clearly, present your materials professionally, and engage your audience. Please note this is an optional addition to your proposal. If you choose not to submit a video, your proposal will still be considered based on the content submitted. To submit a video, please upload your video to YouTube, set your video privacy settings to “Unlisted,” and copy and paste the URL into the field below. Learn more about YouTube privacy settings.
13. YouTube URL:
Audience and Proposal Demographics
The questions below help the Annual Conference Committee create a balanced and comprehensive program.
14. * Please select a target audience for your proposal. Descriptions of the target audiences can be found in the Call for Proposals.
You may select only one.
·  Education Abroad
·  International Education Leadership
·  International Enrollment Management
·  International Student and Scholar Services
·  Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship
·  Shared Interest
15. Please select the primary professional functional role of your target audience. You may select only one.
·  Curriculum and Instruction- Develops curricula and provides instruction to students in courses with a global focus. (See example topics)
·  Direct Service- Provides programs and/or service directly to students and scholars planning for or engaged in international education. (See example topics)
·  Management-Oversees the operations of a unit or program in international education. (See example topics)
·  Strategy/Policy-Establishes and leads the implementation of policies, strategies, and partnerships for achieving the goals and mission of international education. (See example topics)
16. * Please select the specific level of knowledge you will expect the audience to have regarding the content. You may select only one.
·  Introductory: For participants with basic or no knowledge of the topics, practices, resources or publications covered in this proposal.
·  Intermediate: For participants with experience and knowledge of the topics, practices, resources or publications covered in this proposal.
·  Advanced: For participants with extensive knowledge of the topics, practices, resources or publications covered in this proposal.
17. * Please give a detailed description of the participants you anticipate enrolling in your workshop. What types of job responsibilities will they have or be seeking? What types of institutions or organizations will they represent? For whom will these skills and knowledge appeal to and/or be necessary training?
For example, participants might include: U.S. university-based administrators who want to establish or enhance a sponsored student program.
18. * Please select the Content Focus Area which is most applicable to your topic. You may select only one.
Not sure where your proposal fits? Review the sample topics for each content focus area.
·  Achieving Comprehensive Internationalization: Infusing international and comparative perspectives throughout the teaching, research and service missions of higher education. Strategies and tactics for articulating the value of international education on campus.
·  Global Issues & Trends: Global trends and international developments that have an impact on international education. Developments in such areas as national interests, economics, security, higher educational policy, society, or the environment are appropriate.
·  Practitioners' Toolbox: Information, tools, and training that showcase the use of emerging technologies, developments in the field, research, good practice, and knowledge as it applies to daily work in international education.
·  Professional and Leadership Development: Development of skills and strategies that will help international educators achieve career goals, reach leadership potential, and find balance between personal and professional life.
·  Public Policy: Strategies and tactics for advocating the value of international education in order to influence public policy.
·  Regulatory Complexities: Guidance and information on government regulations in the United States and abroad that impact international education and exchange.
·  Social Responsibility & Inclusion: Research and practice connections between social justice, equity, civil society, ethical practice, human rights, environmental impact, and sustainability issues to the work of international educators.
·  Teaching and Learning in International Education: Development of curriculum for and integration of Global Learning pedagogy into teaching and learning. Research, theory, and model practices that support the development of global competence.
·  Other: Innovative proposals of critical interest to those in international education that do not fit in other content focus areas.
19. * Please select a time frame based on the length of your proposed content. (Be sure to factor in breaks, including lunch.) Note that times listed below are examples. The schedules of preconference workshops are based on overall programming needs and providing a balance of topics at varying times.
·  Half day, four hours: 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
·  Full day, eight hours: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
20. * Each workshop room will be set with round tables for 8-10, a table for training team materials, a podium and microphone, one table mic, one wireless mic, one flipchart and set of markers, and an LCD projector with screen (trainers must provide their own laptops). Trainers should not rely on the use of Internet to meet their learning objectives. More information regarding Internet availability will be available as the conference dates come closer. View a sample room set up. (5kb )
21. * In order to coordinate efforts with specific government agencies with which NAFSA has an ongoing relationship, NAFSA staff will issue invitations to trainers from the agencies listed below. If your proposal is accepted, NAFSA staff will contact you to discuss the role and expected content from government representatives.
·  Passport Services/Overseas Citizens Services-Bureau of Consular Affairs-U.S. Department of State
·  Visa Services/Consulates-Bureau of Consular Affairs-U.S. Department of State
·  Exchange Visitor Program (Office of Exchange Coordination and Designation)-Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs-U.S. Department of State
·  Customs & Border Protection (CBP)-Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
·  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (including Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
·  U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS)-Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
·  U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
·  U.S. Social Security Administration
·  Embassy or Consulate based in the United States
Are you planning to include a trainer from any of the government agencies listed in the bulleted list above in your workshop?
Yes or No?
If you would like to invite a trainer from another agency that is not listed above, such as EducationUSA or Fulbright, please include these individuals in your list of presenters. You do not need to coordinate your invitation of these presenters through NAFSA.
Trainer Policies and Expectations
Please note:
You are eligible for reimbursement for costs of printing and shipping materials; and you are not responsible for any of the A/V and room set-up costs; however, you may be asked to modify any special requests if costs are prohibitive. Participant fees must cover all costs.
Per diem: Only the people listed as trainers are eligible to receive per diem. No more than four trainers for any one workshop are eligible to receive per diem reimbursement.
Publication materials: if your workshop proposal is accepted, your abstract and workshop title may be edited by NAFSA for publication purposes.
You may submit as many workshop proposals as you would like; however, it is the policy of the Annual Conference Committee that individuals serve on only one workshop training team per conference. This includes Core Education Program workshops.
NAFSA Member Leaders
22. * NAFSA member leaders on national teams, committees and subcommittees and regional teams have meetings during the preconference period. In order to focus fully on their leadership responsibilities and to be most respectful of their fellow member leaders, those who hold leadership roles are strongly discouraged from being part of a preconference workshop team. (Preconference workshops are held the Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday preceding the NAFSA Annual Conference.) Workshop participants invest both money and time in this special learning opportunity and expect to benefit from access to the whole workshop team for the duration of the workshop.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the policies and expectations regarding NAFSA Annual Conference Workshop trainers. As the Lead Trainer, it is my responsibility to ensure no member of my training team is involved in another preconference workshop training team or part of a NAFSA member leader group who has preconference meetings.
Yes or No?
Noncommercial Policy
NAFSA education programs at the annual conference are learning experiences and are noncommercial. Under no circumstances should a preconference workshop, general conference session, or poster presentation be used for direct promotion of a speaker's product, service, or other self-interest.

Radio button or check box I acknowledge NAFSA’s noncommercial policy and verify that this proposal is in accordance with that policy.

Commitment to Diverse Perspectives
The Annual Conference Committee would like to emphasize that session proposals demonstrate understanding of the varied conference attendee experiences, backgrounds, and learning needs.

o  I acknowledge that my proposal reflects attention to diverse perspectives as appropriate to the target audience.

Before You Submit
·  Does the biographical information you listed in your profile support your proposal and demonstrate your expertise in the topic?
·  Does the title communicate what your workshop is about and who should attend?
·  Does your abstract support the outline you've proposed?
·  Is the amount of content with regard to the proposed timing in your outline realistic?
Be sure to save a copy of your proposal in case of a submission glitch with the system.
Workshop proposals must be submitted by 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, August 3, 2015.
Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2016 NAFSA Annual Conference.

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