My letter to a pen pal

HolyTrinityPrimary School

Monagh Road


BT11 8EG

Thursday 19th February 2009

Dear Robert,

I was so pleased to receive your letter and find out some interesting things about you. I hope you are keeping well. Hello! My name is Michaela Cahill and I am a girl. I’m 11 years old, the second oldest in my class and family. My birthday is in the summer on the 27th of July. It is great because we are off in the summer. I am in Primary7LMC and my teachers are called Mr Mc Crory and Miss Mc Conville.

There are 5 people in my family. I live with my mum and dad. My mum is called Sharon and she is 31 years old. My dad is called Jim and he is 30 years old. My brothers are called Gerard and James and they are 13 and 4. My sister is called Shannon and she is 9 years old. We live in Poleglass. I have got a dog called Zola, he is an Alsatian. I used to have fish but they died.

The weather here is cold and on the 5th February it was snowing. The weather in Ireland is starting to warm up since it is moving into Spring.

My favourite sport is basketball and I like playing it very much. My favourite food is chicken and bacon pasta. We are going to watch the Belfast Giants next Friday. The Belfast Giants are an ice hockey team here in Belfast. My favourite subjects are P.E, Art and English. What are yours? My favourite T.V shows are The Simpson’s and Hannah Montana.

I would love to know what you have planned for your summer holidays. Do you go camping? If so, what do you do there?

Write back soon

Yours Sincerely,

Michaela Cahill P7LMC

My Targets For The Year

  1. I am going to try to be better in school.
  2. I will try to be good at the transfer test.
  3. I will try my best to improve my maths work.
  4. I will try to be kinder to others.
  5. I will concentrate more in class.
  6. I will try to improve my handwriting.
  7. I will listen carefully to instructions.
  8. I will show respect to all staff members.
  9. I will not bully others.
  10. I will share with others.

Liam Conlon P7LMC

Interview with a celebrity

The celebrity I have chosen is Miley Cyrus.

Question 1: Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have 3 dogs. Their names are Loca (because it’s crazy), Juicy (because I love that clothing brand) and Minnie Pearl.

Question 2: Do you have any siblings?

Yes I have 5 siblings called Christopher, Trace, Brandi, Braison and Noah Lindsey.

Question 3: What are your friends’ names?

Brenda Song, Ashley Tisdale, Taylor Swift but I like Mandy Jiroux best because she knew me before I got famous.

Question 4: What are your favourite hobbies?

My favourites are singing, dancing and shopping because I enjoy them all and in most of them I’m with my best friend Mandy.

Question 5: How many songs have you written?

Loads, maybe over one hundred but I have only used some of them on Hannah Montana because some are not finished yet.

Question 6: What is it like being a singer/songwriter?

It’s amazing, I love it! It couldn’t have been a better job that is good for all of my talents.

Question 7: What is your favourite song that you have ever written?

My favourite would have to be “Best of Both Worlds.” I love singing it and listening to it.

Question 8: Which member of Girls Aloud is your favourite?

I don’t really know because I have met them but haven’t really got to speak to them much. I chatted most with Kimberley and Cheryl.

Question 9: What do you watch on T.V?

I mostly watch Eastenders, Coronation Street, My Family and My Super Sweet Sixteen U.S.A.

Question 10: What would be your dad’s favourite song?

I really like Achy Breaky Heart because it’s very catchy and an amazing song.

Danielle Costelloe P7LMC

Interview with a celebrity

The celebrity I have chosen is Lionel Messi.

Question 1: When were you born and where?

I was born on the 24th June 1987 (which means I’m 22). I grew up in Rosario, Santa FeProvince in Argentina.

Question 2: What’s it like playing for Barcelona and have they done you any favours?

Barcelonahas done me a lot of favours. One of them is paying for my growth hormone deficiency because of my talent they said they would pay for my medical bills if I moved to Barcelona.

Question 3: Did you play football when you were young?

Yes, when I was 5 years old I played for a club called Ganobli. In 1995 I switched teams to Newell’s Old Boys.

Question 4: What is it like to be such a good footballer?

I like it a lot, I am even considered to be one of the best football players in the world. I have had several Ballon d’or and Fifa world player of the year nominations.

Question 5: Is it true you scored five goals in a week?

I did and it brought us up into the top 4 in La Liga. Three of them were against Lyon at home.

Question 6: What is it like playing in a final?

I do be nervous but when you need to win it you just give it all you’ve got.

Question 7: What’s it like playing for Argentina?

I like it. I remember I won an award once for best player of the tournament.

Question 8: Did you play football in the Olympics?

Yes, I played for Argentina and scored the opening goal but I was barred by Barcelona to play for my country in the Olympics but I did it anyway.

Question 9: What is it like in Copa America?

I remember when I first started I was the youngest player in the tournament. We defeated United States 4-1 and I set up a goal for Gespo.

Question 10: Have you ever been sent off?

Yes. I was substituted on during the 63rd minute but I was sent off just 40 seconds later because I elbowed a defender because he was tugging my shirt.

Nathan Curran P7LMC

Saints Name

The Saint whose name I have chosen is St Michael de Sanctis. This Saint is particularly known for his work done with St Francis. Michael de Sanctis was born in Catalonia, Spain around 1591. At the age of six he informed his parents he was going to be a Monk. However, he imitated St Francis of Assisi to such a great extent that he had to be restrained. After the death of his parents, Michael served as an apprentice to a merchant. However, he continued to lead a life of exemplary devotion, and in 1603 he joined the Trinitarian Friars at Barcelona, taking his vows at St. Lamberts Monastery in Saragossa in 1607.

Shortly thereafter, Michael expressed a desire to join the reformed group of Trinitarians’ and was given permission to do so. He went to the Novitiate at Madrid and, after studies at Seville and Salamarra, he was ordained a Priest and twice served as Superior of the house in Valladolid. His Conferees considered him to be a Saint, especially because of his devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and his ecstasies during Mass.

After his death at the age of thirty-five on April 10th 1625, many miracles were attributed to him. He was canonized in 1862 by Pope Pius 1X. St Michael de Sanctis is noted in the Roman Martyr logy as being “remarkable for innocence of life, wonderful patience and love for god.” He seemed from his earliest years to have been selected for a life of great Holiness, and he never wavered in his great love for God or his vocation. As our young people look for direction in a world that seems not to care, St Michael stands out as worthy of imitation as well as of the prayers of both young and old alike. His feast day is April 10th.

Neil Doran P7LMC

Interview with a celebrity

The celebrity I have chosen is Tommy Walsh.

Question 1: What made you want to become a builder?

My father was a master builder, so it was in the family.

Question 2: When you built your eco house did you finish it on time?

When I took the challenge to build an eco friendly house in 60 days for 60,000 pounds … yes I met the deadline.

Question 3: Are there any of your children following you into the building trade?

No the building trade is not what it used to be when I started out.

Question 4: Is it hard working for yourself?

Yes there is a lot more to contend with than just a lot of paper work and the big bad taxman.

Question 5: Do you make a lot of money?

Yes but I also spend a lot of money to make a good living.

Question 6: Do you always bring other people to work for you?

Sometimes I rely on other tradesmen to do the work or sometimes I do it myself.

Question 7: Have you much work on at the minute?

At the minute I have enough work on to see me into 2011.

Question 8: Have you had any builds that you liked doing?

I like all my work but one thing that stands out the most is my workshop that I built.

Question 9: Are you nice to the people who work for you?

As nice as I can be but sometimes you have to come down hard on them.

Question 10: When you got your first wage what did you buy?

With my first wage I bought new tools.

Joseph Dorrian P7LMC

Interview with a celebrity

The celebrity I have chosen is Rey Mysterio Jr. (Oscar Gutierrez)

Question 1: What made you get into wrestling?

I went into wrestling because I trained with my Uncle and I went into masked Mexican wrestling at the age of 15.

Question 2: Why do you wear the mask to the ring?

I wear the mask to the ring because my Uncle used to wear a mask to the ring and so do I.

Question 3: What was it like to win your first title?

I won my first title on World Championship Wrestling three weeks into my debut on Monday Nitro against Dean Malenko. It was the most exciting thrill of my life.

Question 4: Have you ever been forced to take off your mask?

Yes. At Super Brawl 1X. I lost to Kevin Nashina Hair VS. Mask match. I had to phone my Uncle after the match to tell him what had happened. My Uncle and I were very disappointed.

Question 5: What was it like to win the Royal Rumble and have a shot at the World Heavy Weight championship?

It was the happiest day of my life. I dedicated my performance at the Royal Rumble to my late friend Eddie Guerrero.

Question 6: Who has been your best tag team partner in the WWE?

I would have to say Dave Bastista because we are multiple Tag Team champions.

Question 7: What would be your favourite nickname?

I would have to choose “Super Nino” which is Mexican for humming bird. It was the first nickname given to me.

Question 8: What would be your favourite match?

My favourite match would be Me Vs Sabu. An extreme rule match but Sabu and I got put through a table.

Question 9: Before you became a wrestler, who was your favourite wrestler?

My favourite wrestler was Scott Steiner because I had already mastered his finishing manoeuvre “The Frankensteiner”.

Question 10: What would be your goals for the future?

I would hope to have another World Heavyweight Championship reign once again and have it for a long time.

Marc Downey P7LMC

Interview with a celebrity

The celebrity I have chosen is Cole Sprouse.

Question 1: What were you like when you made your first movie?

Well I don’t know because I was only 6 months old.

Question 2: When you made Zack and Cody for the first time, what did you feel like?

I felt nervous but my brother Dylan was there to support me.

Question 3: If you were not an actor what would you like to be?

I would like to be a comedian because my films are funny.

Question 4: What is it like working with your brother?

It is great fun because we are very close and he is so funny.

Question 5: Do you think you and your brother will always work together or will you split up and do different movies when you are older.

I don’t know but I think we might stay together.

Question 6: Were you happy to make Zack and Cody?

I was so glad and excited because Dylan and I are acting as different people but in every other film we are acting as the same person.

Question 7: Do you think that you and Dylan would have been famous if you weren’t identical twins?

Well that is a good question but I don’t really know, maybe only 1 of us would have become famous.

Question 8: Who is older, you or Dylan?

Dylan is older by fifteen minutes.

Question 9: Do you both still go to school?

No we have a tutor who comes to our house.

Question 10: What is your favourite music?

My favourite group at the minute is Green Day but there are lots more that I like.

Courtney Gibson P7LMC

My Targets for The Year

  1. I will try my best to improve my maths work.
  2. I will try to improve my handwriting.
  3. I will eat quietly in the dining hall.
  4. I will be in school on time.
  5. I will take good acre of all my books.
  6. I will remember to bring in my swimming and P.E gear.
  7. I will listen carefully to instructions.
  8. I will show respect to all staff members.
  9. I will not bully others.
  10. I will share with others.

Brendan Gillespie P7LMC

Application for Peer Mediator Position

Question 1: What qualities do you feel you have as an individual, which would help you as a mediator?

The qualities that I have as an individual are that I am a good listener, I am friendly and I am approachable. I also can solve arguments easily and fast.

Question 2: Why do you feel you would make a good mediator?

I think I would make an excellent mediator because I am kind and caring and I can look at both sides of a situation with a clear head.

Question 3: What would you do if you feel you are unable to solve an argument?

If I was unable to solve an argument I would go to a teacher that I feel could solve the problem, or I would go to another peer mediator for advice.

Question 4: Why do you feel our school needs mediators?

I feel that our school needs mediators because many children have problems and they would be nervous talking to an adult so they would rather talk to people their own age.

Holly Gowdy P7LMC

My Weekly Diary

Wednesday 25th March

I got home from school and did my homework then I got ready for gaelic at 16:30. We got to Gort Na Mona at 17:00. The training lasted 2 hours. When I got home I got a shower and watched Top Gear and The Simpsons. After that I watched a DVD called The Simpsons Movie. I went to bed at 23:30.

Thursday 26th March

I got home from school and did my homework. I watched The Simpsons. After the Simpsons I got my dinner which was burger and chips. I went out to play with my cousin, we played football for half an hour and then we went home. After that I went upstairs and played Call of Duty and went to sleep at 23:00.

Friday 27th March

I came home from school and got ready. I went out and played with my friends. We played football and rounders, it was fun. After that I went in home and got my dinner, I got chicken curry and rice. Then I played my X-Box 360 until 21:00. I watched elf and then I watched The Simpsons. I went to sleep at 23:00.

Gavin Hamill P7LMC

Child Poem

Child of the past

Working in factories,

Long hors everyday.

Child of the present

Going to school,

Then after they play.

Child of the past

Working as a chimney sweep,

Gets bruises and cuts.

Child of the present

Goes to the shop,

To buy crisps and nuts.

Child of the past

Has no clean clothes,

And no water to wash.

Child of the present

Their wardrobes are full,

And in their baths they splash.

Child of the past

When gets time with friends,

Over posts they play leap frog.

Child of the present

With their friends,

They walk their dog.

Shona Hanvey P7LMC

Acrostic Poem

Careful and Contented

Athletic and Affectionate

Irish and Influential

Timid and Trustworthy

Loving and Loyal

Interesting and Important

Nice and Noticeable

Helpful and Happy


Logical and Lovely

Admirable and Active

Natural and Noisy

Delightful and Dedicated

Caitlin Hyland P7LMC

Acrostic Poem

Delightful and Dramatic

Entertaining and Exciting

Musical and Marvellous

Interesting and Important

Loving and Lovely

Effective and Elaborate

Energetic and Eminent

Happy and Helpful

Elegant and Efficient

Nice and Noticeable

Rebellious and Realistic

Youthful and Young

Demi-Lee Henry P7LMC

My letter to a pen pal

HolyTrinityPrimary School

Monagh Road


BT11 8EG

Thursday 19th February 2009

Dear Johanna,

I was so pleased to receive your letter and find out some interesting things about you. I hope you are keeping well. Hello! I am a girl and my name is Aoife Madden. I am 10 years old; my birthday is on the 17th June. I am in Primary 7LMC. My teachers’ names are Mr Mc Crory and Miss Mc Conville.

There are six people in my family. My mummy is called Collette and my daddy is called Thomas. They are both 36 years old. I have a brother called Ryan who is 18 and my sister is called Caragh and she is two years old. My granny lives with me at 31 Down Fine Park.