Name ______

Creating a Utopia

utopia: a place or state of political or social perfection

In the novel Animal Farm, the pigs want to create a farm which is perfect in every way. They try to create a utopia in which the government and society are perfect. “All animals are equal.” This we discover fails miserably and they create something very far from a perfect world.

The novel we will be reading next is The Giver, and it is based on an imaginary utopian community. Before reading you will create what you think would be the PERFECT community for EVERYONE.

In groups of 3 or 4 you will create a poster which invites someone to visit/join your utopian community. Think travel brochure. Once you have finished a model plan for your utopia, you will present it to the class. Be prepared for questions concerning your plan/ideas. This is a group grade worth 30 points. Assign each member a section (see below) to create. You will have to live in this society and you will NOT be in a position of power (not that your society has to have social class).

Assign each person one of the main topics below. Your plan must include the following:

1. System of Government

·  List at least 5 laws for your community.

·  How will you create order among your people? Who governs the community (individuals, groups…)?

2. Daily Life (Social and Cultural Development)

·  How will people spend their time? Who will work?

·  Will there be a school for the children?

·  Will art and music be encouraged, developed?

·  Who lives where (children, adults, the elderly)? What will families be like? How would you structure living spaces in your community (who lives with whom)?

3. Economic Development

·  How will people pay for food, other goods? How will wealth be distributed? Will there be wealth?

·  How will you use your environmental resources?

4. Religious Development

·  Will there be religion? Why or why not? If so, describe the religion.

·  Will there be some type of rituals? Marriage laws?

5. Create a drawing of your utopia, name or motto, and a flag.

·  Don’t spend too much time on this. Do this last.