Unapproved Minutes of February 16, 2012

See Minutes of March 2012 for approvals/corrections

Conservation Commission

Rye, New Hampshire

Meeting of February 16, 2012

Rye Town Hall

7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Chairman Jim Raynes, Mike Garvan, Sally King, Charles Raynes, Jeff Gardner and Lawton Struble.

I.  Call to Order and Pledge

Chairman Raynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

II.  Approval of Minutes: (action required)

January 19, 2012

Motion by Mike Garvan to approve the minutes of January 19, 2012 as presented. Seconded by Charles Raynes. All in favor.

III.  Wetlands:

1.  28 Old Beach Rd., 15 Carbery Dr. - Altus Engineering – Eric Weinrieb

Eric Weinrieb, Altus Engineering, spoke to the Commission regarding the repair/replacement of a seawall at 28 Old Beach Road. He reviewed the plan with the Commission.

·  Site Walk, February 20th, 5:00 p.m.

2.  15 Church Rd., - GZA Environmental – Mike Parsont – Revisions

Mike Parsont, GZA Environmental, addressed the Commission regarding changes to the plan for the property at 15 Church Road. He explained that they were able to shrink the chambers for the storm water drainage. By doing that, they were able to change the grading and pull the driveway out of the Shoreland Protection. There is still some impact in the 250ft buffer; however, it is less than previously and is pervious. He reviewed this on the plan. He continued the other change is to the top of the drain line. By putting the drain line in, there would be some impact to the wetlands. They have added 78sf of impact to do the site re-grading to allow for the drainage line to be put in. There will be 1997sf of total impacts and 1277sf will be permanent. There will be 320sf of shoreland impact, all of that being pervious. The impact will be 36% less than the original proposal. He also presented a landscaping plan to the Commission.

The Commission reviewed the plan.

Member Gardner stated the Commission would like to have the proposal out of the wetlands.

Mr. Parsont replied they feel they have done the best they can to do that. They have provided landscaping to act as buffers to the abutters. They have also provided an appropriate access to the lot and treatment for the run-off to protect the site.

Member Garvan commented he does not like swapping being in the wetland for a visual buffer.

Chairman Raynes stated he feels they have tried.

Member King commented it has gotten better; however, she feels that more can be done.

There was discussion on the possibility of rotating the house on the lot.

Mr. Parsont explained that in order to have the buffer and treatment required to have the driveway off of Church Road with the least impact: This is the proposal that will work while still having a reasonably sized home.

Chairman Raynes stated that he feels that the applicant is doing things to this property that will improve the area. They are putting in a rain garden and will retain all of the run-off on the site. Those things are important. He asked the Commission what would be acceptable. The applicant has tried and he doesn’t know what else the Commission can say.

Member Gardner stated for him what would be acceptable is staying out of the wetlands. The building is now going into the buffer and into the wetland for visual benefit.

There was further discussion on trying to rotate the house to move the back corner further away from the wetland.

The Commission agreed that it is still a lot of impact to the wetland.

The Commission requested a letter from Ambit Engineering in regards to moving the back corner of the house further from the wetlands.

3.  1285 Ocean Boulevard – West Environmental – Mark West – Revisions

Mark West, West Environmental, spoke to the Commission in regards to revisions to the plan for 1285 Ocean Boulevard. The Commission had previously sent questions to Mr. West regarding the property. He has provided responses to those questions. He further explained that the Heritage Commission has requested that the last part of the site that has lawn, abutting the salt marsh, have a buffer. There would be no places on the property that had lawn that went directly into the salt marsh. By adding this buffer, the entire house and garage will be surrounded by at least 15ft of planted buffer and mulch. The other revision to the plan is the removal of the tower to the house. The garage had been reduced previously to where it was functional for the owner. The size of the garage is what was presented at the previous meeting.

Lisa DeStefano, Architect, reviewed the plan and revisions with the Commission. She also presented computer generated photos of the property.

Mr. West pointed out that the proposal will go before the Board of Adjustment in April.

Chairman Raynes commented that other than the size, all of the issues have been addressed. NH DES did not have an issue with the size of the garage.

Member Garvan commented that the garage is tall. He does understand why though.

Member Gardner commented that he sees this as a marginal lot that keeps growing.

Chairman Raynes stated that he likes the buffer. He does think that if there was any way to downsize the garage they would have complied. They have given a good explanation of why the garage cannot be made any smaller.

The Commission agreed to send a letter in support to the Board of Adjustment with a copy to Mr. West.

4.  175 Washington Rd., - Brindamour – NH DES Information needed

NH DES is requesting more information from Brooke Smart on the “chop and drop” project for 175 Washington Road.

Added to the agenda:

·  Lee Arthur – Rye Recreation Department – New septic system for the recreation building/fields.

Lee Arthur, Recreation Department, spoke to the Commission in regards to a new septic system for the Recreation Area. Currently, there are holding tanks, which are no longer legal and need to be replaced. The Selectmen have approved the project. The Recreation Department wanted to do the project at the end of season last year; however, the contractor with the lowest bid could not perform it within the time frame that was requested. The project will be started in April. The contractor is Northern New England Field Services who has done a lot of work for other recreation groups. Beals & Associates will be preparing a construction report and overseeing the project. The septic design was completed by Penny Wright. Ms. Arthur reviewed the plan with the Commission.

The Commission agreed a site walk was not needed.

5.  5 Wentworth Rd., - Burke Tree Service – Removal of trees

Correspondence was received for the Building Inspector, Peter Rowell, concerning the removal of trees in the shoreland at 5 Wentworth Road.

·  Site Walk with the Building Inspector, Monday, February 20th, 4:00 p.m.

6.  Rand Lumber – concerns from abutters

A letter was received concerning an increase in noise and air pollution, in the form of dust, at 511 Wallis Road. Several contractors from Maine and New Hampshire have been dumping excavated material on the property. The dump area is adjacent to a wetland and conservation area. The letter continued that NH DES was contacted on January 12, 2012 and they had no record of a Dredge and Fill Permit being requested for this property.

The Commission agreed to forward the letter to the Building Inspector.

IV.  Newsletter

The Rye Newsletter is ready to be published. Sally King and Tracey Degnan submitted information concerning an update on Goss Farm and the Community Garden. The Conservation Commission also posted that there is a need for members. Currently, there are two open positions.

V.  Goss Farm Update

Discussions are being held with Ian Blackman regarding the repair/replacement of the barn roof. There are also discussions being held with a person who is interested in possibly farming the property. Much progress is being made on the property.

VI.  Land

·  Herlihy – Washington Road

The Warranty Deed has been received for the 4.5 acres off Washington Road given by the Herlihy Family.

·  Connell – 240 Washington Road

The appraisal for the property at 240 Washington Road has been completed. The value of the land is $84,000. The Town assessment is $37,000. The property is 18 acres of land surrounded by the Town Forrest. The owner is donating $34,000 and the Commission will pay $50,000. A $5,000 deposit has been made on the property.

VII.  Bills

·  Chris Keenan – Herlihy Property - $357.

Motion by Jeff Gardner to pay Chris Keenan in the amount of $357. Seconded by Mike Garvan. All in favor.

·  PSNH – Goss Farm - $1,584.

Motion by Mike Garvan to pay Public Service of New Hampshire in the amount of $1,584. Seconded by Lawton Struble. All in favor.

VIII.  Town Report

·  Chairman Raynes gave an update on the Town Report.

2012 – The acquisition of 13 easements have been completed by the Commission.

Over 220 acres being protected - $4,414,000.

The Commission has also purchased over 200 acres - $4,684,900. This was accomplished by leveraging other owned land and federal grants.

The Conservation Protected Land is over 1,030 acres.

IX.  Correspondence

·  Letter of resignation as a member of the Commission was received from Douglas Bordewieck. The Commission thanks Mr. Bordewieck for his hard work and service to the Town.

·  NH DES has updated the Shoreland Permits. The new permits will be available April 1, 2012 from the Town Clerk.

·  The resignation of Lynn Joslyn as a Conservation Member has been accepted by the Selectmen. A note of thanks will be sent to Mrs. Joslyn from the Selectmen.


Motion by Jeff Gardner to adjourn at 9:06 p.m. Seconded by Mike Garvan. All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted:

Dyana F. Ledger