5-8 Grade Level Committee

January 26, 2005
1:00 – 3:00p.m.
Boy Scouts of America
3414 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN37215
Meeting called by: / Sandy Tinnon / Type of meeting: / Committee Meeting
Facilitator: / Sandy Tinnon / Note taker: / Ron Turpin
Timekeeper: / Typist: / Deborah Bell
Attendees: / Sandy Tinnon, Sydney Rogers, Barry Potts, Kathryn Dillard, Illia Moore, Stephanie Davis, Terry Adams, Ron Turpin, Charlie Williams
Please read: / Draft of last Minutes


Agenda item: / Principal’s Meeting / Presenter: / Sandy Tinnon
Discussion: / The first letter was sent to the principals inviting them to attend a presentation by the 5-8 Grade Level Committee of the Alignment Nashville Project, engaging them in a discussion on the services available. We are now ready to send them the second invitation with the date of when and where we can meet and speak to them.
Conclusions: / The committee concluded with the following date, time and the committee members’ participation for this presentation:
Date: February 9, 2005
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Where: FristCenter for Visual Arts, 919 Broadway
Marsha Edwards/Ron Turpin
Kathryn Dillard/Barry Potts
Charlie Williams
Suggestions for Action Step/Needs Relating to Vision
Stephanie Davis/Jeri Hasselbring/Principals
Share Draft of Action Plan
Marsha Edwards/Terry Adams
Update of Non-Profit List
Alexis Lewis/Illia Moore
Select Date(s) for Future Meeting(s) with Principals
Anne Henderson
Closing Remarks
Sandy Tinnon
Agenda item: / Providing Non-Profit Services To The Schools / Presenter: / Sydney Rogers
Discussion: / Sydney asked the committee to present options on how Alignment Nashville could engage with the schools to what services could be provided by the non-profit agencies. Stephanie Davis pointed out that normally the organization would need to align with the individual schools request. Alignment Nashville’s mission is to give the schools the desired outcome using goals and plans developed by the district and the community organizations working together.
Sydney posed a couple of questions to the team:
How would a principal know that his/her school needs have been met, would that mean reduced suspensions and improved student achievement?
Answer: yes, these would be appropriate indicators
How many no-bullying processes are available?
Answer: Two: Olweus & Respect and Protect. MeigsMiddle School is using Olweus.
Respect and Protect is being done through the S.T.A.R.S. (Students Taking A Right Stand) program with five middle schools in Metro. This is provided through Hazelton in Minnesota.
Olweus is a commercially available program that has a data collection component and uses a team approach and it is an outside provider. However, using this approach does not meet the objective of Alignment Nashville, which is to align the existing resources to solve the problem.
How can Alignment Nashville involve other community organizations and volunteers in the proposed program?
Answer: Barry Potts pointed out the legal issues of having our children exposed to anyone that had not had a proper background check. Stephanie Davis pointed out that once principals have clearly accepted a non-profit provider, then this would be the time to open the door for volunteers to be trained in teams with specialized training to reinforce the message. If providers are undermanned, we could utilize PENCIL Foundation & the Boy Scouts Council to get the information out to the public.
Barry Potts stated that this committee’s plan for “no bullying” would really be valid if the same plan could be instituted in every school.
The group discussed different delivery systems and Sandy asked the group how many of the non-profits have a “no-bullying” component.
Stephanie explained that the Olweus and Respect and Protect programs both involve the parents, students, and community.
Dr. Dillard pointed out that schools get materials for various programs, but there is often no one in the school building who will or can take the leadership to be sure it is implemented. She hopes that people outside the school can be brought in as part of the process/program and also that the process is implemented in every school.
STARS do not have the capacity to deliver such a program to all the pilot schools, but licensing for other providers is available through Hazelton.
Of the 12 schools targeted by this committee for the pilot, only Neely’s Bend and Bailey are under contract for services from STARS.
Conclusions: / We need to be sure the principals understand the program being proposed. Kathy Dillard pointed out that this is a more global scenario, not just a focus on students pushing and shoving with intimidation, isolation, and aggravation. The terminology “no bullying” may not reflect the scope of what the committee is trying to accomplish. Everyone agreed that the name “Respect and Protect” is a better name for the proposed work. The group will need to decide which approach or combination of approaches should adopted to present before the Feb. 9th Principal’s meeting.
Agenda item: / Non-Profit Providers List presented by Sandy Tinnon / Presenter: / Sandy Tinnon
Discussion: / The group looked at Sandy’s’ non profit provider list.
Conclusions: / It was pointed out that the Boy Scouts Council was not included at Neely’s BendMiddle School with S.T.A.R.S. The group concluded that some providers are likely not on the list because the principals may not have included providers they don’t see on a regular basis, even if the provider is in the school building on a regular basis.
Agenda item: / Planning Template For Committee Work / Presenter: / Sandy Tinnon/Sydney Rogers
Discussion: / Sandy left the group with a newly developed planning template to discuss.
The committee reviewed the draft plan presented in the form of the committee plan template. The committee suggested that the template be modified to include a “Team” category at the top of the form where all the team members and their organization could be listed. Regarding the template, we need to define “who” will carry out the plan and specifically “who” is the targeted group for the activity. At the principal’s meeting, we need to be sure to ask the principals to tell us what they want the results of this program to look like for them.
Conclusions: / The group decided to add a fourth category at the top: “Team” and to take up the discussion of what to ask the principals at the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:18 pm
Thursday, February 3, 2005 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Boy Scouts of America
3424 Hillsboro Pike

List of Attachments: 5-8 Alignment Nashville Planning Template for Committee Work (distributed)

Researched-based No Bullying Prevention Programs (attached)

2004 –05 MNPS Middle School – Non Profit Providers (attached)