PE 11 Course Outline

Physical Activity Requirement:

1.  Keep a daily log of physical activities in which you participate. You can use the form provided in this document or your own. You will need at least 100 hours for the year, which is about 25 hours for a term. Each term is approximately 9 weeks long, so that would be 2-3 hours a week. You should try to participate in a variety of activities such as:

a.  Group games (basketball, hockey),

b.  dual and individual activities (tennis, weight training, running),

c.  rhythmic activities (dance),

d.  outdoor activities ( hiking, rock climbing, skiing).

The more different types of regular activity that you do, the better your grade will be for this part of the course. /95

2.  If you participate on a team or in lessons, include those hours on your PE log as well. You will also need to submit an assessment from your instructor once each quarter. If they have their own reports, you can submit those. Otherwise, use the one attached to this document.

3.  If you do not participate on a team or in lessons, have your parent complete the assessment provided and submit one each quarter along with a video of you performing one of your sports.

4.  Submit your PE Log and assessment at the end of each quarter


1.  The student must complete 3 heath paces (# 1, 2 6) / 25 each

2.  Design a plan: This plan must show how to live a balanced healthy life. Show how your life could include nutrition, exercise, rest and work in balance. You can do this in essay or table format. /15

3.  Research an athlete. This paper should be at least 400 words long. You will need to describe the attributes required to pursue a career in physical activity. From a Christian point of view, would this athlete be a good role model? Then discuss how our culture’s obsession with professional athletics affects a person’s perceptions of body image. /15

4.  10 hours of volunteer / leadership documented by letter of reference sent in by your overseer /20

PE 11 Activities:

- A range of activities should be participated in, including : Group games (basketball, hockey), dual and individual activities (tennis, weight training, running), rhythmic activities (dance)

- Participate in outdoor activities and alternate environment activities (hiking, rock climbing, skiing)

- Show Safety and fair play in all activities

- Apply a leadership role in a range of activities

PE 11 Grading rubric

Log (75%) / Health paces
( 15%) / Plan (5%) / 400 Athelete (5%) / 10 hrs volu. (10%)
A 86-100 / At least 4 types of activities
Min 30 hours per term.
Min 120 for completion / Grade determined by score on PACEs. / -Well developed
-includes all elements / Superior language, independent thoughts, mature style, Good understanding / Coaching role
Organizing an event
B 73-85 / At least 4 types of activities
Min. 25 hours per term
Min 100 hours for completion / Includes all elements / Few grammar mistakes, unity of thought, Good points, Understands topic / Helping role
Helping organizing event
C+ 67-72 / At least 3 types of activities
Min 20 hours of activity per term
Min 100 hours for completion / Information not clearly explained, and does not include all elements / Few grammar errors, coherent structure
C 60-66 / At least 2 types of activities
Min 20 hours per term
Min 100 hours for completion / Bad sentence structure
C- 50-59 / At least 2 types of activities
Less than 20 hours for term. / Incoherent and does not answer question.

PE 11 Assessment Form Quarter: 1, 2, 3, 4 (circle one)

Student Name:______Date: ______

Sport or Lesson (if applicable)______

Coach or Instructor name (if applicable):______

Coach or Instructor contact (email or phone):______


Please rate the student on his/her performance in the following areas:

Always – 4

Usually – 3

Sometimes – 2

Needs improvement – 1

If not applicable, then leave blank

1. Personal and social responsibility

Fulfilled group role

Followed rules

Enthusiastic about personal challenge

2. Active living

Respect for others

Respect for the environment

Respect and confidence in self

3. Movement

Understanding skills

Performance of skills





PE Log

Student Name : ______Quarter ____

Date / Activity / Time (in minutes) / Parent Initial / Date / Activity / Time (in minutes) / Parent Initial

Total hours for this row: ______Total hours for this row: ______