The Pocahontas County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, August 26, 2013, at 7:00 PM at the Board of Education Conference Room with the following members present:

Emery G. Grimes, President
Kenneth E. Vance)
Janet E. McNeel)MEMBERS
Hanna G. Sizemore)
Cheryl M. Beverage)


On motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board unanimously approved a call for an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. The Board went into Executive Session at 6:00 PM and, at the conclusion of the Executive Session, on motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board unanimously agreed to return to the agenda at 7:10 PM


On motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Boardunanimously approved the Agenda.


On motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board of Education meeting held on July 27, 2013.


On motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board unanimously approved the Minutes of the Board of Education Meeting held on August 12, 2013.


Superintendent Lester told the Board that the first week of school was a success. He said that the atmosphere in the schools was positive and enthusiastic.


Superintendent Lester gave the following report:

  1. He received an e-mail from David Cain regarding the modular house for sale at the high school. Mr. Cain offered to purchase the house by making three annual payments of $20,000. Mr. Lester stated that he has contacted Jason Long on the matter.
  2. A memorandum from Dr. James Phares, state superintendent, stating WESTEST results are embargoed and will be released on August 28, 2013.
  3. He received an e-mail from Morgan McComb, head custodian at Pocahontas County High School, requesting the Board consider changing the two custodian III positions from 220 day employment to 240 day employment.
  4. He informed the Board that there will be a dinner in honor of students who scored mastery or above on the WESTEST. He stated that the date was yet to be determined, but would like to invite all Board Members in advance.
  5. He informed the Board that the building located on the Hillsboro Elementary School grounds, which previously housed the public library, has been sold to James Groves. Mr. Groves agreed to sell the building to the Board of Education for the sum of $200. Mr. Lester stated that the building needs some repairs – he believes the repairs can be made by the carpentry class at Pocahontas County High School.
  6. He provided the Board with a list of prices and information on tractors provided by Joseph Riley, principal of Marlinton Middle School.
  7. He asked the Board if they were still interested in pursuing the possibility of moving the Central Office to the annex building at Pocahontas County High School.
    Dr. Sizemore requested a detailed breakdown of costs.
  8. He asked the Board if they were still interested in pursuing the possibility of imposing a tax levy.

Ms. McNeel stated that it appeared there is no other option but to pursue the levy.
Mr. Grimes stated that right now, the biggest priority was the safe and rural schools money.


  1. John Simmons and Betty Kershner of the Hillsboro Senior Citizens Center approached the Board to confront rumors that the contract on the room currently used by the Senior Citizens at Hillsboro Elementary School would not be renewed once the new cafeteria was built.
    Mr. Lester and Mr. Grimes both assured the Senior Citizens that was not going to happen. The contract would be renewed and they were welcome to stay.
  2. Dr. Karen O’Neil, Aleisa Wayne, and Lindsay Sutton approached the Board to give an update on the Northern Pocahontas Wellness Center.

Dr. O’Neil informed the Board that the wellness center opened in February of 2013 and now has 65 paying members and is completely volunteer run.
Dr. O’Neil told the Board that the wellness center board would like to build a proper facility. The facility would be located on property owned by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory near Green Bank Elementary School. Dr. O’Neil stated that the wellness center would not be a replica of the one in Marlinton, instead would complement it. Just as with the wellness center in Marlinton, the one in Green Bank could be used by the students during the school day. Dr. O’Neil further stated that Chapman Technical Group, the same group that designed the Marlinton Wellness Center, has been contacted about the possibility of designing the Northern Pocahontas Wellness center.

Dr. O’Neil told the Board that in addition to the Pocahontas County Board of Education, the wellness center board is partnering with the NRAO, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, Pocahontas County Parks and Rec, The Snowshoe Foundation, and the National Forest Service.

Dr. O’Neil stated that, at this time, she was only updating the Board on the progress of the wellness center, but in the future will be looking for community partners.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board unanimously approved the grant awards.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Dr. Sizemore, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $82,349.91.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $725.39.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion ofMr. Vance, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board unanimously approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims (local government purchasing card and ACH Payments) in the amount of $26,785.33.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board unanimously approved to purchase the storage shed located on the grounds of Hillsboro Elementary School from James Groves at a cost of $200.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved for Leslie J. Goodall, a resident of Highland County, Virginia, to enroll her child in Pocahontas County Schools for the 2013-2014 school year.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Dr. Sizemore, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board unanimously approved Misty Adkison, a resident of Pocahontas County, to attend Greenbrier County Schools for the 2013-2014 school year.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Dr. Sizemore, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved for the Pocahontas County Board of Education to contribute $3,000 towards an AmeriCorps volunteer to facilitate the Farm to School program, under the supervision of the Food Service Coordinator.


On motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board unanimously approved a call for an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. The Board went into Executive Session at 8:15 PM and, at the conclusion of the Executive Session, on motion of Dr. Sizemore, seconded by Mr. Vance, the Board unanimously agreed to return to the agenda at 8:35 PM.


On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board unanimously approved the following professional and service personnel:

Green Bank Elementary-Middle School:
EMPLOYMENT: / LUCY M. RITTENHOUSE, as academic interventionist, grades 6-8, at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School, effective September 3, 2013 – May 9, 2014, at $20 per hour – three hours per day, as needed – not to exceed $7,800. Schedule to be determined by principal.
EMPLOYMENT: / VALERIE H. LAMBERT, as classroom aide/bus aide – preschool special needs/preschool at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School, retroactive to August 21, 2013 for the 2013-2014 school year. Term of employment: 195 days. (NOTE: Position to be abolished at the end of the 2013-2014 school year.)
Hillsboro Elementary School:
EMPLOYMENT: / LINDA H. VANREENEN, as academic interventionist, grades 1-5, at Hillsboro Elementary School, effective September 3, 2013 – May 9, 2014, at $20 per hour – three hours per day, as needed – not to exceed $7,800. Schedule to be determined by principal.
Marlinton Elementary School:
EMPLOYMENT: / TERESA BARB, as academic interventionist, grades 1 & 2, at Marlinton Elementary School, effective September 3, 2013 – May 9, 2014, at $20 per hour – three hours per day, as needed – not to exceed $7,800. Schedule to be determined by principal.
EMPLOYMENT: / LYANN ZELINSKY, as academic interventionist, grades 3 & 4, at Marlinton Elementary School, effective September 3, 2013 – May 9, 2014, at $20 per hour – three hours per day, as needed – not to exceed $7,800. Schedule to be determined by principal.
Marlinton Middle School:
EMPLOYMENT: / JEAN SRODES, as academic interventionist, grades 5-8, at Marlinton Middle School, effective September 3, 2013 – May 9, 2014, at $20 per hour – three hours per day, as needed – not to exceed $7,800. Schedule to be determined by principal.
Pocahontas County High School:
INCREASED SUPPLEMENT: / Of the following from cheerleading coach for Pocahontas County High School, at a supplement of $1,500 (to be divided equally), to cheerleading coach for Pocahontas County High School, at a supplement of $2,000 (to be divided equally), effective for the 2013-2014 season:
Darlene D. Arbogast
Melody Knisely
Pocahontas County Schools:
REQUESTED TRANSFER: / ADAM TAYLOR, from school bus operator for Pocahontas County School, Morning Run: Beginning at Pocahontas County High School, turn right on to Route 28 towards Dunmore, turn left on to Route 92, turn left onto Route 66 at Cass intersection to Big Springs of Elk, turn right on to Route 219 to Dry Branch Road, turn left onto Dry Branch Road, turn the bus at the Mary Jane Moses residence, travel out of Dry Branch Road, turn right on to Route 219 to Big Springs of Elk, turn left on to Route 66, turn bus at Ralph Beckwith’s residence return to Route 66, turn left onto Route 219, travel to Marlinton Elementary School, then on to Pocahontas County High School.
Afternoon Run: Reverse of morning run.
To school bus operator for Pocahontas County Schools, Morning Run: Beginning at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School,
traveling Route 92 to Route 28, and entering Laurel Run Road to Cloverlick, following River Road and turning at end of River Road, coming back out and turning right in to Stoney Bottom at top of Coal Run Road and travel into Gum Road to Whittaker Campground then to Back Mountain Road, following Back Mountain Road into Cass, to Cass Firehouse – turn bus, come out of Cass and turn on Old Cass Road to end and turn around, traveling back on Route 66 and turning left at intersection, traveling on to Green Bank Elementary-Middle School. Afternoon Run: Reverse of morning run, retroactive to August 20, 2013.
REQUESTED TRANSFER: / CINDY WADE-PRICE, from custodian III at Pocahontas County High School to itinerant special education classroom aide/bus aide for Pocahontas County Schools (assignment – Marlinton Middle School), retroactive to August 21, 2013 for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year. Term of employment: 195 days (NOTE: Term of employment shall be 200 days each year thereafter).
REQUESTED TRANSFER: / LESA ALLEN, from itinerant special education classroom aide/bus aide/paraprofessional for Pocahontas County Schools (assignment – Marlinton Middle School) to itinerant special education classroom aide/bus aide/paraprofessional for Pocahontas County Schools (assignment – Green Bank Elementary-Middle School), retroactive to August 21, 2013. Term of employment: 195 days (NOTE: Term of employment shall be 200 days each year thereafter).
EMPLOYMENT: / WILLIAM BROWN, as itinerant teacher of special education (multi-categorical)/autism for Pocahontas County Schools (assignment – Pocahontas County High School), effective September 3, 2013 for the 2013-2014 school year. Term of employment: 186 days (NOTE: Term of employment shall be 200 days each year thereafter).
EMPLOYMENT: / Of the following as substitute teacher for Pocahontas County Schools, as needed, effective August 28, 2013 for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, at state basic pay based on degree and experience:
Jessica Hays
Kayla J. Jordan
Christina Smith
EMPLOYMENT: / Of the following as substitute aide for Pocahontas County Schools, effective August 28, 2013, as needed, for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, at state basic pay:
Shannon Barkley Bircher
Melinda Bussard
Jessica Estep Cole
Tanya LaBounty
Becky Peteete
Heather Rhea
EMPLOYMENT: / M. SUSAN ARBOGAST, as parent involvement coordinator for Pocahontas County Schools, effective August 27, 2013 – May 9, 2014, at $20 per hour – 250 hours – not to exceed $5,000. Schedule to be determined by Director of Federal Programs, but cannot be extended beyond May 9, 2014.
EMPLOYMENT: / Of the following as parent involvement staff for Pocahontas County Schools, effective August 28, 2013 – May 9, 2014, at $12 per hour – 250 hours – not to exceed $3,000. Schedule to be determined by the Director of Federal Programs but cannot be extended beyond May 9, 2014.
Michelle D. Jeffers
Kendra Taylor
EMPLOYMENT: / Of the following as mentor teachers for the 2013-2014 school year:
Richard F. McLaughlin – mentoring Gregory D. Morgan - $1,000
Richard F. McLaughlin – mentoring Robert J. Mann - $1,000
Robert Sheets – mentoring Jason Pyles - $1,000
Robert Sheets – mentoring Heather Nicholson - $1,000
Patrick D. Gibson – mentoring Dewey T. Hoover - $1,000
Patrick D. Gibson – mentoring Dervin Lambert - $500 (first semester only)
E. Jamey Weber – mentoring Brian M. Smith - $1,000
Michelle D. Jeffers – mentoring Stephanie Workman - $1,000
EMPLOYMENT: / Of the following as substitute custodian for Pocahontas County Schools, effective August 28, 2013, as needed, for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, at state basic pay.
Vickie Johnson Vrable
EMPLOYMENT: / Of the following as substitute cook for Pocahontas County Schools, effective August 28, 2013, as needed, for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, at state basic pay:
Lisa Cassell
Rebecca Davis
Amanda Hoke
Vicki Johnson Vrable

Ms. McNeel recused herself while the Board voted on the employment of E. Jamey Weber – mentoring Brian M. Smith - $1,000, which passed with a 4-0 vote.


Ms. McNeel voiced her concerns about rumors of tracking, or placing students in classes based upon their academic level, taking place in some schools in the county. She pointed out that it was illegal to do so.

Mr. Lester stated that it was not taking place, to the best of his knowledge.

Ms. Beverage asked what was being done about the alternative education teacher at Pocahontas County High School.

Mr. Lester stated that he is looking into posting the position as an hourly contract.


Mr. Grimes called a special board meeting for Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the Board of Education Conference Room.


The next Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, September 9, 2013, at 7:00 PM in the Board of Education conference room.


On motion of Mr. Vance, seconded by Dr. Sizemore, the Board agreed to adjourn.

