Gross domestic product is the total market value of all ______and ______produced in a country for a given time period.

a.  Final goods and services

b.  Unfinished goods and services

c.  Services and revenues

d.  Revenues and final goods

Global marketing standardization presumes that the markets throughout the world are becoming more ______.

a.  Different

b.  Distant

c.  Alike

d.  Qualified

What must a country do to receive loans from the World Bank?‬

a.  Pledge to lower trade barriers and aid private enterprise

b.  Be a member of the UN

c.  Have a capitalist economy

d.  Accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior

Which one of these is NOT an intermediary?

a.  Export broker

b.  Export agents

c.  Export regulation

d.  Buyer for export

Which of the following is a solution that is new and designed specifically for a problem?

a.  Ready-made solution

b.  Custom-made solution

c.  Both A&B

d.  None of the Above

Which of the following is NOT a method managers use to make decisions?

a.  Maximizing

b.  Satisficing

c.  Evaluating

d.  Optimizing

Which of these is not a reason to dump a product in another country?

a.  To increase the overseas market.

b.  To make up for lack of sales in the home country.

c.  Lower unit production cost.

d.  To attract employees from another country to work for this company.

During a countertrade, which of the following is true?

a.  Goods are paid for in full with cash.

b.  Goods are paid for in part of fully with goods or services.

c.  Every store accepts this as a form of payment.

d.  Only one party must agree to this trade.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding China and India.

a.  They have greater linguistic and sociocultural diversity than any other country

b.  They are two of the world’s largest geographic areas

c.  They have the world’s smallest populations

d.  They have some of the highest growth rates in the world.

Which American company has not experienced success in the Chinese market?

a.  General Motors

b.  KFC

c.  Coca-Cola

d.  Home Depot
