ECB Annual Photography Award 2007


in cooperation with the Bank of Greece

In 2004 the European Central Bank (ECB) launched an annual photography competition as part of its CULTURAL DAYS programme. It invites young photographers to present their vision of the countrybeing featured in the competition. The winner of the first prize is awarded the “ECB Annual Photography Award”.

With this initiative, the ECB intends to build up a digital collection of photographic works which provides an insight into the photography from individual EU countries and combines to reflect Europe’s richness and cultural diversity, as seen through the eyes of young, emerging artists.

“Greecetoday”is the theme of the ECB Annual Photography Award 2007 as this year’s CULTURAL DAYS of the European Central Bank will be devoted to Greece and organised in close cooperation with the Bank of Greece.

Competition rules


The theme of the 2007 competition is “Greecetoday”. The photographs submitted must have been taken in Greece. There are no restrictions with regard to the specific motifs or the content of the photographs submitted.

2.Eligibility requirements

The competition is open to photographers born in or after 1972. Photographers must either a) be of Greek nationality or b) have been living and working in Greece since at least 1997.

3.Structure of the competition

The competition shall take place in two stages:

  • First stage: A jury shall assess the work of all entrants that fulfil the entry requirements and shall draw up a shortlist of ten participants.
  • Second stage: The jury shall choose three prizewinners from among the ten shortlisted participants.

4.Award ceremony and exhibition

The works of the ten shortlisted photographers will be exhibited in Frankfurt am Main as part of the 2007 CULTURAL DAYS programme. The Bank of Greece will invite the shortlisted participants to the award ceremony and exhibition opening in Frankfurt in October/November 2007. The exhibition may also subsequently be shown elsewhere. A catalogue in both English and Greek will accompany the exhibition.

  1. Photographs to be submitted
  • Artists may submit a portfolio of five to eight digital or analogue photographs, in either colour or black and white. The photographs may be digitally reworked.
  • Photographs must be submitted as paper or computer prints. The images must be no smaller than 24 x 30cm and no larger than 30 x 40cm.
  • Photographs must have been taken after 31 December 2005. Photographs that have already won an award in an artistic or photographic competition may not be submitted for this competition.
  • The name of the artistmust appear on the back of each photograph.

6.Accompanying material to be submitted

Artists should also submit the following:

  • Technical information about the photographs submitted (e.g. titles of works, the year they were taken, technique(s) and materials used).
  • A short description of the works and underlying concepts(maximum 300 words), indicating the link between the works submitted and the given theme.
  • A curriculum vitae (maximum 300 words) and a recent photograph of the artist.
  • A completed and signed application form (see attached application form).

7.Closing date

  • All photographs and accompanying material must be sent by 6 July 2007 to:

Bank of Greece

ECB Annual Photography Award 2007 “Greecetoday”

Communication, Press & Public Relations

21 E. Venizelos Avenue

102 50 Athens


  • Late entries will not be considered.
  • The ECB and the Bank of Greece will not be liable for any damage arising in the course of submission.
  • Photographs and accompanying material sent by participants who are not shortlisted will be returned at the end of 2007. In the case of the works that are exhibited, the photographs and accompanying material will remain with the ECB until the end of the exhibition(s),whereupon they will, upon request, be returned to the artists.


The jury shall comprise up to five people who are internationally renowned in the field of photography. The ECB and the Bank of Greece shall each send one observer.


The jury shall award the following prizes:

-First prize:€5,000

-Second prize:€3,000

-Third prize:€2,000

  • The jury shall select the shortlisted participants and prizewinners by majority vote.
  • The jury shall reserve the right to change the number of shortlisted participants; it shall also reserve the right to decide not to award prizes.
  • The verdict of the jury shall be final.


The participants in the second stage shall grant the ECB the transferable, irrevocable, geographically unlimited and infinite right to exhibit the works submitted in light boxes or in any other format and without any limitation in time. This shall not entail any cost for competition participants.


  • The shortlisted artists shall grant the ECB and the Bank of Greece for a period of two years after the end of the second stage of the competition the right to reproduce, distribute and otherwise use the works in the following manner:
  • Reproduction, particularly in the form of print products, including periodical publications (e.g. Annual Reports) and any other publications (e.g. brochures); this right shall also comprise exploitation of the works for ECB publications;
  • distribution including without being limited to leasing or gratuitous loan, on websites, in multimedia presentations, electronic journals, on CD-ROMs, DVDs and all currently known comparable forms of data carriers, database and archival storage in analogue, digital or electronic form, provided that the images of the works are clearly not intended to be reproduced for commercial purposes; this includes the right to crop and/or adapt the images of the works to a given format;
  • public communication including without being limited to any media platforms, websites, the internet and the ECB’s Intranet, provided that the images of the works are clearly not intended to be downloaded for commercial purposes; and
  • broadcasting for transmission including without being limited to television broadcasting and live streaming via the internet and other media platforms.
  • The prizewinners shall grant the ECB the transferable, irrevocable, geographically unlimited and infinite right to reproduce, distribute, exhibit, present, communicate to the public, broadcast and otherwise use the work without any limitation in time in the following manner:
  • Reproduction, particularly in the form of print products including periodical publications (e.g. Annual Reports) and any other publications (e.g. brochures); this right shall also comprise exploitation of the works for ECB publications;
  • distribution including without being limited to leasing or gratuitous loan, on websites, multimedia presentations, electronic journals, CD-ROMs, DVDs and all currently known comparable forms of data carriers, database and archival storage in analogue, digital or electronic form provided that the images of the work are clearly not intended to be reproduced for commercial purposes; this includes the right to crop and/or adapt the images of the works to a given format; and
  • public communication including without being limited to any media platforms, websites, the Internet as well as the ECB’s Intranet provided that the images of the works are clearly not intended to be downloaded for commercial purposes; and
  • broadcasting for transmission including without being limited to television broadcasting and live streaming through the Internet and other media platforms.
  • The prizes awarded shall include any licence fees or royalties for the use of the photographs in the above-mentioned manner.
  • When reproducing the works, the ECB and the Bank of Greece shall indicate the artist’s name and the title of the work.
  • Each participant shall guarantee that the works submitted are his/her original creations and that he/she is the copyright owner of these works.


In case of any queries please e-mail: the Bank of Greece () or the European Central Bank().