Good afternoon.

I attempted this email three times yesterday evening without success.

It was wonderful to meet those of you who were able to join us for Open House this week. For those of you who were unable to attend, I’m uploading a copy of my presentation, including CMS Talking Points and information about both my RELA and Reading Strategies classes, to my class website.

The main purpose for my email is to introduce you to our new classroom! We have had the opportunity to change up our furniture in the room to create different styles of work spaces to hopefully make students more comfortable and, consequently, more productive. I've included a picture of the set-up we are starting with. We have two low tables at the front for floor seating. We have a selection of desks and tables with both bench seats and larger chairs in the middle of the room. There are also five "stations" for standing and working along the back of the room.

Everyone did a great job yesterday selecting a "seat" and staying on task! This week and next, students will be rotating through the different seating options before completing an info card about their preferences.

There are a few more things I'd like to be able to add to the room in the next week or so. We still need some large floor pillows, bean bags, and exercise balls for our floor sitters. The tables are as low as I can get them, and some of the kids still need a comfy boost to reach the table top. I'd also like to be able to incorporate five "lab table" stools in the back. Standing is great for some of these kids, but sometimes a lean and prop is in order. Please consider donating any pillows, bean bags, exercise balls or stools that you aren't using any more. I'd love to help take them off your hands. And don't worry if they need a little extra attention - I'm as handy with a sewing machine as I am sandpaper and spray paint. I'd love a quick project to help make my kids more comfortable in class.

Thank you so much for the support you've already shown in just these first two weeks. I'm very excited about this school year!

Angela Miner

RELA/Reading Strategies