District Smart Sheet for Operational Testing

Technology Readiness

  • Prior to testing, use the practice test to make sure that any device you intend to use works as intended.This can be done by a student or adult. Pay careful attention to whether the volume is set sufficiently high by listening to text to speech enabled items.
  • Provide required headsets for the ELA Listening portions of the assessment, for students who require text-to-speech, for students requiring audio glossaries (mathematics only), or for students needing noise buffers.
  • For iOS 8 (i.e. iPads) devices, update the operating system to 8.1.3 or later and turn off access to specific features as described in

[States should delete this section or include a link to their version of the iOS 8 guidance if it differs. States may not require iOS 8.1.3, but in that case will need to require additional proctoring to mitigate the risk that students do something that invalidates their test.]

  • For Chromebooks, upgrade to the most recent version of the operating system (40.0.2214.115 or later).
  • For iPads, Chromebooks, and Android devices, ensure “<STATE>” is selected after the mobile Secure Browser app has been installed.
  • For devices without a built-in keyboard (e.g., iPad, Android, Windows tablet), ensure the physical keyboard is connected and working prior to the student using the device.
  • Conduct a final review of anticipated uses of school internet, wireless and hardwired networks to determine whether any unnecessary use of these resources can be deferred to after-hours or when testing is not at its peak.
  • Make available in computer labs a list of phone numbers that teachers and other test administrators can use to access help in case there are technology issues or other problems during testing.

Test Administration Readiness

  • Provide a weekly schedule for teachers regarding which classrooms or grades will be testing that week and which computer labs or mobile devices students will be using to take the test. Make sure the schedule includes information about test make-up sessions.
  • Ensure that all test administrators have been trained on test administration and security protocols and understand how to administer accessibility resources to students.
  • Using methods that retain student privacy, ensure that the test administrator is aware of all testing requirements that are specified in a students’ IEP prior to the student taking the test and that all embedded accessibility supports have been properly assigned to students.
  • Ensure students have had an opportunity to take the practice tests with the appropriate accessibility supports enabled for them to become familiar with test navigation and functionality.
  • Ensure teachers have access to correct classroom activities for the assigned performance tasks in each content area.

Test Security

  • Test security is of utmost importance. Ensure students do not bring mobile devices into the testing environment. Your school will be contacted if a student posts a test question online. Please work with the student to remove the item from social media.


Consult your state laws and guidance from the State Department of Education on how to handle students who refuse to take the assessment and/or their parents.

Consider talking to the parents about the importance of an academic check - up and how results will provide another metric to evaluate whether the student is making adequate academic progress.