North Mecklenburg Players Manual / 2017

2017 North Mecklenburg Vikings Football

Players Manual

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create a culture of confidence, responsibility, and work ethic. Student athletes are expected to work toward excellence on the field, in the classroom, and in the community while prioritizing:

  1. Family
  2. Education
  3. Football

The 2017 Vikings football team will leave an impression on this school and this city. Many of you have worked your tails off to make this year a special one. You are a unique and blessed group of young men. The character of this team should never be in question at any time throughout this season. You represent yourself, your family, your school and this team in everything you do. Make sure that everyone knows that the North Mecklenburg football team is a disciplined and respectful family that strives to be the best team on the field every night. This staff expects nothing less than your best on the field, in the classroom, and in our community. The following coaches make up our staff.

Eric Morman- Head Coach

●Ryan Redd

●Jimmy Means

Justin Hernandez

●Allan Duckworth

●Damon Mckee

●Ryan Fowler

●William Fly

These coaches have earned the right to be called Coach. When a player from our team addresses one of these men it will be by Coach ______or by Sir.

General Team Rules

Each player must do the right thing at all times.

If a player does not know what the right thing is he should ask someone who does.

Treat others as you would want to be treated.

Do not embarrass your family, North Mecklenburg high school or your team at any time.

Do not degrade another player on this football team.

Be committed to this program in every aspect.

Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Policy

Any member of the North Mecklenburg football team that is caught using or selling drugs will be dismissed from the team

●The drinking of alcohol is not permitted and any player caught drinking will be disciplined.

●There will be no tobacco use of any kind.

Attendance Policy

No excuses will be tolerated for missing practices. Each player is bound by the same set of rules. The only exception for missing a practice is a death in the family. The player will need to contact the Head Coach or the Assistant Head Coach prior to the absence. If a student can come to school then he can come to practice.

We will live by the 3 strikes rule:

1st absence- The player will see Coach Morman and or the mistake period coordinator to make up the practice missed. The player will be suspended for the first half of the next game. Failure to make up this practice will result in suspension from the team.

2nd absence- The player must make up the practice with Coach Morman and or the mistake period Coordinator and is suspended from playing in one game. The suspended player will practice with his team.


Attendance is mandatory and should never be a problem. Tardiness will be handled by extra conditioning after practice. If a player is sick and leaves school or does not come to school, the absence is excused; however, they will have to make up all missed practices before they play in the next game. Doctor’s notes are excused, but the practice must be made up in order to fulfill the requirement to participate in games. If a player walks off the field or is sent off the field, he is absent from that practice.

Wear the Proper Uniform

Dress in the proper uniform for all practices, games, or team functions. There will be consequences if you are not dress appropriately during practice.

  1. On short and shirts day's – Spirit Pack North Mecklenburg shirts and shorts, Girdle, along with your helmet
  2. Shell day's- Helmet, Shoulder Pads with Practice Jersey, Girdle with pads in it, and North Mecklenburg Football shorts.
  3. Full Pads - Helmet, Shoulder Pads with Practice Jersey, Girdle with pads in it and Practice Pants
  4. During practice and games, helmets will remain on with chin straps buckled at all times until breaks.
  5. No Spatting or extra tape placed on the uniform, (unless given special permission due to an injury).
  6. Never alter, cut, write on, add to, or change any piece of your uniform unless given permission by a coach.
  7. Shorts will be worn at waist height.

Locker Room Rules and Guidelines

Locker Area: This is not your bedroom. Do not throw things everywhere. Take pride in your locker room and keep it clean. Throw things away in the trash cans.

●Do not bring valuables or large amounts of money to school. North Mecklenburg High School is not responsible for any lost items.

●Double check your locker to make sure it is locked after every practice, game and meeting.

●Do not write or change anything on the bulletin boards. If there is a problem tell a coach.

●Shoes: Do not wear football shoes of any kind in the locker room area. Put them on and take them off outside. Do not pound them against the walls.

●Take your clothes home and clean them












Skill Players 3 minutes

Lineman 3 ½ minutes

  1. Late to Chalk- Punishment ½ Viking Run
  2. Late for Practice- Full Viking Run
  3. Break Team Rules- Full Viking Run
  4. Loafs - 1 timed gasser for each loaf during a practice or game
  5. Wearing cleats in the fieldhouse/ locker room- Full Viking Run
  6. Gameday Dress Violations- Full Viking Run for each violation. This includes jewelry, socks, etc
  7. Teacher Referrals (Serious Offense) and ISS- Full Viking Run
  8. No effort, cursing or poor attitudes- Full Viking Run
  9. Skipping out on Locker Room cleanup duties – Full Viking Run
  10. Training Room Violation/ Sitting on the Gator- Full Viking Run
  11. OSS Unexcused Practice = Miss game and Full Viking Run for each practice missed
  12. Disrespect to Coaches or Viking Football Program:
  1. Meet with Coach Morman
  2. Meeting with position coach and Coach Morman
  3. Possible you will not dress for game or scrimmage
  4. You mustpay to get into game
  5. Not allowed at pre-game meal (if suspended)
  6. Not allowed to attend away game with team or to be on the sideline (if suspended)

●Mistake period will be given by any coach for an infraction of these rules.

●Classroom referrals by teachers or ISS will result in mistake period for the athlete in question. 1st referral – full Viking Run. Each referral after that will result in a doubling of the above actions.

Leadership Council Committee

This committee will be made up of players from each position group that I will meet with on a weekly basis. If you have a question or concern, tell one of these members and it will be addressed.

My door is always open to any player on our team. You may meet with me at any time before or after practice. We will talk to players about what you can do to get more playing time. Our coaching staff will never talk to parents about playing time.

Remember: Each day you have an opportunity to outwork your opponent/competition, if you don’t it will show up on Thursday and Friday nights. When the season is over be able to look in the mirror and say I gave it my all and I have no regrets. Take each day with a sense of urgency. This season will be over much sooner than you anticipate. Good or great it is up to you!! NOTHING LESS THAN A CHAMPIONSHIP!!